No mo squitos

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DEET, more DEET and Citronella candles for me.

I'm more afraid of what the mosquitoes might be carrying than what DEET might do to me.
Mosquitoes are vectors for bacterial, viral, protozoan and filarial diseases impacting not only humans but dogs and cats as well.

I will use 100% DEET on me and found applying a few drops to a dogs nylon collar or edge of their bedding/blanket works well in protecting them
Never spray or apply DEET products directly on dogs cats, it can make them very ill if they ingest it via licking.

I've tried permethrin. It seems to repel ticks and chiggers OK on clothing and pet bedding but mosquitoes don't seem very bothered by it.
Permethrin is suppose to kill mosquitoes that come in contact with it, but they don't die on immediate contact so you still get bit.
I've seen mosquitos bite through a shirt freshly treated with permethrin. I've never seen a mosquito get anywhere near products treated with DEET, which actually repels mosquitoes.
Weldman: how about a summary for those of us who don't have easy access to YT, or have limited data plans?

Back on topic:
Any tips on dealing with mosquitoes that get inside one's vehicle?

I've concluded they're mostly getting thru my side window screens, so I try to close those well before evening, but I sometimes forget if I'm "in The Zone".
The numbers are fairly low, but my coordination sucks & it's still irritating exterminating 'em (need a mini Dalek (...that's a science-fictional robot that kills stuff)).

Thanks to all who have contributed such useful info about outside mosquitoes!
I haven't had a problem with skeeters (finger crossed) inside our out. What I have had is little moths and gnats. What a PITA to get rid of/kill. I do carry a flyswatter and used it a lot on them. They seem to like the ceiling in my van. I haven't used it yet (haven't been out) but I got a portable bug zapper:
It recharges via USB. The big zapper at the house works well.
Thanks Brian! :)
After you recommended that gadget (at another forum), I did add it to my Amazon cart and set up a CamelCamelCamel price watch.
Was sorely tempted to order it last week, when I finally broke down and ordered a couple of modest lights (don't really have a "proper" light in the van (mostly just flashlights)), but the reviews were too ambiguous (I do love the concept of a dual purpose gadget).

Perhaps you could "take one for the team", and test it in your Beast? :D
Actually... since it's otherwise empty, that might be easy, and fun for you!
Just set up the device, then let in a few mossies at dusk, and do a body count early morning.
You're a born tinkerer, you know you want to do it. :D

No pressure! :)
Also, my sympathies on the gnats.
Have had one or two per day, plus an occasional small blackfly, but none as aggressive as the mossies.
Be careful with those black flies, they can take a chunk of meat when they bite.

To be honest, I haven't seen a skeeter around here for a few weeks. Maybe the big zapper got them all.
Thermacell works well indoors for me.
Citronella torches surrounding the area I am sitting works well outdoors.
In Minnesota! (land of 10 trillion mosquitoes).
interesting I hope you do a follow up on the UV zapper.

I was told that the UV light zappers really don't work on skeeters that you might get some but they really aren't attracted to the UV. I heard that you need the CO2 generator zappers.

Any review will have to wait for them to show up again or for when I can finally get back on the road. I guess I could open the door all day and then turn it on one night to see what it catches.
We've had different kinds of bug zappers. Helpful for a number of bugs but I have to agree that they didn't seem to get many skeeters. Still great for fruit flies and gnats and termites, which can rise up in an overwhelming storm if you even see them at all.
Left the door open all day and then closed up after dark. No bugs in the zapper or any in the van. Too hot here I guess. The real test has to wait for me to get back out there.
Brian, thanks for your experiment! :)

Spaceman Spiff said:
Thermacell works well indoors for me.

Spiff, please tell me more. :)

Yesterday, my slaying skillz suddenly improved immensely (weird!) after weeks of being pathetic, so I'm making some progress.

The noise is extremely annoying.
They're getting into my overhead fan, and I can't get them out (yes, I frequently reverse the fan for a while then quickly close it, which helps but about half are still there).
For a few hours every night, they buzz around, about a foot from my head, while I'm trying to work.
I'm using earplugs, but have Vulcan hearing, so the earplugs are of limited effectiveness.
It's not as bad once I go to bed, since my head is then farther from them.

Has anyone experienced and solved this issue?
I'm considering kludging together a noise reducing insert, which could also act as insulation in cooler weather.

Have you tried blowing some sort of forced air into the bottom of the fan while it is in exhaust mode, to really blow them outta there?

It might help to use an airpump of some kind. I'd imagine a can of that pressurized air for cleaning out electronics would maybe work too, but that'd get expensive after a while.


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I usually run my fan blowing out and have a window cracked near me for a breese. I haven't had many critters in there but I don't stay up late either. IDK if they are attracted to light or not but they seem to be.
Angie: Great idea - thanks!
I do tap against the wire screen, and that helps a bit (startles 'em to fly "up").
The core problem is the overhead fan dome is high & has side recesses where they can hide. It also seems like they can get into it, relatively easy (i.e. rain-proof but not air-tight, which makes sense to me).

Brian: Good point! I'll try closing my curtains as soon as I need light.
lenny flank said:
In Florida, the skeeter is our state bird. We grow 'em big down there.  ;)

Not trying to one up you, Lenny, but where I grew up in Wisconsin the mosquitoes have landing lights!