The author portrays the "desperate" ones as just older Americans who don't have enough retirement savings or SS to make it in retirement, so they take workamping jobs to make ends meet. We're not thieves, beggars, trash, Slabbers, tweakers, ect. In fact, many of these people could be former business owners, All-American man/woman next door, HOA president, ect. They worked all their lives, paid their dues, but do not have enough retirement saved so they do workamping jobs. There's no crime in that, and it doesn't rate a national pity party. They follow the rules, have registered vehicles, and clean their campsites. Some one who has worked as a campground host knows what a clean campsite looks like. For people on a tight budget, yes, making it until the first of the month can get tough once in a while, but they do it.