News, Many older Americans are living a desperate, nomadic life

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I really have a problem with the clickbait title. 

How many is “MANY?

At whate age is someone considered “OLDER?

What exactly is meant by the word “DESPERATE?

IMHO,  there is someone doing some exploitation here.
Seems to me the people who complain the most about income inequality are also the ones who advocate for policies that increase it.

The problem is economics is not taught in schools.

I’ve personally helped/witnessed several people who went from penniless to doing well— it’s not that hard to pull yourself up by the bootstraps if you’re willing to work.

Reducing expenses by going nomadic is a perfectly legitimate strategy.

Calling it desperate is judgemental and ignorant.
RoamingKat said:
There is a huge number of us who are living the live because we want to.  
I could have put my efforts into the purchase of a condo and renovate it....I didn’t. I wanted wheels under my home.  

My only real concern is that the powers that be start to put the screws to all of us because of the behavior of the few.      And this sort of publication only lends more credence to the belief that we are gypsies in the old thieves, beggars, mentally deranged, druggies, etc.     the vast majority of us are not any of those things....but we will be painted with that same brush.

Someone. Should set this author straight...and maybe get a new publication bring the facts forward?

The author portrays the "desperate" ones as just older Americans who don't have enough retirement savings or SS to make it in retirement, so they take workamping jobs to make ends meet. We're not thieves, beggars, trash, Slabbers, tweakers, ect. In fact, many of these people could be former business owners, All-American man/woman next door, HOA president, ect. They worked all their lives, paid their dues, but do not have enough retirement saved so they do workamping jobs. There's no crime in that, and it doesn't rate a national pity party. They follow the rules, have registered vehicles, and clean their campsites. Some one who has worked as a campground host knows what a clean campsite looks like. For people on a tight budget, yes, making it until the first of the month can get tough once in a while, but they do it.
Knox Al said:
Is the book worth the Kindle cost of around $10.00 or not?

Knox Al

Check it out from the library if you can.  My local library had an e audiobook that I could just download.
My nephew has out a real page turner. A Steampunk Zombie Western with the title BODACIOUS CREED. 

His is an admitted work of fiction, while this is an opinion piece that is not as honest as to the actual realities of the personal situation. 

How much money is enough to have to be satisfied with your retirement?
waldenbound said:
The author portrays the "desperate" ones as just older Americans who don't have enough retirement savings or SS to make it in retirement, so they take workamping jobs to make ends meet. We're not thieves, beggars, trash, Slabbers, tweakers, ect. In fact, many of these people could be former business owners, All-American man/woman next door, HOA president, ect. They worked all their lives, paid their dues, but do not have enough retirement saved so they do workamping jobs. There's no crime in that, and it doesn't rate a national pity party. They follow the rules, have registered vehicles, and clean their campsites. Some one who has worked as a campground host knows what a clean campsite looks like. For people on a tight budget, yes, making it until the first of the month can get tough once in a while, but they do it.

and have been for over 40 years, nothing new here besides selling another book.
Thread closed.
Several posts have been deleted because of bickering. The thread also drifted off-topic which was not in any way adding to the discussion.
I believe everyone has had a chance to post their opinion on the topic and keeping the thread open will not add anything of value to the forum. This issue has been discussed several times on the forum and has always degenerated into a heated argument.
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