newbie needs help

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Mar 1, 2016
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I just had my first day of van living. Camped at Sequoia NP campsite. Can not afford to keep camping at campgrounds Feel so lost/overwelmed on how to find disperse campsites. Also what is the right altidude for this time of year, where do I find water, and a million more questions. I have read this website and thought I was ready but I guess I am wrong.  I'm such an intervert that it is hard to ask strangers for help. What would be great if someone has the time and would like to travel together for a few days so I can see how it is done. At this moment heading towards Bakersfield, CA then out to Az.  Please email me if you do not mind traveling together for a few days. Thanks for any help I can get.
Hi, I am in the east, so no help there. I can tell u some things I did when new and in spot u are in, in my case starting to panic:) just what worked for me we are all different in what  works:)

At work may need to go suddenly!

If u can find a place to stop and it free and feels safe stay put! Eat, drink water, anything that helps to feel grounded. Truck stops worked great to regroup. Suprisingly never had any trouble. Forests are hard in the beginning, like u said water. Ect. Walmarts, anywhere I felt at all welcome:) for dispersed campsites?

Call national forests ask about dispersed camping. Call blm people ask options.

I started camping outside of campgrounds. So i felt safe but didn't have to pay.

Hopefully someone with knowledge of the West comes along!
Looking at s. national parks on map, do u want to stay put, travel in one direction or another? Above u is a national forest, they allow dispersed camping, national parks not usually.
United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service Sequoia National Forest
Forest Service Home About the Agency Contact the National Office

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Sequoia National Forest
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Contact Information

Sequoia National Forest
Supervisors Office
P. 559.784.1500
TDD. 559.781.6650
Hume Lake
Ranger District
P. 559.338.2251
Western Divide
Ranger District
P. 559.539.2607
Kern River
Ranger District:
Kernville Office
P. 760.376.3781
Kern River
Ranger District:
Lake Isabella Office
P. 760.379.5646
Contact Us

If u put in s national park and fa.USDA it takes u to this page for Sequoia camping. I call a ranger station and ask questions. They want to help us, they don't want us stucknout there!

Dispersed Camping

Dispersed Camping Areas
Hume Lake Ranger District area description
Abbott Creek Camping Area
Cherry Gap OHV Staging Area
Eastern Big Meadow Road Camping Area
Grouse Meadow Camping Area
Tenmile Road Camping Area
Western Big Meadow Road Camping Area
Kern River Ranger District area description
Ant Canyon Dispersed Area
Brush Creek Campground
Calkins Flat Dispersed Area
Chamise Flat Dispersed Area
Chico Flat Campground
Corral Creek Campground
Springhill Dispersed Area
Western Divide Ranger District

It all gets easier...just take one question at a time and ask the most important questions first.

Water: Almost all formal campgrounds have a water spigot here and there. Just look for a sign about whether the water is potable (okay to drink, use for dishes, etc.). If not potable, you can mark some separate jugs for water for showering, etc.

I do not camp in campgrounds you have to pay for, so I would stop at most any grocery store of decent size in the West and refill my gallon water jugs for about a quarter each. That was my drinking water. Also many city parks and such have spigots for water.

Have you read the How-To Articles that Bob has posted on the site? The second line of type under this website's masthead starts with "How To.." These will give you fundamentals without having to search through dozens of forum threads.

I hope you find someone to travel with for a bit. Also check Bob's blog to learn if he and the "gang" are anywhere near where you are going.

It all gets easier!!
This is my favorite app for finding dispersed [free] camping.
I have it on my phone, my GPS and my computer.  It will tell you the elevation at the sites, too.  Another good source of information is at BLM offices and websites.  I just LOVE the BLM!   :)

The first week to 10 days is the hardest for me.  And, the first night is always the most difficult adjustment time.  I've been "vandwelling" part-time for the past 6 years, and I've learned that it will get better after that initial adjustment period.   This transition time is true for me whether I'm going from sticks-and-bricks to vandwelling, or from vandwelling back to sticks-and-bricks.  It's a challenge to get re-acquainted with the different routine and space. 

As Yogidog mentioned, is a good resource.  It's my go-to web site for no- or low-cost campsites.

I think joining someone who is living the vandwelling lifestyle is a great idea.  I hope someone steps up that's in your area.  Since you posted in the "Girls Room" does that mean you would like a mentor that's a woman specifically?

If you're heading to AZ fairly soon, you may want to check out the Cottonwood area.  The weather there should be mostly pleasant right now. But, be sure to check the weather forecasts for yourself where ever you think about camping.

Suanne ... who's currently adjusting to her sticks-and-bricks
Hi again Vivian,

I just got a message from Bob Wells (owner of this web site) to invite you to camp either with him in Pahrump NV, or with a group of folks in Cottonwood AZ (4 women and 2 men). He asked me to post these invitations on his behalf since only women are allowed to post here in the Girls Room.

I camped with Bob this time last year and, being that we are both introverts, found him very easy to share camp with. He's also very welcoming and helpful when people are just getting started in this vandwelling lifestyle. He said "I would be glad to help her in any way I can." (Note: Bob will be leaving Pahrump early next week.)

If that won't work for you, another option is to join the Cottonwood group. I know a couple of these folks, and they are good welcoming people too. As he said, you would be "treated like gold."

Email Bob at [email protected] and he will reply with a map. Or email him to join the Cottonwood group, and he'll supply a map with the email address of one of those folks (Randy).

I hope one of these options work out for you. Keep us posted.

Hello VivA.......I hope you are doing o.k.......I have just seen your post seeking help and you have come to the right have had good info passed to you and two good invitations...I have only been on this site since 12-25-15 and while it seems to be a widely diverse group of many backgrounds and skill sets the one thing I've seen most often is a willingness to share knowledge and to reach out to help one another.

Welcome and please post and let us know how you are doing.   I firmly believe it will get better for you as you become more accustomed to life on the road.   TJB/Jewellann
Is this site awesome? Invite with the VIP of vandwelling on your first day out! I drove around in that befuddled state for months! Good for u for asking :). Amen on first night being hardest and it gets easier :)
Karen here. :)

 Hi ViaA,

   We're camped with a portion of the Coottnwood group and will be here for two or three more days. Our little group includes two single women, three couples, and a single man. It's been very windy so most of our interaction has been limited to visiting inside our RV and we haven't met everyone yet.  You are very welcome to join us. Spending some time hanging out in Pahrump with Bob is a good idea too.

 Freecampsites is great -

 Bob has made a map of some of his free spots -

 My map of our spots -

 Everything will get so much easier after a few weeks and you'll be a pro very quickly!
Thanks everyone for the good suggestions and emotional support. I did get water last night at a truck stop. That first day/night was very difficult emotionally. I am better today. I am very near Pahrump, NV.

Thanks again for your help and much needed support.
I traveled through the Lake Mead area last month and found several excellent boondocking sites. They were all Lake Mead National Recreation Area sites. Also, if you are heading northwest on Hwy 95, Miller's rest area between Tonopah and Hawthorne is very nice, allows o/n parking. There were several other rigs when I overnighted there.
Hi Suanne

Thanks for your help. I have email Bob after reading your response this morning. Eagerly awaiting his reply. BTW I have just arrived in Pahrump.

Thanks again for your help and every who have responded. The emotional support has gone along way in helping get over this transition phase.
I'm sure you'll find all the help you need from the looks of it. :) This site is awesome. :)

One trick to find disbursed camping is

1) Get Benchmark Atlases or Delorme Gazetteers of the states you'll mainly be in.  (they are worth every penny and aren't dependent on GPS reception or cell service for Google maps).

2) Find national forest or BLM boundary lines on the maps.

3) Look for numbered roads (that start with the prefix FS or BLM) that lead to an area within those forest or BLM boundaries.

3) Park in any site that looks good--just don't block the road, and respect the privacy of people around you.

Good luck have a blast! It gets much easier as you develop a routine! You made a great decision doing this!  :)

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