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Sep 16, 2020
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My wife and I recently launched into our RV road life hauling our travel trailer across the country from GA to my cousin's off-grid property in California.  We were pulling it with my '06 Expedition which had 220,000 miles on it.  As soon as we hit the Colorado mountains we started having troubles with the truck and realized we needed more truck. $2000 and multiple issues later, the trailer was on the mountain in California.  

The next week our truck died on us for good, we couldn't afford to fix it.

3 months later and the fires have made us evacuate the property and we had to leave our trailer since we dont have a truck.  The land is somewhat developed so some protection has been done but if the fire gets to us we will probably lose everything we own.

Trying to find a way to get a truck to go get our trailer, but I am self employed and cant properly proove my income the way finacers want.  Not sure what to do.  A friend said I should watch your videos to get any help or ideas, so here I am.

Hopeful Travelers
So sorry for this trouble and wow it sounds horrible for you!

but that Expedition ain't no truck ya know. Big SUV but ain't no truck LOL

What is the rv size? Big little or ?

I would take cash to a towing company and say I need to pick up my rv and take it to XYZ and what is the price? If they can do it for cash they will in a heartbeat. But of course you need to just research tow company or call any moving companies that might help.

I don't think it is all that bad, I would find anyone who takes cash in hand for the job and haul that puppy out to where ya want it and go from there.

You never have to prove finances with cash in hand and get that cash and walk in with cash or call and say cash paid to meet someone at the property to move the rv and done I would think.

Hoping only the best for you!!! Sounds like a bunch of issues hitting you and then fire hazards and more. WOW but you can easily pull thru this if you cash up and get'er done as you require!
Welcome Jason to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started.

Most of our rules boil down to two simple over-riding principles: 1) What you post should provide good information (like your introductory post), and 2) Any response to someone else's post should make them feel glad they are part of this forum community.

We look forward to hearing more from you.

where is your trailer California is a big state?

Rent a u-haul truck to tow and move the trailer to safety. Or budget or even just rent a random truck from any ace that renta vehicles. Main thing is to get the trailer out of harm's way.
Welcome to the forum. So sorry for your situation, I truly wish I could help. But here I am in Pennsylvania and broke. I’m putting everything I have into this old van hoping that gets me to Florida this winter.

Do you have the cash you need to rent a truck or hire a tow company? Sounds like you’re the kind of person that I would love to help financially but as I said My resources are very low.

I generally have a hard time giving cash for several reasons. but if I was close I try to pull them out of there. We already have somebody in this group that lost their home hate to see That happenen to anyone else. What do you think for members? Is there a way we can help these people? Anyone know someone Near them who’s vehicle might get them out of the situation?

God bless the Nomads especially those in needs like this.

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