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Apr 29, 2017
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Hello, I am kindersir from Woodstock Georgia.  I found Bob Wells on YouTube as many here probably did and I am fascinated with the mobile living concept.  I am not certain I will become a full time nomad but I could use the things I have learned here in certain instances.

Fact is I have lived out of my car when transitioning to a new job.  My wife lived on one side of Atlanta and I worked on the other.  My job was an hour and a half from her so I spent several nights in Pine Log Mountain WMR northwest of Atlanta.  I camped next to my car in a tent.  I had injured my back right when I started my new job and I spent the nights in that tent in a lot of pain, but being able to stretch out was a life saver.  It was really a good time in many ways.  I have done a lot of backpacking especially in my youth, and it was not a big deal sleeping "in the middle of nowhere".  The time of year was late May and June and it was very hot setting up.  There were strong thunderstorms in the area every afternoon and one night they were pretty wild but my tent held up and I never got wet.

I may have to try all that again.  I have lost my job and am looking now.  One prospect is 35 miles toward Atlanta.  If I take that job I may have to sleep near the job in my car sometimes.  35 miles may not seem like much, but in Atlanta, that can mean brutal stop and go traffic that can last for hours.  When I worked near the airport in Atlanta I traveled 35 miles one way to work and had more than one occasion where it took four hours to get home!

Thanks for this forum, along with Bob's videos I am learning a lot about car and RV living.

                                     God Bless, kindersir :D
Welcome to the forum. There is no requirement to be full time vehicle dweller. Many of us are part timers, (or even wanna be part timers). I was hoping to spend the summer in my van and trailer, but other stuff may interfere with that this year. For stealth it is hard to beat a minivan. thousands of them parked everywhere, and they are long enough to have a nice bed.
There is lots of good info on this forum. Youtube is also a good source of ideas.
Hi Kindersir and welcome. I experienced my first real traffic jam a few weeks ago heading to Irvine, CA. It looked super bad to me, but only set my travel time back a half hour. felt a lot worse than that lol. I can't imagine 4 hours to do 35 miles! That seems insane! Best of luck to you in however you proceed. And best wishes on the job hunt, I hope you get one that pays big and has big time vacation days! :cool:
Welcome Kindersir to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you. highdesertranger