New To Big Bad Forum

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Active member
Feb 11, 2016
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Hi everyone,

Okay, I don't think the forum is bad. That's my attempt at humor - a spoof on the big bad wolf concept. But it is big! That's why I'm starting this thread....

I've been fulltiming a little over a year now, since October 8, 2015. I've been in a few of Bob's videos so I guess I'm not exactly a vandweller or boondocker "newbie" anymore, but I am definitely new to the forum. I keep trying to find my way around here because you guys are awesome (!) and I want to learn from you (need to learn from you), but it is a BIG place that scares me! I have a brain injury and I keep using the help feature and the tutorials but I'm still overwhelmed. I get so lost. SO, would you be willing to share with me your ONE favorite feature or tool that you use here in the forum for this "forum newbie"? I need to keep it real simple please.

Thanks ever so much!!
[font=Arial, Georgia, sans-serif]VanDweller Community Forums[/font][font=Arial, Georgia, sans-serif] › [/font][font=Arial, Georgia, sans-serif]Site and Forum Help[/font][font=Arial, Georgia, sans-serif] › [/font][font=Arial, Georgia, sans-serif]Newcomer's Corner[/font][font=Arial, Georgia, sans-serif] [/font]
[font=Arial, Georgia, sans-serif] [/font]

[font=Arial, Georgia, sans-serif] [/font][font=Arial, Georgia, sans-serif]New To Big Bad Forum[/font]

[font=Arial, Georgia, sans-serif]This is one of my favorite features.  The links everywhere that take you places.  [/font]

[font=Arial, Georgia, sans-serif]Also, after you have been posting, the "User CP" link will take you to all the threads you have posted in with unread posts. [/font]

[font=Arial, Georgia, sans-serif]Welcome to the funny farm. [/font]
Welcome oldtimer :dodgy:  My attempt at humor (I am not calling you old).

I am glad you finally signed up.  I signed up a couple of years ago (my time flies).  Been to a couple of RTR's too.  Trying my darndest to make the 2017 one too.  Will see you there if hell doesn't freeze over and the creek don't rise.

I generally use the "view new posts" and "view today's posts" at the top of the page to keep from looking through the mountain of stuff here.  I think I spent the first year on here reading everything I could.

You're off to a good start by already posting questions.
Welcome to the forum! Since I am brand new here too, I'm afraid I cannot be much help right now. You can always holler across the wash after I figure out how things work though... lol
Quick Reply if I'm not adding pictures and New Reply if I am.
Hi Brian! (B and C)!!!!

OMG! I didn't know you are on the forum! Or did I? Did we talk about that? Wow, gotta love TBI.

I signed up a while back and I've tried to log on a few times but I haven't been able to figure out. I'm determined though. Thank you for your hints! I'm writing things like that down as bullet points so I can hopefully maneuver around in here a little easier (and a whole lot faster, lol).

Hey everybody, this is my friend that installed my solenoid! Well, him and several others. Brian was the one who volunteered at the summer RTR and led the way though. Thank you Brian! Give Cindy a hug for me!


Here's the video from Bob's channel of the solenoid installation that Brian et al did: 
Thanks for the kind words.  Being on the forum is what keeps me going.  I mostly just read but will chime in from time to time (this place IS addictive).  I am so looking forward to getting back out there.  Cindy is going to try the RTR again after the great time we had with you guy's this summer (hug given).  Timing is tough this year with a move happening (next week start!!) and selling current place.  See ya there or bust trying.
rvpopeye said:
Quick Reply if I'm not adding pictures and New Reply if I am.

Thanks rvpopeye! Like this? I hit "reply" below instead of the "new reply" above. Is that what you meant? Thanks again! It is such fun to be making progress on this learning curve! :)
GotSmart said:
[font=Arial, Georgia, sans-serif]VanDweller Community Forums[/font][font=Arial, Georgia, sans-serif] › [/font][font=Arial, Georgia, sans-serif]Site and Forum Help[/font][font=Arial, Georgia, sans-serif] › [/font][font=Arial, Georgia, sans-serif]Newcomer's Corner[/font][font=Arial, Georgia, sans-serif] [/font]
[font=Arial, Georgia, sans-serif] [/font]

[font=Arial, Georgia, sans-serif] [/font][font=Arial, Georgia, sans-serif]New To Big Bad Forum[/font]

[font=Arial, Georgia, sans-serif]This is one of my favorite features.  The links everywhere that take you places.  [/font]

[font=Arial, Georgia, sans-serif]Also, after you have been posting, the "User CP" link will take you to all the threads you have posted in with unread posts. [/font]

[font=Arial, Georgia, sans-serif]Welcome to the funny farm. [/font]

Thank you GotSmart! "Welcome to the funny farm." Now, that's funny! :)
Here's what I have so far:
At the top - View New Posts, View Today's Posts
User CP --> Unread Posts
Quick Reply if no pic
New Reply with pic

I already feel like I can do this with just that much! I've missed out on a lot this last year. Thanks again!
robertwitham said:
Welcome to the forum! Since I am brand new here too, I'm afraid I cannot be much help right now. You can always holler across the wash after I figure out how things work though... lol

I am counting on it, Robert. Thank you! I would not even have attempted this again without yours and Suanne's encouragement.  :heart:
B and C said:
Thanks for the kind words.  Being on the forum is what keeps me going.  I mostly just read but will chime in from time to time (this place IS addictive).  I am so looking forward to getting back out there.  Cindy is going to try the RTR again after the great time we had with you guy's this summer (hug given).  Timing is tough this year with a move happening (next week start!!) and selling current place.  See ya there or bust trying.

I know this will sound dramatic but it is the truth: My heart is bursting with joy knowing that Cindy wants to come back out again!!! How very brave of her!!! That makes me so happy. And I can see what you mean about the forum being addictive and keeping you going. The sense of community is what I need and why I am determined to not let my brain injury (TBI) keep me out of here.

I was sad when you guys left Sedona but I'm glad you got the house you wanted. We left shortly after that anyway because Robert got a new job. Yes, timing is rough with the sale of your house and the move, but you will be back out here before you know it. I know leaving her family homestead and adjusting to somewhere new will be difficult for Cindy too. Chin up dear heart. We'll see you soon nmw and hopefully at the RTR! You are earning your angel wings. d
OK !
Now , the Thanks button to thank someone for a post
and the Rate button to give someone a Reputation point like I just did for Dragonfly!

AND the Thanks I just gave you because I just saw the Rep point you gave me!

Two more down.
Now the edit button ,but you gotta be quick because you only have 15 minutes and then it disappears ! MAGIC !
rvpopeye said:
Now the edit button ,but you gotta be quick because you only have 15 minutes and then it disappears ! MAGIC !

LOL. Magic. Got it. Thanks!!
Debra, I so love your positive energy. And, I'm glad you decided to give the forum another try. You've got some great tips too. See you in the not-too-distant future!
Welcome tbi to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you. any questions just ask, there are a lot of great folks here you will get an answer. highdesertranger
Suanne said:
Debra,  I so love your positive energy.  And, I'm glad you decided to give the forum another try.  You've got some great tips too.  See you in the not-too-distant future!

Thank you for not giving up on me Suanne! I really appreciate all the times you walked me through some of this. For some reason it's finally starting to click and I would not have been able to keep trying if you had not hung in there with me. Thank you my friend! Yes, see you soon! Yay!
Hi Debra! Nice of you to join us! And what a great thread!!!
Hi Debra,

Welcome to the forum! I have been on the forum for a while. I have not met anyone on here personally though. I am coming to the RTR this year. It's time to put faces to the names. lol I hope to see you there.

I have to ask, how did your dog Nonni get her name? My grandkids call me Nonni stemming from Nonna which is the Italian word for grandmother.


And a huge thank you for your video showing your van bed build, it was the one that made my wife think we might actually be able to do this!