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Active member
Nov 11, 2016
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I'm a retiree, used to be a psychologist and then an environmental scientist. Now a writer/ photographer. Starting in the Catskills I'm going on the road in a remodeled Honda Element w/ 3 person tent. I've found a lot of "homeless" people on the Boondocker Trail. Out but not down - they've just chosen a different life style. They are skilled, often professional, with at least a cell phone, gps, and computer - some with satellite hook ups.  For this I call them "Techno-Gypsies". They work when they must, prefer to barter, and stay off the grid.
I think I'm seeing a wave of the future and want to document it. Any one interested?
See you on the road!

Welcome to the CRVL forums michaelc! Many of us value our privacy so you may not get many positive answers. Other than that we're a friendly bunch. Have you considered attending the RTR in Quartzsite?

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you.
Welcome aboard michael !
Get to know someone and then ask them..........
Welcome to the CRVL Forum   :) 

I've been telling people that this nomadic life is just the tip of the iceberg.   From HOBOES in the 20's & 30's,  drop outs in the 60's living with a copy of "The Last Whole Earth Catalog",  to the Van movement in the 70's,
to today's alternate lifestyle "Techno-Gypsies" or "Net-Rats",  all of these people have found ways around times of adversity and enjoyed doing so. Even those who would choose to Expatriate and work outside the USA.  

Some will travel for a few years and find or luck into an ideal situation and return to a more typical way
life using the nomadic life style  temporary until they find those arrangements.  Others will make a life of traveling the country and perfecting the techniques of their alternate outlook as it allows them to win against whatever they feel oppresses them.  (which could be a study in and of itself)  

It's a large group of people with some things in common.  Some full timers, some part timers, and some dabblers who are starting later in life and know little or nothing about doing this,   other than it is just so irresistible to them.

Myself,  I would direct you back to the life of Mark Twain as the head waters of this "wave".   Twain once remarked that....."modern men of the Industrial Revolution with it's seniority system and set schedule are trapped and cannot get a new perspective on life as earlier men could".  With the advances in Technology
and a motor home of sorts it is entirely possible now.  More possible than ever.  And it is possible everyone will be interested.  They are only a few key strokes and post away.
michaelc said:
I think I'm seeing a wave of the future and want to document it. Any one interested?
Welcome, Michael! I love your name for modern nomads. Here is a similar project I stumbled upon:
This, too, with some of the members of this forum:
I find this subject endlessly fascinating, too. I am poised to join this lifestyle and recommend this film as well, if you haven't caught it, it's wonderful:  
Please let us know how your project progresses, I for one would love to see it. I am camera-shy myself.  :blush:
Thanks! I find several people answered already. I'm at a little bit of a loss as to how to communicate with everybody. Maybe as a separate "Thread" here?
If you wanted to invite people to Chat "to hold a chat"  you could use


You can set up a private chat where people are "invited" via their email address to join the chat.  It is private among those who want to participate.   Those interested could PM you with their email (or one that they set up
just for using "Chatzy" and dedicated to that use. 

If you were to want to create an online magazine there are several you can use free. 



MagCloud  (a favorite of a Graphic Designer friend of mine)

The online magazine could be published twice a month and probably serve the Nomadic RV Community well.

Just a matter of getting a group together to cover the various categories of the lifestyle that would be identified during chats.  The magazine would need to determine what it "is to be" (such as Travel", "Photography",  "alternate lifestyle", or whatever)   It can always have a links page with each publication and
an "archive" of past publications be kept for those who would come to this later and want to go back and read from the beginning.

There would certainly be categories for contributors such as articles, photos, cartoons,  jokes, trivia, etc.

And the first few publications would be used to help the magazine find it's "voice" and "target audience". 

As this would draw the "Techno-Gypsies" interest and entertain their letters to the editor (via email) as a way of learning what is on their minds.    What drives their choices, their passions, their struggles,  their happiness.
The bearing this will have on the future with those who will follow this path may be detected with a publication
that rally's those presently in this lifestyle.  It should also encompass an international view as well.