New laptop. Learning to drive.

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Huh, I must be very, very lucky because I haven't found a bug yet in 8.1 as long as I stay at the Desktop.

With the touchscreen I find it a big improvement over Win 7.

On the other hand I understand why you all hate the opening tiled menu. It's horrible!! The first day I had it before I found out I could bypass the opening tiled menu was a nightmare. Like you my first thought was I would have to either get Classic Shell or reinstall Win 7. But that's a lot of work so I bought a book and it told me I never had to see it again and I haven't! I haven't seen that screen in months!

It's been so long I wasn't sure that the Win key and D took me to the desktop because I haven't seen the opening screen in so long I forgot. So I went there for the first time to double check.

I also haven't looked at the book in months. After figuring out the Desktop it is so much like Win 7 I don't need it.

Now I love it and wouldn't give a thought to going back to Win 7. 90% of the time I use the keyboard and touchpad just like Win 7, but a for a few things the touchscreen is really, really nice, fast and easy. I'm very glad I have it.

Oh well, to each his own!
Seems like most of the Windows issues here have to do with design and usability. I've avoided Microsoft products for years, so I don't know how bad it's gotten first hand. But I do know there are many alternatives.

Like 66788, I primarily run Ubuntu and have been very happy with the experience. However, I was drawn to Linux for its technical advantages (and my disdain for Microsoft), not for ease of use. It takes some getting used to. Old dogs with an aversion to learning new tricks may find the effort it takes to switch OS's a bit off-putting. But switching over is not nearly as hard as it once was. And when something goes wrong, there's a ton of good folks and resources out there waiting to help.
I worked here in IT for the state for 24 years, beginning with Win95 and working up through the succeeding OS's. Favorite was XP, next was Win98. Had an ME machine at home when the big virus problem hit, and the XPs were dropping like flies. My home ME system was spared, as the hackers figured NOBODY used that clunky relic. I only replaced that machine due to upgrade limitations - it could only go so far and I needed more.
I was the last in my shop to get of NT - That was a disaster! Everytime they tried to put some new software on my machine, it was like pulling teeth without novacaine! But budgets were tight.
Just before I left, they had switched me to Win7, and even then (I had Win7 at home) it gave me problems. Software incompatibilities, new versions of software that brought their own learning curve.
I suppose as I work with this laptop, I will learn my way with it. But it sure bites to have to load it with necessary 'work-arounds' to get past the poor design choices. At work they categorically stated "NO WIN8!" They can't afford the downtime and reduction of productivity. The Win8/8.1 interface should have remained on tablets and smartphones only. I shudder to think what would happen if it was forced upon working shops. Heads would roll.
Still on the learning curve, but it no longer feels like Lombard Street in San Fran.......
Win8.1 has no facility to run DVD's, so I downloaded a free application, "VLC Media Player". Works well, though the speakers in the laptop are awfully tinny and chintzy. Might try headphones. This isn't a high dollar machine, so the download took awhile to come over.
I also configured my laptop to boot to the Desktop, rather than the silly Start page. MUCH better! Found how to access the Start Menu - not a real menu like Win7 has, but it gets me to what I need.
I also learned to restore the lost Libraries function - Win8 dropped it, Win8.1 hides it.
So I am getting there.
Loaded more favorite websites to my Favorites file too.
Next on the agenda....... hook up the external HD and see if I can use my saved files.