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Carla J

New member
Aug 9, 2018
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I just stumbled upon the You tube videos and have been been binge watching for days.  I have an adult autistic son and I don''t know if living on the road will  happen, but it's fun fantasizing.  I'm shocked that my husband even is expressing interest in it.  We are planning on taking a weekend trip and seeing how it goes with our son.  I know it sound kind of pathetic, but we have gone no where and done nothing for decades.  I'm beginning to feel alive just thinking about the possibilities.  Glad I found you all.
Welcome to the forum, it's great to have you here.

Enjoy your new freedom...
Welcome to the CRVL forums Carla! Hope your weekend trip goes well. Please post an update!

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you.
Hi Carla,
I think your son is going to love it! I have a grown son with Asperger's and on the spectrum and I keep thinking that this would be the life for him! And the answer to prayer for you and your husband, getting you out of the house! Even if it's part time he would really benefit from being out in nature. I'm new too and am still in the planning stage... watching videos and dreaming! [emoji6]

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Thanks Tina, for your encouragement.  I find the thought of downsizing and prioritizing a really good idea.  I look around me at all the stuff I've accumulated, and wonder what was I thinking?  I don't use most of it.  Mostly, I work in the garden and like to be outside now.  I suppose I would miss gardening if I traveled, maybe I could "garden" by foraging.  Lots to consider.

I like to garden too but I haven't done any gardening for a couple of years, since I don't have anyone to help me in a couple of years. Except that I did prune my peach tree, partially. So I have been looking forward to using some of the ideas that I've seen online... people growing some things in pots in their tiny homes and trailers/vans. [emoji106]

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