New here, seeking advice

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Mar 25, 2012
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Hello! <br><br>I am new to this forum, been lurking for a while. I am new to RV living, but it won't be too much of a shock. I lived on a boat for 2 years, both in and out of the marina. Similar systems/tanks/power issues - but a lot wetter! <br><br>I am driving myself crazy debating.&nbsp; I have an 89 Ford Ecoline van, that is in pretty darn nice shape, tough as nails. Runs wonderful, starts right up from stone cold, and just passed 100K miles on it. Debating whether to rip everything out of the back and convert it, to sell it and get a truck and small trailer with the money, or try to find a trailer that I can pull with the van. Not exactly rolling in dough - lost my job, on disability (recovering from 2 smallish-yet-damaging strokes),. and will have nowhere to live within a month or so.&nbsp; I hate where I am living anyway, so it doesn't feel like much of a loss. However, I have a teenager part time, and a dog and a few cats full time.&nbsp; <br><br>I am sure many of you have been in this seat before.&nbsp; Thoughts? Suggestions? &nbsp; <br><br>Thanks!!<br><br>
Hi westwind, I can relate with the internal debating. &nbsp;It really did drive me nutty lol. &nbsp;I also hate where I live, so I understand what you mean.<div><br></div><div>A vehicle that runs well shouldn't be taken for granted, imo. &nbsp;If the Ford Econoline has a tow hitch, I'd keep the van, because then you can always tow a trailer if you want.</div><div><br></div><div>Best of luck, and let us know what you decide! &nbsp;</div>
<P>keep the van and fix it up and save your money for a many cats you have?&nbsp; would they be staying in the van/trailer?&nbsp; do they like to travel? on disability also so i understand the limited funds ....welcome aboard!</P>
Hi Westwind, I agree that I would keep the van and either convert it or tow a trailer with it. Is there a specific reason you don't want to two a trailer with it?<br><br>Tell us more about your situation. With a part-time teenager are you going to have to stay in a town and stealth park? It's very hard/impossible to do that with a RV trailer, but a converted cargo trailer would work okay for stealth parking. Stealth parking with a van is also pretty easy.&nbsp; Your son will stay with you in the van? Have you done much camping? Will he be repulsed by you living in a van? Where are you? Is it cold or hot there? <br><br>One possibility is to get a 6x8 cargo trailer, convert it to live in and put it in a storage yard. When your son is with you, get it out and let him sleep in it, when he is not with you, put it in the storage yard and live in the van. I've seen outside trailer storage for as little as $25 a month. The extra space will allow you to keep a lot more stuff.<br><br>After i got divorced I moved into a box van and my two young sons spent weekends with me. They loved it, it was like camping. I had heat, a TV and video games, what more could any kid want?!&nbsp; You can make it work The more details you give us about your situation, the more we can help. Bob<br><br>
<p style="margin: 0px;">Welcome, Westwind <img border="0" align="absmiddle" src="/images/boards/smilies/wave.gif"></p><p style="margin: 0px;">&nbsp;</p><p style="margin: 0px;">akrvbob's suggestions are good. A cargo trailer as a spare bedroom behind your Ford van ... when you need it ... seems to make sense, given what we know so far of your situation.</p><p style="margin: 0px;">&nbsp;</p><p style="margin: 0px;">Bob</p>
<p>Welcome aboard Westwind.&nbsp; I second the Bob's motion.&nbsp; Its a win win situation.&nbsp; Rae</p>
Welcome Westwind, from New Mexico....glad to have you here,<br>Bri<br><br>
Thanks for all of the replies!<br><br>As of now, the van does not have a trailer hitch on it. I have sure thought about converting it, but when I look at the costs of adding a hitch, and converting from scratch&nbsp; (its not as if I have any experience with cabinet installation etc.) it seems I might be just as well off buying a small class B or a trailer.<br><br>I have a daughter, early high school.&nbsp; I can't see her staying with me in the van (not enough room), nor would she be willing to. "No bathroom?&nbsp; Really???"&nbsp; Even on the boat, she had her own V berth and her own tiny "head".&nbsp; A trailer or small motor home, she would probably be willing to do. Indoor plumbing!&nbsp; A trailer with a bunk house would be really ideal but boy, they are not cheap. <br>&nbsp;<br>Stealth is not too much of an issue. I have at least 2 solid places where I can stay with no problem and no complaints, on the large lots of 2 (different) good friends. They will even let me plug in electrical and fill water tanks there. &nbsp; <br><br>At the moment I am on the east coast, but will be leaving within a month or two (depending on when the landlord throws me out - he is a real jerk, too) to go back home to California.&nbsp; <br><br>I guess the perfect solution would be to install a tow hitch and find a trailer that I can pull and that I can afford.&nbsp; How big a trailer could I get away with with a 6700 lb tow limit on the van? <br>
Oh, and my kitties will be fine. They are much loved and spoiled rotten. They have lived in a few different set ups with me. As long as they have their people, and their food/water dishes, and a nice sunny window or two to sit in., they are happy!<br>
<p>Look at my conversion of a now-18-year-old conversion van. Cheap and easy and allows innovation. I'm still using it at age 80!</p>
Hiya!<br><br>I'm brand new to the forums, and probably will not be "mobile living" for at least 5 years (if everything goes as planned).<br><br>I totally understand about the limited funds, as I'm also on Disability. Living in my dad's basement right now!<br><br>Anyhoo. I would be wary of letting somebody stay in a "stored" camper. Most storage places have it specifically in their rules (and in some places I think it's law) that they are only for keeping things in, not for residency. A'course, it's only illegal if you get caught <img src="/images/boards/smilies/wink.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"> <br><br>I got cats too, and they're indoor only. A sunny window, or if you want to harness/leash train them for outings on good weather days, that would be plenty for them. I have lots of land, but don't let mine out simply because of all the dangers: a busy road, racoons, foxes, neighbor dogs, and just other random potential harms.<br><br>I guess I really have no advice, just support!<br>Good luck and best wishes!<br><br>- <a target="_blank" href="">Vivy</a><br><br>
Welcome westwind,<br>If you trust that van with your life; trust it with your life and keep it.Trying to second guess something else that is used can end in disaster sometimes.<br><br>gus<br>
Wish I had $4800. I would jump on that trailer! <br><br>My cats stay in as well. Far too many dangers lurking in the world. Almost every cat I have had has made it into their teens! <br><br>Well, coming up to a pressure point. I pretty much have to be out of where I am in 30 days. I guess at this point trying for a trailer hitch and a small towable would be the way to go, unless someone wants too gift me with a lovely 35 foot 5th wheel and truck! ;-) <br><br>
<p>I'm not in your situation, but I have an old Dodge that runs exquisitely and I decided to convert as you can see <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>. It is however a long term project.</p><p>Van.</p>

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