New guy in Metro DC

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New member
Aug 6, 2014
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Hi everybody,

I've been lurking here quite a bit over the last few weeks and thought I'd introduce myself.

I stumbled on this forum this summer, as I've been looking for a new living set up. I live in DC and really enjoy the city, but am tired of paying the level of rent that I pay to share with other guys. I also work in Northern Virginia, so I've been trying to find a way to be closer to work without having to go into a new lease in a place that will be equally expensive.

Between campsites near work and a Walmart or two in the area, I think I could save myself money (and shave a ton of time off my commute) by moving into a van. I have a girlfriend who lives in DC, so I'd likely be at her apartment a few days a week. I have a DC parking permit, so I'm not too worried about that.

Anyway, I've really been learning a lot about the positives and negatives of a lifestyle totally different from the one I currently have. Thanks to all of you for the informative posts!
Timbo, were glad you're here and we'd love to help in any way we can! What kind of rig are you thinking about getting?
Thanks for the welcome, guys! I've been impressed with the van conversions that I've seen on here, so that's what I've been looking at. I think it makes the most sense for my situation. There are tons for sale on Craigslist in the area. I'm working right now on stripping down possessions.
Timbo, getting rid of stuff is one of the hardest parts, keep banging away at it and eventually you will get there.
I lived in my van in Rockville Md (on the Washington DC subway line). No reason one couldn't park in subway parking lots, but of course you'd have to move it every day. We had a little party store next door to the 12 story building I worked in. They offered monthly parking, so I just paid by the month and lived there. Hard rain was bad. The drops hitting the roof of my van sounded like a machine gun. By the way, I knew a bartender who lived on a boat in one of the marinas. I thought that was pretty cool.
HarmonicaBruce said:
I lived in my van in Rockville Md (on the Washington DC subway line). No reason one couldn't park in subway parking lots, but of course you'd have to move it every day. We had a little party store next door to the 12 story building I worked in. They offered monthly parking, so I just paid by the month and lived there. Hard rain was bad. The drops hitting the roof of my van sounded like a machine gun. By the way, I knew a bartender who lived on a boat in one of the marinas. I thought that was pretty cool.

Thanks for the tip. I think some of the park and rides in the area are free and allow overnight parking. When you were paying by the month for a spot, did you ever catch a hard time for living there, or did people not notice?

Living in a boat sounds very cool, although I've heard moorings can be expensive, and I guess my commute would be tricky...
Hey welcome Timbo, your just seeing the tip of the iceberg keep on digging and if you can make it to Quartzite Az. RTR you will get a bucketful of great advice.
Timbo said:
When you were paying by the month for a spot, did you ever catch a hard time for living there, or did people not notice?
I never had any problem, but I had a really sweet spot. The back of the little parking area behind the party store abutted a wooded area, so I'd just park so my sliding door faced the woods, and no one could see me. I also park behind bars, that has never been a problem for me. I assume people will think I took a cab home or whatever. I did this for a few months, but not in the winter. That would have been somewhat of a problem (the cold that is).