New from Central Florida

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very cold day today in central florida.

well especially for florida
If you think its cold in Florida you should be in PA. It was 18 degrees at 5 this am. One day I am happy to be in this old stone house.
Welcome from another Central Floridian! Got down ino the 30s last night...had to throw on another cat to keep me warm.
Of course when one's normal weather is warm sunny winters then a few days of freezing cold is quite a tragic event that is of major proportions. Something that gets remembered for a decade or more.

I still remember 2 winters in Seattle where in February we had a week long event of sunny 60 degree daytime high weather. It happens about once a decade.
I took my dogs for a walk this morning when it says 11 degrees but feels like -2 out there.

Of course, I am in Minnesota in early February, but yeah.

Welcome from another newbie!