Nevada can have it's weather back

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Snow Gypsy said:
Yep, welcome to the southwest!  When we lived in the Tucson area, I got up at 4:00 AM to walk the dog.  The "dry" heat myth!  In those dry heat states, it gets much hotter which should not be ignored in one's thought process.

Try Minneapolis/St. Paul with 85+ degrees with 85+% humidity. That is extremely uncomfortable. Sweat never evaporates.

I went to Redding, CA for the first two years of college. Dry  heat. I loved it. Humidity makes for suckage.

I am enduring the 100+ with no issues. I take a couple of cool showers, wear a wet shirt, drink lots of cool water. Evaporative cooling.

Same thing in winter. Zero degrees and dry air is more comfortable than 30 degrees and humidity.

Maybe that's just me.
IanC said:
Whenever someone brings up the 'dry heat' I remind them that an oven is too, but who wants to live in one.

This reminds me of an acquaintance who was fond of saying "If it feels like an oven, then it should smell like cookies".