National Right to Carry coming?

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Optimistic Paranoid

Well-known member
Jan 12, 2013
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Hopefully, this won't start a political debate here . . .

I just want to mention in passing that during the campaign, Trump advocated for National Right to Carry legislation - a Federal law that would mean if you have a CCW in your home state, it will automatically be valid in all 49 other states. 

I think there is a good chance we'll see this pass next year.  The New York Daily News is already freaking out about it on their editorial page. :) 

As a practical matter, it will mean that we won't have to spend a bunch of money getting a half dozen or more non-resident permits from other states, and keep track of when each of them expire and need to be renewed.

It will also mean we'll be able to safely travel through such gun unfriendly jurisdictions as NY, CA, NJ, MA, MD, DC, etc. without worrying about it any more.

Once it did pass - if it does - it would be very hard for the anti-gunners to undo.  They would need to take control of both houses of congress AND the White House to repeal it.
I wonder if the States Rights supporters who are also gun owners are about to suffer a brain implosion?
If it passes I'll have to go back to VT to get my sidearm! Currently only long guns in the van. :D

I'm an advocate of laws which allow personal safety to be in one's own hands.
Queen said:
I wonder if the States Rights supporters who are also gun owners are about to suffer a brain implosion?

Just that. This could be a definite "double-edged sword". Sounds good on the surface, but could have less-than-good repercussions for all us gun-owners. It bears watching.
Personally I am very excited about this possibility, but I am also sure that some states will fight it like crazy. I just hope the Gov and the Courts stand hard and strong and tell those state's politicians to either adopt it or go to jail (as they did for gay marriage).

There is also a real possibility of silencers being removed from the National Firearms Act (which adds an extra $200 tax and a years worth of paperwork to the purchase) making them more available to the general public. And just as important as the 50-state right to carry is the elimination of these idiotic "gun-free" zones in public areas (schools, military, etc).
If you read the 10th Amendment, it pretty clearly says (paraphrasing) "what is not covered by amendments 1 - 9, become the rights of the state to govern".

The 2nd Amendment already clearly states that the right to keep and bear "shall not be infringed", across all 50 states.

The 10th Amendment does NOT give the states any right to restrict the keeping (purchase or own) or bearing (carry in public) so there is no conflict with state's rights.
Guy, that;s because Confirmation Bias is the best food ever for our Rationalization Hamsters, and they run especially fast when fed a diet of it
And we are all affected by that, at one level or another
Queen said:
I wonder if the States Rights supporters who are also gun owners are about to suffer a brain implosion?

Yeah, funny how that happens. States Rights are great when you want the federal government to stay out of your business, but they're not important when the same people want the federal government to impose something across all states. It like the supreme court being way wrong, biased, even corrupt, when they rule against you, but the same justices are paragons of correct constitutional interpretation when they rule in your favor.
MrNoodly said:
Yeah, funny how that happens. States Rights are great when you want the federal government to stay out of your business, but they're not important when the same people want the federal government to impose something across all states. It like the supreme court being way wrong, biased, even corrupt, when they rule against you, but the same justices are paragons of correct constitutional interpretation when they rule in your favor.

Exactly.  I'll be VERY curious to see how the Southern states who traditionally scream "STATES RIGHTS" when they don't like a ruling, will respond to this.
I own a Double Barrel 12 Gauge myself.  But I've always wondered with the exponential rise in "gun ownership" that if the next thing will be some kind of "luxury" tax on ammo.  Thus the anti-gunners will come at it from that angle and of course the Government be seduced by the windfall of tax dollars.

Ultimately gun owners may have guns to brandish...but no bullets.  Of course the one facing the gun owner won't know if he's loaded and locked or not.   It will ultimately be that person's risk. 

Bottom line is a lot of money will be made by the gun sellers.

Or,  you'll have to get a license (like an operators license) to buy ammo.   Thus if you are caught with a firearm and ammo you'll have to show your "license" or be cited.

I'm of the opinion that this will be a logical procession. 

I like the story of the old Amish Farmer who held a double barrel aimed at a thief in his barn.  The old Farmer said to the thief:  "Pardon me neighbor,  but you are standing in the direction in which I'm about to shoot".
eDJ_ said:
Or,  you'll have to get a license (like an operators license) to buy ammo.   Thus if you are caught with a firearm and ammo you'll have to show your "license" or be cited.

Already the law here in IL and has been for as long as I can remember.  We can't even touch a gun in a store without showing our FOID (Firearm Owners ID).  Can't buy a gun, or ammo, can't shoot at a range...
Next to Delaware, Illinois is one of the most gun restrictive states of all.
I remember visiting friends in SE Ohio years ago, we crossed the river into WV and stopped at a flea market, guy just had guns laying on a card table, you could buy one and walk away with it.  Kinda blew my mind coming from IL.
Vermont is the only state that has NEVER had a requirement for a 'carry permit'.
According to FBI stats, Vermont is the safest state in the U.S.
Go figure.

Since I'm in the suburbs of D.C., reciprocity would be wonderful...I wouldn't have to worry so much about whether I might need to cross into Md. or the city while out & about (both borders within minutes of me).

My current two permits give me 40 state coverage already (Nevada finally came on board this year) so Federal reciprocity is just adding 10 + DC.

That's not asking for too much!   :cool:
gsfish said:
If these things are so cut and dried in the Constitution why are they even an issue after all these generations?

Because each group insists upon translating the wording of the Rights to their own ends, which is basic human instinct. Who is right or wrong? Depends on which group you are in.
Queen said:
I remember visiting friends in SE Ohio years ago, we crossed the river into WV and stopped at a flea market, guy just had guns laying on a card table, you could buy one and walk away with it.  Kinda blew my mind coming from IL.

We have the same right of person to person sales here in Florida. Of course, ideally you want to try to make sure you aren't selling to a felon or other person not legally able to buy or possess firearms, which you could be charged for.

And the exhorbitant "sin tax" on ammo (and guns) is always being tried. So far, the states have been shooting that nonsense down.
Private sales between individuals is restricted to 'in-state residents' only.
Selling to a stranger is best done at a licensed dealer and worth the cost.....avoids liabilities.
The reason i do not have a CCW is that the the data base is linked in a lot of states to peoples license plates.  It would change the over night street parking and not for the better.  In VA i have seen a few cop cars that have the cameras that just drive around checking license plates.

I wounder if there will be a state CCW and then a federal CCW.  I know there is all ready a push to link license plates, car insurance, warrants, and CCW's all into one data base that all cops will be able to check.  I'm sure if we get a National right to CCW this will be pushed even harder and make it a reality.
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