My son will be living in a Van very soon

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Jul 31, 2019
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Hello all.   I am not a Van dweller.  However my 24 year old son and his girlfriend are currently preparing to live life on the road.  I makes Mom very nervous.   I'm here to learn and get him as best prepared as we can before they take off.   Thanks in advance for any help and advise!
He purchased a 1983 GMC Camper Van. He's had it check out and it is mechanically sound (right now anyway). Oil change, tune up & new tires. The van has a small fridge, sink, water pump, toilet and microwave. The microwave is coming out to make room for more storage. He still needs to figure out off grid power and air conditioning when he's not plugged in which is his primary plan. He wants to camp in free spots and not necessarily campgrounds. He has a job he can do from anywhere with a phone so he will have income. I worry more about his safety. But that's what moms do.
HeatherC, you are to be congratulated for not going ballistic like a lot of parents would do and educating yourself on vanliving. Just be careful. Next thing you know you will be buying a van...
I'd say he's well on his way to being well prepared. What's to worry? This is the best time to find resources and like minded people on the road. I'm in the SW, it's a great place to start.

Think of all the people living out of car or minivan. That's a bigger issue if you ask me. They are young, they likely won't do this forever. Many people tire of it after a few years, especially if they aren't there by necessity. On the other hand, many people do it for many years. Time will tell!
Most 9-5 folks don't realize the number of people who by either choice, or necessity, live out of their car, or vans. it can be a very rewarding experience, and give a whole new outlook on day to day living, not to mention the money savings of not paying steep city rent.

I congratulate you as well for your open mindedness, your son will thank you, and you may want to steer him to this site also.
I worry mostly about his safety.  He's a kind soul and always sees the best in people.  I worry he will be taken advantage of, robbed, hurt, etc.
DesertRose said:
No doubt they have done a lot of research prior to making this decision. You didn't mention what they will be traveling/living in.

bigsallysmom said:
HeatherC, you are to be congratulated for not going ballistic like a lot of parents would do and educating yourself on vanliving. Just be careful. Next thing you know you will be buying a van...
DesertRose said:
No doubt they have done a lot of research prior to making this decision. You didn't mention what they will be traveling/living in.

DesertRose said:
I'd say he's well on his way to being well prepared. What's to worry? This is the best time to find resources and like minded people on the road. I'm in the SW, it's a great place to start.

Think of all the people living out of car or minivan. That's a bigger issue if you ask me. They are young, they likely won't do this forever. Many people tire of it after a few years, especially if they aren't there by necessity. On the other hand, many people do it for many years. Time will tell!
Okay, so I can't quite figure this quote thing out.

I had my freak out moments. He left a very good paying job to pursure this and Mom though he was an idiot! Then mom mode kicks in and if he's doing it I'm going to know everything about it. And realized this is so Bryan! It's his dream life! He's young and should do this while he can...before life takes over and he can't. What an adventure right??? He was raised camping. It's what he loves. Heck we joke one day I will live in my camper. What's the difference really?
Welcome to the CRVL forums Heather! Your son will be fine. :) And he has you for backup if need be, so try not to worry too much!
Please direct him to these forums. They're filled with practical information and our members are well versed in all aspects of van and RV dwelling. Youtube videos, which is where most new vandwellers get their information, often paint a glamorous picture of vandwelling and gloss over the more mundane things. All of that is discussed here!
Air conditioning is not possible without a huge solar system so he will need to stay in campgrounds or head to higher elevations or to the coasts.

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started.

Most of our rules boil down to two simple over-riding principles: 1) What you post should provide good information (like your introductory post), and 2) Any response to someone else's post should make them feel glad they are part of this forum community.

We look forward to hearing more from you.
HeatherC said:
I worry more about his safety. But that's what moms do.

It’s really a very safe country out there, where basic common sense and reasonable precautions will keep one safe most of the time.

Sounds like a great adventure awaits.

Be proud you raised a young man willing to take his own path.
Welcome to the forum, it's great to have you here.

Best wishes....
24 is a good age for going out and experimenting with life, for doing hard things, for being surprised and recovering, for making dubious choices, for discovering you can deal with things yourself. Not that living in a van is one disaster after another. It's really rather benign. It's just that it's out of the ordinary.
They will have a great time and lots of fun :). Just tell him to text some photos as you would love to be able to see all the interesting things they are doing and to also call to share how much fun they are having. If you can get him to do an instagram account for the journey that will work nicely. Seeing some regular postings will lessen your stress.
You need to tell him that you will want 1 photo a day texted at dinner time, so you are both keeping each other in your thoughts.
My son and his wife, both in their 40s took off to live in an RV but they ran out of money. Now they are living overseas doing the teaching English by having conversations thing which is of course not providing a decent living but they are enjoying themselves.

Mom's still worry no matter what age the kid is. I bought a motorhome to live in on the road several years before he did; that must mean I am a bad influence :)
No one can imagine how much it costs to live (not exist) on the road. It sounds cheap, but they all soon find out the real cost. Many simply can't afford it, and call for help to get back home.