My Slightly Ironic Initiation to Van Living

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May 5, 2017
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Recently I was hired in at a Ford plant where in I receive good pay, good benefits, etc. etc. and the rest of life is taken care of.
With my new pay raise I went out and bought an $800 1995 Dodge Van with 150,000 miles on it, in great shape, but rusty. I wanted to use it to haul stuff, and to ride to work till I got the transmission on my car repaired.

Meanwhile I began to think of Summer Shutdown and how I could possibly use the van as an RV during vacation, and so I hit Youtube and saw all these nifty videos giving one tips and what not on how to set up solar, battery clusters, and so forth.

While in the middle of researching all of this and ordering materials, my landlord comes knocking on my door to inform me that he wants to re-purpose the house for business and will pay me $600 to be out in 30 days. So with that in mind I figured why not just move into my van full time and see how long I can maintain and what I can learn from the experience.

Currently I have the walls stripped out to install insulation, but I have to move my stuff out of the house and into storage before I go to far.
I've covered the back windows with Foam Insulation that is about 3/4th" thick, and believe I will insulate the rest with thicker foam, then cover it all up with wood. Eventually I would like to add 6 6v Golf Kart batteries as well as a solar panel and self built AC unit. Though I will post elsewhere in the forums for advice in regards to that, which being in Ohio and not in a warmer/less humid state, I am sure I will have plenty of questions, especially considering that I have a cat and a collie who will be along for the experience so I'll need to keep the van cool when I work for sure!

And there is my story in a nut shell. I'm glad I found this site!
Six GC batteries is a lot! You would need an adequate charging source to keep up with that. I suspect your needs could be met with less.

But, welcome, at any rate. You're on the right path.
:) Hello and Welcome.  Which end or side of Ohio are you on?  Have you ever seen Jnull0 on you tube? He's in southern Ohio.  Interesting story he has, at least I think so.

North and West. I've not seen Jnull0 till you mentioned him. Curious fellow! I subscribed!
Welcome Eldritich Penumbra to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you. congrats on the new job. highdesertranger
Welcome aboard !
There's plenty of vandwelling info here waiting for you to discover......and don't be shy about asking anything.
Hello, welcome and you're already doing great!

My main tips are: (what you are already doing) 
1-Watch lots of videos about conversions, repairs, changes, alterations
2-Google search the topic instead of wondering about it
3-Search these forums but be advised that the search engine (seems to me) to bring up more generalized threads and posts so be patient reading
4-You will soon recognize several frequent posters with good reputations (see the reputation score on the right hand side upper which tells you their number of posts, thanks and all that) to depend on
5 You will also notice Bob Wells (forum owner) has his own excellent video series on UTube
6 There's also the blogs on this site as well as other independent bloggers who travel
7-There are many Australian and British "caravaners" who post videos on UTube. While their vehicles, products and prices are different, their ideas are common.
8-"Thank" the posters that you get good info from (this isn't a request) and if you really feel they helped you, click on their "reputation" to enhance it. Don't do this too often though, save it for the really good help.

Hope all goes well with your soon-to-be residence in a van. Don't spend too much on it as you said it was pretty rusty...try to make what you add "portable" if you can so it can go with you to the next, better van. Obviously not the isoboard but solar, batteries, appliances etc...

And yes, the 6 GC's is a bit overkill as you likely don't have the roof area to keep them adequately solar charged. 4 is about max for a standard van. Look up how people are powering the new energy efficient room sized (5,000) air conditioners with even 1,000 or 2,000 watt portable inverter/generators. 
I believe this video entitled [size=small]Van Life: New generator and air conditioner![/size]
from a Vancouver BC Canada frequent UTube poster "justincredible" will help you.
Welcome Eldritch Penumbra to CRVL. I'm sure you negotiated up on the LandLords "PayOut"!? I hope you find a cozy corner as you enjoy all the great people, stories and wealth of information this forum offers. Be safe and enjoy the roads ahead.
Thanks for the welcome everyone! I'm getting excited about all of this, and from the looks of it, I should invest in a generator to run the AC while I work, then later add Solar for movies, retro gaming, and analog synthesizers. The time for creation is approaching me thinks! No more pesky house, clutter, and distraction.