My little dog has died~ I'm devestated

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Sep 14, 2014
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My little pug has died suddenly at 12 yrs old. I feel I broke her heart! I placed her in a foster home for pugs, I wanted her to be comfortable and live in a home as she always has. This was to be temporary until my financial situation evened out. What did i do to my poor baby? I'm devastated.
How painful this must be for you. I'm sure she missed you in the foster home, but it sounds like you made a good choice in a difficult situation.

People have their own beliefs about what happens after death, whether for us humans or for our pets. I believe we all continue, and if you are interested, here is a piece I wrote about the death of a dog of mine some years back, and how we communicated with her telepathically both before and after her passing:

If this isn't your cup of tea, no problem. But I do want to mention that generally dogs are immensely forgiving.

Best wishes, Zana
Hello BrowneyedKat3 ~ I'm so sorry you lost your beloved pet in this sudden way. You did your best under trying circumstances and you know your little pug loved you in every moment, so I hope you will consider that it may have been her time to go and though you could not be with her, her thoughts were of her good life with you and always will be.

Lovemydogs' story is so beautiful, I hope you will find comfort there, and here.

Sorry to hear about your pup.
I'm sorry for your loss. My Bucky is 12 years old and I can't imagine life without him. :( But please don't blame yourself. It likely would have happened anyway, as pugs are very susceptible to problems at that age.
So sorry. Yes, it is not in any way your fault. You did what you thought was in the dog's best interest at the time - and I'm sure it was. That's all any of us can ever do.

The transient nature of life is why it is so beautiful. We are all only here a short time; some shorter than others. It's very sad, yet it serves to remind us all of how precious each day of life is. Remember all the wonderful memories you has with her and relive them in your mind. Then, when the time is right, consider filling that empty place in your heart with another pet ( I recommend a rescue) in need of a wonderful loving person, as you obviously are.

Have no doubt, your little pug is waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge.

I lost my homer this last summer, so I can relate to what you're going through. It's amazing how very deeply the loss of a furry friend can affect us.

It's hard to believe now, but time really is a healer. Slowly the heart-ache will lesson and life will be good again. And dogs are such good souls I'm sure that's what she wants for you, for you to go on and be happy and to not blame yourself.

I believe that she's only gone for awhile, that you'll be connected again and then you'l know just how much she loved you and the last thing she would ever want is for you to blame yourself or to carry around crippling guilt. The best thing you can do for both of you is to remember the good times and treasure all those memories.

One day at a time, it does get better.
So sorry for your loss.
In past years, we heard a sorrowful sound and my Lizzy found a kitten, so small it was curled in the palm of a 12 year old girl. Named Jelly Bean due to the visual of this. hand nursed with a dropper, he grew into the Best Cat. After 11 years he developed kidney failure and wasted away over 4 or 5 weeks. He was hand fed and given injected hydration until he found the treatment very painful, and could not even eat. He was held by me , Bridget and comforted as best we could until he died in his blanket. He seemed relatively comfortable and purred while being held, until his end, last week. He had a viewing for his 3 cat companions and was buried in the door yard. I am sad.
Im sorry for your loss. I know its hard, I had something similar happen to me, and I have not owned another dog since then. I think, about 8 years later, I might be ready for another but it took some time.
Thank you all for taking the time to send your condolensese. I am very grateful for your kindness.
My little pug was a lovable, snuggable, smart, "furry person" who LOVED chicken, barking at squirrels, going for bike rides; would quietly sit on my lap during flights for work (previous job) or vacation...ok, maybe not so quiet ~she would fall asleep and snore! She was my best little buddy at all times.

** I rescued her from a breeder that was going to let her die; I paid the breeder $200 for the opportunity to save her.
BrowneyedKat, I'd love to see some pics of her! If you have some, but don't know how to post them here, you can email them to me and I'll post them for you.

I did a two post tribute to my beloved Homer when he was gone and it really made me feel better. I'd be honored to help your pug in the same way here on the forum.
How very heartbreaking for you. Please don't blame yourself, you did what you thought best and was the best for your little furbaby. They are family and it hurts just as much to lose a furpal as it is a human family member. Try to remember that you gave her some very good years and she loved you unconditionally. Cry if need be, it helps to relieve some of the heartache and some day down the road when you are in better circumstances adopt another little friend. There are so many who need good, loving homes. And please remember that it's OK to cry, it's OK to miss them, it's OK to be heartbroken. And don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Bless you honey.