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<p>man Dazar, I don't know how I've been missing this particular forum topic, but the info you've provided thus far, has been enlightening, and helpful as well!&nbsp;</p><p>I'm heading down Elkins, then to Huttonsville/Valley Head on Rt 219 tomorrow.&nbsp;</p><p>My cousin invited my dad &amp; I to a memorial for his father (my uncle) for the new Elk River bridge. Not sure if you can view this, but, here's the link... &nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a></p><p>It'd be cool to meet ya'. Don't think I have time... Maybe when I have a mini-vacation in autumn. Perhaps the Forest Festival in Elkins, October.</p><p>I'm subscribing to this thread right now....&nbsp;</p><p>Thanks for sharing/posting!&nbsp;</p>
Ahh i think i know where elkins is south from me towards right in the center of the state.&nbsp; <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">&nbsp; I can't view your event, it just shows me my own.&nbsp;&nbsp; Im a total noobie at facebook though.&nbsp; Glad to have you on board!
Earth quake yesterday in God's Country WVA<BR><BR><H1>M2.6 - 13km SW of Glenville, West Virginia <SPAN>2013-08-16 11:02:21 UTC.</SPAN></H1>
Didn't feel it here <img rel="lightbox" src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" class="bbc_img">&nbsp; We get little quakes here every year oddly enough.&nbsp; Nothing more than tremors though.<br><br><br>I asked about a camping spot near my work today, but she wanted 350.&nbsp; When i told her i didn't need hookups she said 300.&nbsp; I guess those aren't bad prices for people who need hookups and have a pull behind or rv, but too steep for me.&nbsp;&nbsp; <br><br>I went and talk to this woman whom i deliver the mail to (shes in a wheel chair) and offered to rent a parking spot from her behind her restaurant I knew she didnt ever use.&nbsp; She said she wouldnt rent it but i could use it if i want, i just have to fight the people who live in a house behind her who keep using it.&nbsp; I got mixed i have a free place to park, not far from a gas station with bathroom, but i have to risk ticking someone off and getting my tires slashed or something.
<p>This one is to all you motocycle people out there.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; I went to the bikers for babies rally here, it was kind of cool though it was earlier and things just starting.&nbsp; I don't know squat about motocycles other than they look cool and get good mileage but the people were all nice.&nbsp; They had two stunt riders doing tricks too, tho i was a little worried that they didnt have much of anything to stop a bike from flying into the kids and crowd who were watching.&nbsp; <br><br>Now for some motorcycle fan service <img rel="lightbox" src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" class="bbc_img"><br><br> <br><br> <br><br> <br><br> <br><br> <br><br><br></p>
I was more intrigued by the really historical ones:<br><br> <br><br> <br><br>And of course the stunt guys were cool<br><br> <br><br>
That Redman is beautiful but the Hercules is mad and cuter than a bug's ear! Rotaries were so very nearly a good idea....
"Me?&nbsp; I solve practical problems.&nbsp; Like when some Mother Hubbard soda cup is too big for this little old cup holder."&nbsp; (TF2 reference..sorry <img rel="lightbox" src="/images/boards/smilies/tongue.gif" class="bbc_img">)<br><br> <br><br>Problem solved..<br> <br><br>So anyway, i decided on a whim to do some geocaching at Holly Gray park.&nbsp; Its a cute little park near a small airport.&nbsp; They have a couple little league diamonds, tennis court, horse stable and couple little tracks or whatever the horses run in.&nbsp; They also have a nice couple of ponds and pavilions, and its kind of a boy scout camp headquarters.&nbsp; There are myriad boyscout trails and campground areas and such back behind the park.&nbsp; <br><br> <br><br> <br><br>The geocache listing had the thing on these trails, and i ended up taking this circuitous route up a mountains and along a ridge....and i was a little annoyed that i ended up right behind the park a few hundred feet up the hill.&nbsp; I should'nt have bothered with the trail and it woulda took me like 2 minutes instead of an hour lol&nbsp;&nbsp; Oh well, i need the exercise anyway.&nbsp; The hint to where to look wasn't too hot, it mentioned looking for roots of a fallen tree, and they are everywhere.&nbsp; The spot was actually a massive indentation in the ground..i guess the tree root structure was ripped up here but its long since grown over.&nbsp; I was so happy to find it too, as i was about to give up!<br><br><br>Mission (finally) accomplished!<br> <br><br>My reward was 4 black Marbles that were inside the cache <img rel="lightbox" src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" class="bbc_img">
Pissed off today at my employer. He recently told my manager to tell me not to hang around work. Customers might think im 'casing' the place out. Odd thing to say but I get that, fine. Sometimes I talk to the lady on evenings, I guess cause I get lonely sometimes. I figured he seen me when he got gas and didn't think much of it. Sucks I lost my evening spot but oh well.

Then today I hear that before this seeming innocous call, he had sent his secretary to pump info about me from the manager (who is my friend outside work). Basically it appears they knew I was living in the van all along, and commented about how theyve been watching my vehicle parking all over town. My friend told her that its none of her business if I choose to live in my van, and this little operative commented that the owners sometimes get mad when people 'dont tell them things'.

So the very next day he coincidentally calls, and coincidently brings me up and asks weird shit like 'is martin lonely or something?' And for me not to 'hang around' creeping his customers out. After 9 years of working there without missing a day, even working off the clock and renting from them with quiet good tenant status in the past.

I swear the next person who treats me like a bad person cause I have a van is gonna get a bad person.
I ran restaurants (3) for 16 years, I would not have wanted an employee hanging around when they were not working, (no offense) especially if they were hitting on the lady customers. I have had that problem. Also as an employer you have to be concerned about theft and an employee eating when they are off the clock. Again no offense but from the managers point of view.
No offense taken. Though i think a motel is a little different. Also i work solo all night snd handle all money that goes thru there for the last 9 years, i dont think my trust worthyness should be in debate from his pov.
Chillin and listening to cool music on my tablet. The temp when the sun sets is so perfect :)



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