My intro, part 2

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Jun 8, 2020
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Hmm, sorry about that first post. I have no idea where that came from.

Hello, hello, I am, so excited to be here because I have been headed here for the last few years. I just bought my van, about 45 minutes ago, and just this is just such a fantastic fantastic thing for me; I'm even giddy heh. 
I am a 60 year old woman who made her money in the world painting drawing and writing and now I still pretty much well now I mostly just draw but it's constant and because I. I am in wheelchair at the moment, but it's just one of those things, one more thing that I finally just wasn't gonna let get in my way. I pretty much bought everything I think I'm gonna need for my first trip before I had a van, so it's all on go. . Thanks for being here this is so amazing.
So where is the first stop going to be.....planning is 50% of the fun.
Welcome to the CRVL forums countessj! That was quite an introduction on your other post. :- D Normally I would delete a post that didn't format correctly but everyone seems to be enjoying it so I'll leave it up.:) It sounds like you are on your way to exciting adventures. Make sure that you keep us updated!

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started.

Most of our rules boil down to two simple over-riding principles: 1) What you post should provide good information (like your introductory post), and 2) Any response to someone else's post should make them feel glad they are part of this forum community.

We look forward to hearing more from you.
welcome and good luck. I am going to get rid of the other intro. highdesertranger
Hi countessj . . . I'd like to know more about your painting, drawing and writing. I'm into all those things... expert at none.
Evening, and thanks -

GYPSYJAN- The first place I am going is Athens, GA, to hang out with my kindergarten teacher before she dies. In the in 54 years we have known one another we have remained seriously bonded;

HIGHDESERT-Thank you so much for removing that post. Lord knows I tried to;

TRAVELAROUND- That's neat, that you also like to spend your time relating to a piece of paper or canvas too. : ) Yep, we should talk.

Alas, I have unpleasant news to impart about my van life kick off yesterday.I have hit my first snag, and I haven't even driven the van yet, or even sat in it.

When I woke up this morning I had never heard of title jumping, nor had I ever thought about pink slip forgery. What a difference today made (great song); now I know quite a bit about it. I do still have the van, but my $4500 is gone. I guess I don't know what will happen when I go to the DMV, but I do know that the man I bought it from never owned it.... the tale goes on. I don't even know the dude's name.

Yes, I had my mechanic check it, who also happens to be my nephew. Yes, I had a competent witness to the transaction with me, who also happens to be my 84 year-old mother. There we were: me, 60, in a wheelchair, my old ma, and my scary-looking nephew sans pitbull (he has SINISTER tattooed across his belly in about 10" letters - my nephew), and this crook was just as cool and humble as could be to to our collected faces, with us not catching on at all. That's ballsy. Even the plate sticker is, on close examination) clearly ripped from someone else's plate. My mom thought maybe he would feel guilty but I told her when people are doing things like that, it doesn't bother them.

Ergo, I have to either A) figure out a way to own the van without committing fraud on top of his, or B) Save up for a new one. That is why I have not set foot in that van yet, it might make it harder for me to let go. Tonight though I am having some fun tracking this clown down. He left almost no trace behind but I think I am already on his trail. Good night, fine people! Just another bump in the road.
MaTaLa said:
Wishing you bliss, nothing but bliss!
You are speaking my language there. I make sure to find my bliss at least once a day, for however long it is, and I use the word "bliss" pretty much as often as I can. Thank you.

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