My insurance company won't insure motorhomes that people are living in. Anyway around this?

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Well-known member
Jul 7, 2012
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Can anyone recommend a car insurance company that will insure a motorhome I'm going to live in? My insurance company (Wawanesa) doesn't cover motorhomes unless you have another vehicle covered by them at the same time. They won't insure RV's that people are living in which is too bad because Wawanesa has such low rates (I only pay $230 per year for my car). If you don't know of an insurance company that will do this, can you suggest some ways around this?<br /><br />Thanks very much.<br /><br />Steve
magentawave said:
Can anyone recommend a car insurance company that will insure a motorhome I'm going to live in? My insurance company (Wawanesa) doesn't cover motorhomes unless you have another vehicle covered by them at the same time. They won't insure RV's that people are living in which is too bad because Wawanesa has such low rates (I only pay $230 per year for my car). If you don't know of an insurance company that will do this, can you suggest some ways around this?<br /><br />Thanks very much.<br /><br />Steve
<br /><br />Mine does, Farmers Ins. Good Sam also insures full timers. Those are the two I know off the top.<br /><br />
I use Horace Mann Insurance for the least expensive vehicle insurance I have might try them<br />Bri
geico, if you're looking for easy and cheap. they have a road plan, and plans for ful ltiming and part timing
Thanks! I will check them out. Are any of you full-timers? And if so, what are you paying per year for your insurance?
No, not a full-timer MW...sorry I can't help with that...prolly wouldn't be much help anyway as nothing I have ever owned is worth paying for anything more than the mandatory liability wifes vehicles either....<br />Bri
I have fulltimers insurance from Victoria Insurance, got it through an agency in Portland, OR that was recomended on one of the blogs I read.&nbsp; They do have a discount if you have another vehicle, I'll see about that when/if I get a toad.
GMAC insured us no problem knowing that we full time in a converted school bus. They only do liability, no full coverage though (at least in our case).
Okay, I'm not sure if this is a good place for my question or not, but seems to be. I've got my van which is mostly ready for full timing. I've filled out the paper work for "My Dakota address" in preparation to be a resident and get my car registered that. &nbsp;As I get ready to head west to pick up my driver's license, I need to get my van insured too. Right now, it's under the very generous previous owner's insurance. I'm trying to hurry up and get my tail out there to not overuse his generosity. <br><br>The one insurance company (I think was on the My Dakota Address site) I called won't give me RV liability&nbsp;(which would replace items potentially stolen or pay for any theft damage)&nbsp;since it's not set up with running water and a bathroom . What insurance should I use that would cover me if a theif ever did damage or take my stuff? I tend to have good luck with this kind of stuff and I'm way cautious, but things can happen and I occasionally have a bad day like people do. LOL So, better to have coverage for my stuff with the insurance. What insurance do other vandwellers use that includes the coverage I'm talking about? Thanks!
Should we update with relevant information or shall we make a poor joke and move on? Both I say!

We just signed up with one of those "progressive" companies. Around 30 bucks a month for "full timer coverage". There was a little drop down menu selection for it. Offers some property and act of God type stuff as well as optional riders for hotels and cars etc. If i remember correctly it even covers liability for "house guests".

Pain free process. Ten minutes online and it was done.
I had progressive..every time it renewed, they raised it. When i got to 90 for liability with zero accidents since i was 16...switched for half that.

I felt like i was penalized for being loyal and safe.
I have Flo insuring my motorcycle - the danged lizard waned twice the cost! And, Flo has dropped my rates each year, til now I am paying half what I began paying in 2005. But maybe their attitudes towards RVs are different?
I currently have the lizard insuring my minivan and E150. Been considering seeing what deal Flo can cut me?
bk2valve said:
No, not a full-timer MW...sorry I can't help with that...prolly wouldn't be much help anyway as nothing I have ever owned is worth paying for anything more than the mandatory liability wifes vehicles either....<br />Bri

who is prolly?
Contact for a quote and tell them you're a full timer. Some insurance companies have special "full timers" coverage that provides extra theft, damage and liability coverage.

If you plan to ask your current insurance agent/company then I suggest first calling them anonymously an asking so they don't flag your account.