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Aug 30, 2011
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I just started looking up boondocking and fell in love. lol. I'm currently enrolled for webpage design (army is paying for it lol) My plan is to finish school get a truck and head out and start a business by doing webpages online because that is what I love but who said I cant love the outdoors and be a tech guy lol. so I'm gonna combine the 2 and put up a dish maybe or cell stick (doubtful) and hit the road. one thing I'm looking into and studying is home made solar by buying just the solar cells and hand making the grids (alot cheaper too) plus I could make the sizes and width I needed and not be stuck with what every1 else has. so if you guys ever need help working on webpages let me know (free of course lol) <br>
Welcome and you've come to a great place for info and ideas!<div><br></div>
Welcome!<br><br>There's quite a few techie people living the life and working from where ever they choose and can get internet.&nbsp; No reason you can't do the same.<br><br><br><br>
<font face="Courier" size="3">Welcome! Tech is a goo industry for vehicle dwelling</font><font size="3">.</font><font face="Courier" size="3"> Good luck and keep us posted<img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"></font><br><br><a target="_blank" href=""><font face="Courier">-Tuckerbag</font></a><br><br>

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