Money that comes at the cost of YOU is too expensive.⠀

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It is true by definition that any forum that is based on a particular topic and interest group is a clique. See definition of clique copied below. This forum is Cheap RV Living, it was founded to be a place that supported the concept of being able to live cheaply. It was founded to present an alternative lifestyle. Presenting a list of bullet items that essentially say don't choose the cheaper options was bound to generate a counter point of opinion.

There is a difference of course in the definition below from the intent of this group. This group readily allows anyone to join. But expecting the members to say nothing about a list that presents an opinion that says to stay away from cheap options, that is simply not realistic. But it is not a personal attack and it is not close minded, it is just saying it makes no sense to do that if you need to live cheaply.

Dictionary result for clique
noun: clique; plural noun: cliques
a small group of people, with shared interests or other features in common, who spend time together and do not readily allow others to join them.
I don't need no stinking clique. That's why I don't read this or post here. Yep.
agree when things are 'listed as' don't do or do and your life depends on it kinda post, heck the opinions come out like crazy. There is no right or wrong. You will agree with one on the list maybe and not others.

Who in the heck thinks that a 'list to live your life' totally set in stone exists? It does not and never will. Debating it is kinda stupid if ya ask me LOL

Let everyone have their say as they see fit. You don't have to take offense in any way or call other's close minded ever if they state their opposition to 'that list posted' or on any thread subject. Live and let live
Money that comes at the cost of ME is TOO EX SPENN SIIV.

I spend big on what I love, and I personally have spent over $10,000 for the gear and equipment. In the 2 months after I drove my first revenue mile with Western Express trucking company, I spent over $1300 on new and upgraded computer hardware, accessories, peripherals and camera gear. I hear frugalers gasping over this.

Before I continue, has anyone given up their digital life & legacy to save money?

I could give this all up, and save a ton of money at the cost of me. This is what is meant by "Money that comes at the cost of YOU is too expensive.

Choosing to give up something you love when you can easily afford it because you want to have the money...
Paula Pant of said:
Well, 2018 was quite the year …

Paula Pant - owner of Afford Anything - trees in background

Here are a handful of lessons from 2018 (although many of these ideas originated during a lifetime preceding that). I’ve shared most, but not all, of these lessons on Instagram in the past year.

Some context:
This is one of her first posts, she writes about eating nothing but the beans
"Screw the Veggies!

I’ve heard penny-pinchers recommend eating nothing but pasta in order to save money. Screw the vegetables, we’ll live on rice! That’s short-sighted and pound-foolish. (And it insults the ancestors who painstakingly built our advanced society).

Extreme penny-pinchers also forsake routine checkups and screenings because their bodies will “clue them in” if something’s wrong. Hogwash.

Take care of yourself, or life will catch up with you sooner than you expect."

Does anybody remember my story about the guy who chooses his exotic vacation destination & what he does on it on cost and no other factor?

Has anybody regretted that you made cost your primary decision factor of everything you do?
If I’d have known getting rich cost so much I would have worked a little harder at staying poor.

Pennywise, pound foolish has it place here. The cheapest choice is not always the most frugal, the long run. You can't see the long term effects of less than ideal nutrition. It manifests later.

I'm quite aware of what "clique" means. It was a tangential comment re: the piling on criticizing OP's post. I see often on here, not just here of course.

So if cheapest is always best I would suggest never acquiring dental care, an extreme to make a point.

I, imo, found your post condescending, dismissive and close minded. Just my opinion which is worth nothing to you as yours is to me.

"But expecting the members to say nothing about a list that presents an opinion that says to stay away from cheap options, that is simply not realistic". Straw Man argument.

Seems to me, and I may be wrong, I have been before, I read lots of people being butt hurt about someone presenting another perspective that challenges the life path they chosen or felt like they had no option than the one they chose. Why? We all do the best we can will what we have to work with at the time. I read no judgement in the OP but tons in yours and the endorsements of your post from others.

First it was because he's young he knows nothing, ridiculous.

Did you look at Paula Pant's website, which he was referencing? I'd be surprised if you did.

"Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance" - Albert Einstein

This will be my last comment on this.

Godspeed to grand adventures to all!
OIC...Paula Pant, never heard of her. But now I have looked at it I see that has a slightly obscured purpose. I it one of those get rich through real estate investing sites. That explains the purpose of that list. No wonder it set my teeth on edge, LOL.