Mobile Starlink Internet by the end of 2021

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Well-known member
Oct 17, 2020
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Great news! Starlink (Spacex) going mobile by the end of 2021 in the US. Elon Musk "Starlink should be fully mobile by the end of 2021" Will be awsome to have a good internet connection no matter where we are boondocking!
Below is a youtube video
[color=var(--ytd-video-primary-info-renderer-title-color, var(--yt-spec-text-primary))][font=Roboto, Arial, sans-serif]Huge News for RV Internet - Elon Musk Confirms Starlink for RV Use! Great for Leisure Travel Vans [/font][/color]
I paid my $99 deposit months ago, and still waiting for an invitation to join. We were promised service last January, but that did not happen. With orders pouring in by the tens of thousands, it could be a long time before you or I get invited.

The only way to get service is by invitation only, no one can just send in their $500+ to join.

By the way, the FCC has not approved mobile use of Starlink yet. Hopefully it will be later this year or next.

It all sounds real sweet on Youtube, but in reality it could be a long wait for some of us to get invited.
I did get my invitation to 'join'....they want my $500 now and shipping to my area in September.... thanks.
...a fool and his money are soon parted..
Being exceptionally new to this life, actually I can even say I am a part of this life yet LMAO.. However, this was one of my main concerns, how will or could I get highspeed internet.. after constant searching like I am sure many of you have.. I finally decided that doing without internet may not be such a bad idea.. and besides I do have my phone like many others..

Starlink is so new barely even started.. But it would be unconceivable to me the Elon musk would allow poor and forgotten service to people that are and have prepaid for the invitation.. You will certainly need to be patient.. I believe he certainly wants to connect remote areas with affordable service.. But people need to remember this service is still in the infant stages at best..
Don't plan on mobile use in just 6 months.
I'm remaining optimistically skeptical about Starlink mobile and will wait to see what others think of it once it does go fully mobile capable. I probably wouldn't invest in it unless it can prove to out-perform the best MIMO cellular routers on 5G, then we'll talk serious. ;)

As a soon-to-be full-time digital nomad who works for the software industry, the topic of versatility and reliability in internet service was one of the first things in my bucket for researching and figuring out how I'd stay connected for a demanding full-time remote/online job for my first year on the road. Some early speculation says where you are located is still going to matter a lot when using Starlink and like a lot of satellite, will still suffer due to weather, and even trees interfering. Still, as a geek, I'm excited for this new technology!
Huge news, yes.
I received my 'invitation' to send $500 in last year in order to be considered as a customer sometime in the future.

I RSVP 'd my regrets.
I'm rarely by cities so 5G is of no use to me. Wish they still offered the 3G as the range was superb. May not have been fast but it was fast enough to stream videos. My house is in a big city so I won't be getting any invitations. If they open it to mobile people, I'll jump on it.
I'm finding snippets of info so far looks like $499 initially and $99 a month thereafter.
Is that for XX amount of Talk, Text and Data? Anyone read what your actually getting for that price and what the speed will be?
I was drinking a cup of tea this morning (ok, the middle of the night) and getting ready to drive out from the town lights to see a 60 satellite Starlink 'train' go over (didn't see a thing and in perfect conditions :() and ran across this article.

5 Things RVers Need To Know About Starlink Internet
We've been camped in Pahrump.....Nice Dark Skies !

Sitting with a group of Nomads the other nite We saw a train of about 20 fly by LOW............within a few minutes an incredible group of 40 or so flew by on the same track...West to East...They filled the sky from near horizon to horizon

Later in the evening another train passed overhead.......Much higher and perpendicular to the path of the first group.....South to North ?
WOW!!  I hope to get this lucky!!  There's supposed to be a train of 76 of them going over Saturday night about 10:47 but I don't know if it will be an overhead path like this morning was supposed to be.  

I saw a post on Reddit, I can't say if it's true or not, that the plan was to have thousands of those satellites up eventually.  Can you imagine?  You won't be able to see anything else at night!

Btw, here's a cool source for finding sightings
While boondocking near Goldfield, I went to bed soon after dark and did my usual check of the three windows around my bed and out the window at my feet, I saw a line of lights streaming by. Quick like a bunny, I jumped up, put my jacket on, grabbed my phone, fumbled around for glasses, slipped some shoes on....
They were no longer in the sky :)

So I stayed outside to make all of that scrabling pay me with a starry sky. About 5 minutes later, a longlonglong line of lights moving quick over my head. I counted 200 before I gave up.

I stayed put a few more minutes, laughing and dancing in the starlight.

This nomad life puts me in the way of unexpected magic moment happenings. : )
Ummmm... Whats a radio?

Wait! I vaguely remember listening to playlists someone else chose, interspersed with noisy annoying ads!

Now that you mention it tho, I recall seeing a flier with the radio station schedule on it when I went through Goldfield last year. My recollection is that it was quaint and old-timey and not my cup of tea.
Ravella and X said:
So I stayed outside to make all of that scrabling pay me with a starry sky. About 5 minutes later, a longlonglong line of lights moving quick over my head. I counted 200 before I gave up.

I stayed put a few more minutes, laughing and dancing in the starlight.

This nomad life puts me in the way of unexpected magic moment happenings. : )

Oh man, I have goosebumps reading this.
LOL Radio Goldfield is unlike any radio station you ever heard, I guaranty. Highdesertranger