Mobile... Geodesic tiny house, yes?

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All it takes is motivation, determination, perseverance - then time, and not least some money.

Lots of money reduces the amount needed of the other factors.

Limited funds? then need lots of the rest.

If I were serious, and wanted something sound to last decades, I'd first play with modeling foam and wood, then go shopping for engineering and fabrication help.

If it's just an experimental 'art project' then just do it, maybe get a local vo-tech teacher to make it a school project.

The underlying trailer could get registered, treat what's carried on top as a "temporary load".

To get specific help / answers you need to ask specific questions.
Hi John,
with the exception of "underlying trailer could get registered, treat what's carried on top as a "temporary load". -
already know the rest as have taught many, many classes.
But it's not as Simple as you make it sound. Because everything I dream UP is always complex, lol
For example, I knew eons ago that I wanted to contribute something related,
so most my projects have centered around *HEALTH-enjoyment...specifically global* :)

(but the mortgage-company defrauded all their customers, & then life took 9 more turns south,
so at last 3 counties & 3 properties later, a stationary school got licensed. But then Zoning got changed, &
all of everything made me too sick. So plans got changed, & just as I thought yes, Yes! it's happening...
an even worse disaster hit last year. - soo, I'm trying to create viable Alternatives...
even this MOBILE project might not fly, because states say no! to "LIVE plants" across boundaries.
Sure there's U-tubes & bks galore, yet a majority of people do not know a Forest's nature.
(so instead drug-pushers rule). - When people learn how a Forest's nature empowers health via its 8+ layers, & they too rely on these resources, then naturally their over-all enjoyment increases, & LIFE is enabled for many more sustainably...

It would be best were such Demonstration-gardens ie "Edible forests" part of EVERY precious child's family & school environment already.

The above is just 1 of my dreams, some of which already bore good :) fruit.
Hello Annie,

I'm glad the Zome provides a solution to what you can imagine.   I can imagine a geodesic trailer as you detail
looking much like an aluminum "Airstream Trailer".   Such a trailer structure could be built from aluminum scraps from a metal recycling yard after you have a trailer frame structure to work with.  The superstructure (above the floor of the trailer)  could be built in a garage or under a shed and would have the strength to be lifted and set out on the frame to be joined with it.  Two to four people could lift it depending on the size.

The Zome structure is a Dome which has been cut in half down from the top and a tunnel (a Zone) fitted between the two "half domes".  The "Zone" could be built along the plan of the Vickers Wellington Bomber
pictured above.  The greenhouse was built using hexagonal frames which would be ok for a stationary structure like the green house,  but the type used in the Bomber would be more aerodynamic.  Once this is built you could  build your inside walls to partition a bedroom, bath, kitchen living space. 

It would then be up to  you as to how to cover the structure.  You would want to allow for windows, door, and skylight/vent. 

Here's ya some free Dome Books (instructional) to check out in .PDF  You could build scale models on a table top after drawing plans for the build.  Take into consideration the legal width of the vehicle and height too.
You may want to look at some RV Trailers first to get an idea of what size would suit your needs.

"The  Dome Builders Handbook"

"Dome Book 1"

"Dome Book 2"

After reading in these books you'll have a better idea as to how to go about building.  Then you could build
models with scraps of wood to better understand how it works.   The skin of the trailer would be up to you.
There could be many ways of covering it.  Spray Foam insulation may be suitable for your insulation needs.
The Vicker's Wellington Bombers were covered with fabric which was "doped" (heavy sizing paint) much like a canoe.  If you did that you may want to cover the structure with light expanded metal first and use a heavy grade of canvas before applying a sizing paint to waterproof the trailer.   It would be light in weight and strong
and probably suited for arid climates where you don't incur a lot of high winds.

Wellington Bomber story

Geodesic structures have been with us some time.  Buckey Fuller got a lot of credit for developing it,  but I've seen photos of a sculpture of a Dragon in China (quite old) holding a geodesic sphere under his front foot.   So it goes back "some" time.
Here is a concept sketch of such a trailer


I'd seen this Geodesic Trailer a while back:

It's funny that I got this video in my YouTube recommended videos that talks about not letting Cult-ure pressure you into living a life you do not want to live.

Pretty cool...


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Hi again eDJ_ & John61CT
Thank you so much for such Detailed.. plans : Wonderful project for acreage .
Pull it around the acreage... & situate it like a 'chicken tractor' ;) l
Fortunately, this Foresting project could be Demonstrated... in 4 by 4 foot space, (like 10 plants)
(such that NO trailer needed). like in a ToyotaTacoma truck bed.

the reason I'm riveted to GEODESIC designs = they resemble NATURE-patterns: water-droplets, leaves, Flower-petals, the EARTH etc.

But as is also true for structures used as a regular Greenhouse, the SKIN < toughest part, as the SUN needs ready Access...,
so cover the exterior with a material that is both Durably/transparent.... like WHAT ????
Hi Ray,

Wanna know something even more funny: THIS I actually watched
last year BEFORE I ever arrived here in Bob's Forum. And
is one of the main reasons I Started this discussion... Why ?
1. Why does it cost $10,000 ? to build this exceptional structure. I don't understand. Should be able to do it cheaper, right ?
2. Then there is the separate situation of an actual GREENHOUSE (which I've been trying to build for years now; but
the SKIN.... I need to know what to cover the exterior with that is both Durably/transparent.... like WHAT ????
3. IF "no LIVE plants across state-lines", then instead of just "give it up" . ??
As you mentioned too, the TRUTH boils down to "quitters do not win; & Winners never quit. :) so
tho altho Artificial-plants are NOT preferable in the least. ------------ Maybe by down-scaling whole project to a 4x4 space,
as I mentioned in previous post, the IDEA can still be transmitted... for people to learn from (in all but the LIVE-dimension.)


So while there may actually be two builds, the **GEODESIC** design for either remains the same. Why?
1. Geodesic domes MIMIC... are patterned after NATURE itself. - just look: ALL planets are ROUND ... round fascinates ...
2. The sphere is nature’s most efficient shape
3. The triangle (which constructs the Geodesic dome) is the strongest shape.
4. Geodesic dome is structurally independent of interior framing, therefore the designs are Limitless, & endless
Anybody knowing me well knows that my HAPPY thoughts, Ideas, + plans are Limitless, & endless :heart: LOL
5. Because there is less Surface area, the Geodesic dome is cheaper to build.
6. any Geodesic dome shaped STRUCTURE looks simply Spectacular... their shape is mesmerizing, lol

so most people have called me, & even so continue, calling me "strange, & crazy" --- but I am in good company,
eDJ_ said:
Here is a concept sketch of such a trailer



has potential.. I see great fuel mileage with much less tow drag here. and less strain on the engine. it does appear it would be more costly to construct due to having more structural components than a traditional 'box' but if it was used much, it would pay for itself I think.
Annie W said:
Hi Ray,

Wanna know something even more funny: THIS I actually watched
last year BEFORE I ever arrived here in Bob's Forum. And
is one of the main reasons I Started this discussion... Why ?
1. Why does it cost $10,000 ? to build this exceptional structure. I don't understand. Should be able to do it cheaper, right ?
2. Then there is the separate situation of an actual GREENHOUSE (which I've been trying to build for years now; but
the SKIN.... I need to know what to cover the exterior with that is both Durably/transparent.... like WHAT ????
3. IF "no LIVE plants across state-lines", then instead of just "give it up" . ??
As you mentioned too, the TRUTH boils down to "quitters do not win; & Winners never quit. :) so
tho altho Artificial-plants are NOT preferable in the least. ------------ Maybe by down-scaling whole project to a 4x4 space,
as I mentioned in previous post, the IDEA can still be transmitted... for people to learn from (in all but the LIVE-dimension.)


So while there may actually be two builds, the **GEODESIC** design for either remains the same. Why?
1. Geodesic domes MIMIC... are patterned after NATURE itself. - just look: ALL planets are ROUND ... round fascinates ...
2. The sphere is nature’s most efficient shape
3. The triangle (which constructs the Geodesic dome) is the strongest shape.
4. Geodesic dome is structurally independent of interior framing, therefore the designs are Limitless, & endless
Anybody knowing me well knows that my HAPPY thoughts, Ideas, + plans are Limitless, & endless [emoji813] LOL
5. Because there is less Surface area, the Geodesic dome is cheaper to build.
6. any Geodesic dome shaped STRUCTURE looks simply Spectacular... their shape is mesmerizing, lol

so most people have called me, & even so continue, calling me "strange, & crazy" --- but I am in good company,
Yep. I'm a sucker for geodesic domes... And I agree - it should be cheaper to build your own.

You've probably seen this one too. If not, it may give you some ideas about the greenhouse/planting part:

Gotta love the hammock too!
Spending more on more durable material would mean less frequent replacement.

But even polycarbonate sheeting would need shielding on the front end, with good mudflaps for the TV.
John61CT said:
But even polycarbonate sheeting would need shielding on the front end, with good mudflaps for the TV.
TV ?, as in television ? - No need for that contraption.
Rayd888 said:
Yep. I'm a sucker for geodesic domes... And I agree - it should be cheaper to build your own.

You've probably seen this one too. If not, it may give you some ideas about the greenhouse/planting part:
Gotta love the hammock too!

Hi Ray,

Thanks !
for making me aware of what they are doing... , and
Did this also many years ago in Seattle, also with drug-addicted at-risk youth. On an empty lot, P-patch style they learned how to grow Edibles.
(veggies, fruits, herbs & flowers). So engaged they started having healthy :) fun ... from our sharing & their enjoyment interacting with nature they changed... both in body & mind. Over the growing season, by different degrees, they realized & decided that LIFE is very much worth living... and they made their own goals on how to be involved further, including helping yet others. It was so very rewarding for me to witness their Individual transformations ... ; that when I moved to another county, I repeated something similar with rural Homeschooling children many also at-risk in a different way. And they too enjoyed the activities they were freed to choose :) over 70 kids excelled ... in Wholesome choices.
No matter where, before & following these two experiences I have loved playing the part of seeing in my mind what is possible & the potential and then making a positive :) difference. In such I am simply passionate.

Thanks again Ray.
That's awesome Annie.

Thank you. [emoji3]

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Please forgive delay (haven't been able to post 1/2 a year) in Thanking you for sharing this site. Yes, very cool. :)
I have a friend who has been obsessed with alternative building practices and affordable homesteading/disaster prepping. He locked in upon geodesics as the best adaptable design for multiple applications, and even embarked upon a cottage business manufacturing kits for domes using 1/2 inch electrical conduit segments. I helped hi in fabricating some of these and in setting them up at trade fairs, expos and field experiments.

The one key failure of geodesic domes (especially those made using steel tubing of any diameter) is expansion and contraction from temperature extremes. Because the dome will expand and contract, the covering cannot be rigid, such as stucco or epoxied fiberglass matting. Thick vinyl sheeting, like used billboard ads, works well,...but lacks insulative properties.

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