Military(?) guy in unmarked vehicle in NF.

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Well-known member
Aug 8, 2012
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Sometimes lost, sometimes not.
So I just had the weirdest experience.

Yesterday, a guy on a quad stopped by, and started talking at me. I was like I'm DEAF, and try to get him to write stuff down. no go.

Today, he shows up in military type outfit (no badges/ranks/insignia that I could see), with a vest full of STUFF, at least 2 guns, 2 knives (one bigger then my face), and lots of other stuff jammed into his vest. He was driving a green suv, with a dog in it. He takes a picture of me and Ferdy. Then he gets out and he talks on his walkie talkie the whole time, while also (what appeared to be yelling) at me.

I keep trying to hand him a piece of paper and a pen, and keep pointing to my ears, like huh HELLO , my ears don't WORK like yours! He then proceeded to point at my license plate from in the front (which is empty). after a minute of this, I figured out he wanted to see my license plate, well fine, if you will just go the hell away, I show him the one on the back of my vehicle. He keeps talking, and I keep trying to point at the paper , like you have to write for me, I can't understand you! He finally writes down "I live right down there". Well that makes me feel safe, NOT. Anyways, seeing my license plate (which he didn't write down) he seemed content enough to go away.

He did leave amicably enough, especially after I wrote down I'm leaving here soon, but he scares the crap out of me. Near as I can tell he is just a gun-toting neighbor who watches "his woods" (even tho I'm 10000% definitely in NF) I think I'm going to stay, because I don't have any other place nearby I can go to, and I don't want assholes scaring me off, that just doesn't sit well with me. I think I will wander into a NF office when I leave here and let them know this guy is out there "patrolling" when I assume he has no authority to do so.

Anyone experience anything like this?
Did you get the plate # of his SUV? Sounds like a militia-type wannabe. Are you near the Mexican border?
You could always just ignore him and report him if need be. Unfortunately he's an a-hole, but it sounds like what he was doing is illegal (if he's not some sort of police of course...)
No I'm not near any international border. Right, I couldn't quite figure out if he was some sort of LE or not. He carried himself like LE does, but he didn't have any markings to indicate a particular branch/type of LE. But he had his fancy radio thingy, and kept talking into it, like some LE do. I didn't manage to get his license plate. I was too busy trying not to appear afraid, and making sure this guy wasn't going to try and attack me or something and trying to just make him GO AWAY.

I keep thinking, WHY does this guy need TWO very visible guns strapped to him?!?
Does sound like he thought you were up to shenanigans. I imagine that's all normal behavior for lots of folks. "What, an unknown? Better pack some knives and guns and go check it out".

Good idea to check with the NF office.
"WHY does this guy need TWO very visible guns strapped to him?!?" guard a little pot patch?
Tara, If your intuition says that he would hurt you, please find someplace else in the NF (after reporting him at the district station). I don't want to see any harm come to you. Suanne
Real neighbors near the National Forest are often a thorn in my side, but they have all called either the Ranger station or the Sheriff, I've never had one come at me in person. If he is a legitimate neighbor, he should just call the Rangers. I'm inclined to think pot grower also.

I know you hate to give in to an a**hole, but this time it might be the wise thing to do!
Law enforcement, I think would be required to show at least a badge during official actions. Also law enforcement is trained to work with, and even expect to meet deaf persons. He shouldn't have had that much difficulty determining you have a hearing disability. Radios are easy enough to buy on the Internet, even ones that can handle government bands. This guy was not LE.

Peacetara, are you able to call the police or for help as a deaf person. I'm not deaf, but have brought this up to law enforcement agencies. Asked if they could receive text messages. Or is this just TTY and does that work with a cell? Take care.

I had a guy tell me he was the police in down town Salt Lake City and wanted my driver license. I figure he really wanted my wallet and I called the police on him. Once I started talking to the 911 operator he walked off. Even though they got there after he left, I gave his description. It's important in case he pulls that trick again on some one else.
I agree, not a LEO. That is a dangerous individual, and you should report him and move. I always ask myself if this is a battle I want to fight? if not, that is what your $ payed in taxes go for. Roads and protection. This is America.
I ended up staying the night without moving. He hasn't returned so far. I'll likely move today tho. I know the NF ranger patrols this forest, down closer to the highway (as he has stopped me down there before) and driving in, I saw him wander off on a diff. FS road.

I'll likely just move down closer to the HWY where I'm within the NF ranger patrol. When he stops, I'll mention that I was up on NF road XX and tell him about the guy. I just really don't want to be in cities right now, I've spent too much time in them lately and I also have a large trip coming up next week... so trying to enjoy the forest and the downtime before crazy travel.
My free advice is to report this individual to the local LEO - Sheriff's Office or Rangers. Depending on where you are located, open carry of guns may be perfectly legal - here in my neck of the woods it is not. That alone would make me go Code Red. His intelligence is questionable, as he didn't understand your very obvious attempts to let him know of your hearing difficulty. Sounds like he's a very belligerent individual, and maybe 'off his meds'...... hard to call this one, best to let the LEO know and let them check him out. At the least get him on record as being a potentially dangerous trouble-maker. That really helps later if he gets even worse.