Making a folding cot work

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Well-known member
Jan 5, 2015
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I've seen all kinds of DIY built-in beds in vans and minivans, but I think I'd prefer something that can be folded out of the way in a matter of seconds, or even removed for sleeping in a tent.

The cheapest and lightest option is the much-dreaded folding cot. Everyone seems to say "OK for 3 weeks, then pain sets in" with these things, but I'm wondering if they can be modified somewhat. Perhaps place a solid board on top, and then a thick foam mattress on top of that? These items could go up against the wall with the cot during the day, giving me welcome floor space. 

Or they could stay down and I could keep storage bins underneath the bed assembly. Leg length could be a problem here, though; most cots I've seen are too short to accommodate storage underneath.

I could also put a foam mattress on top of a folding table, but there I run into the opposite problem; I think I'd be uncomfortably high off the ground, especially if I were to end up in a minivan instead of a full-size van.

I actually sleep well on my old army cot and a thick backpacking pad. That's what I started with in my trailer, but two of them side by side took up to much room to reach in between to reach the stuff stored underneath. It would be a great start in a van for a single traveler though - that way you could play with the lay out forward and back anyway. You might like it so much you decide to keep it permanently. They make low ones also if you do end up with a mini van.
masterplumber said:
I actually sleep well on my old army cot and a thick backpacking pad. That's what I started with in my trailer, but two of them side by side took up to much room to reach in between to reach the stuff stored underneath. It would be a great start in a van for a single traveler though - that way you could play with the lay out forward and back anyway. You might like it so much you decide to keep it permanently. They make low ones also if you do end up with a mini van.

Thanks. Ideally I could find one with legs long enough to conceal a single row of storage bins, etc.

I'm really starting to like the folding table idea, actually, if I could find one that isn't too tall. Even more storage space underneath, and huge versatility -- it could double as a work desk, indoor/outdoor dining table, and whatever else might require a flat surface.
masterplumber said:
I actually sleep well on my old army cot and a thick backpacking pad. That's what I started with in my trailer, but two of them side by side took up to much room to reach in between to reach the stuff stored underneath. It would be a great start in a van for a single traveler though - that way you could play with the lay out forward and back anyway. You might like it so much you decide to keep it permanently. They make low ones also if you do end up with a mini van.

Thanks. Ideally I could find one with legs long enough to conceal a single row of storage bins, etc.

I'm really starting to like the folding table idea, actually, if I could find one that isn't too tall. Even more storage space underneath, and huge versatility -- it could double as a work desk, indoor/outdoor dining table, and whatever else might require a flat surface.
I ended up with this one after some research:

It is sturdy and at 30" wide enough without being too wide. With 4" of memory foam over a backpacking air matress it was very comfortable. I have only spent one night in it though.

One downside is that the crossbars stick out a bit and can catch on things.

There is room underneath for bins. It folds down into a relatively small package.

I previously had a 24" cot which was worthless, it was not wide enough and I had to try to sleep with my arms crossed over me so they didn't fall down to the side.
I went with a metal futon sofa/bed frame, extended the legs, and added 4" foam camper cushions for the seat and back. Unless I have company, I sleep with it in sofa mode, and place the back cushion on top of the seat cushion. Very comfy, yet still portable.
A lot of these cot ads say nothing about the weight limit for them. A standard cot won't support my weight for long. There are extra heavy duty models, but it takes some Google-fu to find them. In any case, my plans call for a box frame with stowage inside, including house batteries.
If a cot is a bit too low, you could build some simple riser blocks from 2X4 or 4X4 material.
I have slept on a cot with thick foam mattress and was very comfortable. Don't get one with the springs around the cot because it doesn't take long before the springs start to fall out. I did that for 1 summer in a tent and wouldn't hesitate to do it again!
I've slept on an army style cot for years.  My first one failed, and I looked for the most heavy duty one I could find.  It's lasted me a few years now.  I keep it set up, and I take it out of the van, or tear it down.  It's real convenient.  And I have stuff stored under it.  I weigh about 200, so I'm not sure how well it would work for a 300 pound guy.
Yeah, floor prob would get chilly at times. Maybe a "shelf-bed" that folded up/down against wall, depending on need? Have a few legs attached to the ends not attached to wall for support. All on hinges or what not. Not sure if that makes sense.
Cry said:
Yeah, floor prob would get chilly at times. Maybe a "shelf-bed" that folded up/down against wall, depending on need? Have a few legs attached to the ends not attached to wall for support. All on hinges or what not. Not sure if that makes sense.

That's why I like a folding cot. I can just fold it in half and stack it up against the wall. Of course, I'd then be staring at all the storage boxes it was hiding from view....  :)
A hammock offers all the advantages you're seeking in a cot, and offers many more.

But they tend to be polarizing; they either give you the best sleep you ever had, or you despise them. I'm doing a post on them in a van tomorrow.
As far as cots for us big guys go, both Cabelas and Gander Mountain sell large cots rated for 5 or 600 lbs.  They have advertising pictures showing 4 guys standing on one.

akrvbob said:
A hammock offers all the advantages you're seeking in a cot, and offers many more.

But they tend to be polarizing; they either give you the best sleep you ever had, or you despise them. 

There are drawbacks: 
- when in use, they take up a lot of space and may interfere with planned or existing built-ins, depending on your van's layout. 
- under-insulation can be problematic or expensive when dealing with colder weather.

But for me, the positives far outweight negatives:
- most restful sleep I've had in ages.
- no back issues, which traditional mattresses always exacerbate
- best way to sleep cool in hot weather
- light, cheap, easily portable
- self leveling -- slight inclines are no problem.

Once I get around to actually building out the interior, the hammock may go in favor of a cot + memory foam, or built-in bed. Or not. We'll see...
I have one of the large ones from cabelas, with a 3" foam pad I find it very comfortable. highdesertranger