Living in a car at the beach?

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maki2 said:
Trying to live in a vehicle near a beach or fishing pier in any Pacific Coast area in California, Oregon or Washington state will be noticed in the current Covid-19 situation.  The public fishing piers are all closed to reduce social contact.
oh lord, in the South Bay Area of Los Angeles you can’t even walk on the sidewalks above the beach and the locals are calling the police. Seriously they have lost their minds and are at each other’s throats. I’m sure when this is over they will calm down but I don’t foresee it any time soon. I am still on the local Next Door for the area. It’s an issue discussed all day every day. As it’s getting hotter and hotter already people are starting to rebel a bit but not in a major way.
The beach at the end of the street I am doing my build on closed the parking lot but not the park. So now the park visitors have filled up every parking place on the 6 block long street. But the whole street, except for a few spots in front of some turn of the century cottages, is posted no parking between 2 to 5 am. If the park gets overcrowded the city has already stated it will be shut to all visitors. I suspect that will be happening every weekend this spring and summer from now until social distancing is over. First warm weekend and it is already a mob scene.
I’m assuming you’re not in California because parks and trails are closed here. There is one local park no one knows does allow walking, playing on the field and leashed dogs and horses using the ring for fun but not training ( no idea on that one) It’s usually almost empty but if locals knew they’d go crazy. They are enraged that people walking on wide empty residential streets are not wearing masks and are not wearing masks in their cars either. These are people who are ordering restaurant delivery nightly and want us locked down until a vaccine is found or 2022 ( again no idea) they are also posting photos of license plates of hungry people picking fruit and avocados from their heavy trees ( I believe if the fruit hangs over the city strip its fair game but you can’t go up driveways). Calling the sheriff to deal with it. Entitlement is strong here. I understand social distancing but it has gotten ugly here. And there has never been 2-5 parking here and “oversized” RVs are not allowed to be parked in driveways. Crime is way up-my friend’s bars were removed from her windows when she was out and theft from cars and mailboxes is nightly.
Well, that's not good.

LERCA, where are you talking about in California? Just interested so I can be sure to stay away. Doesn't sound like folks are having any fun there, sad to say.

Suewu said:
It is not convenient to live in a car.
I see you are new here.

I don't live in a car myself, but there are people here who do, and it's exactly how they prefer to live. Just because YOU wouldn't find it convenient, doesn't mean that everyone else agrees with you.
Johnny any place in Los Angeles County. And no I wouldn’t bother. At the best of times it’s too crowded. Winter is beautiful but we are officially as of today shut down until the Fall. They said something about opening beaches but as soon as people start packing the place they close it again. They’ve done this twice already.
I heard some parts of the country are opening. I am seeing lots of small businesses with for sale signs here. I can’t imagine what it will be like by September.
But no, there are great beaches across the country don’t waste your time on California.
Yep, just as I suspected . Things look bad there. I just read a piece in the paper today that said that a judge had ordered the City and County of Los Angeles to move the homeless people off of and out from under freeway overpasses and frontage roads in the county, and to pack up their belongings and send that stuff with them.

Just not to the beach, though, I guess.


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