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Feb 14, 2013
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While carliving is a lifestyle choice by many of the members here, there are some who will find themselves living in their car NOT by choice, but because perhaps of sudden financial hardships. (Like myself) It is for them I post this blog because it contains my personal story &amp; some helpful tips for anyone living in a car short or long term. Later, through local ads, I was able to get a free apt in exchange for janitorial duties but&nbsp;the 6 months spent living in my car will always be a part of me.<BR><BR>It is a work in progress and I will be posting updates soon. <BR>Feel free to ask any questions - Alex (TrekStar).&nbsp;<BR><BR><A href="" rel=nofollow target=_blank></A>
&nbsp;Very well written! Your story should be helpful to a lot of people. We have a very diverse community here on the forums but this aspect of vehicle dwelling is not posted about enough.
Only difference is many people in this forum aren't going through 'bump in the roads', but choose to vandwell for sport. Cheating the system, if you will.
I enjoyed the read, Trekstar. And, I'm glad to hear you both are doing better! <br><br>Yet, you now have the experience under your belts to build on, and enjoy the life less chosen.
Trekstar give my best to Carmen, I read your blog and you have provided a very insightful and informative post that I'm sure many will benefit from. In this uncertain economy and times we find ourselves living in, your experience is one that a lot of us could be facing sooner rather than later. your positive approach and willingness to share effective ways to deal with the hardships are an inspiration. Thank You and I look forward to reading more of your story.<br>Respectfully,<br>-k-<br><br>
@dominique21: While many folk here do this as a lifestyle choice, many others, like myself have arrived at this forum in search of info that is otherwise hard to find about living in a car NOT as a choice, but as a desperate attempt to not live in a shelter or on the streets due to sudden financial hardships. I am happy that many folks here do it out of choice...thats cool. I think my blog contains information that is helpful no matter why someone might want/need to live in a car.
UPDATE: My soulmate &amp; best friend for the last 15 years, Carmen Marcano passed away from a major stroke back on May 17th in our Chicago apartment. Before she passed away we often reflected on our months living in our car, recalling the wild, crazy &amp; good times we had doing so. She kept saying how she wanted me to write about it and share our photos with others.
Trekstar...I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes as well as feeling full of mortification that I did not see this part of your story...I don't know how I missed it. My soul mate and I have only been together seven years and I don't know if I could ever bear the pain of losing someone I love so much. Bless you so much for sharing your story and honoring Carmen by full-filling her wish. You two obviously had something so beautiful that you could stay positive and cherish events that most people would consider the worst thing that could happen to them. Please keep blogging and sharing your's and Carmen's story. <br>You Have in Us a fan for life.<br>With Heartfelt Respect<br>'k'&nbsp;
Hey dont feel bad k&amp;p Catalano,&nbsp;you didnt notice about Carmen passing away because I had not posted anything about it yet. Its only now&nbsp;that I can&nbsp;start to think clealry again try to finish our story for her. I will be more than happy to check out your site, keep in touch. -Alex&nbsp;