Lifelong camper/dweller new to the website

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George Mann

New member
Oct 23, 2019
Reaction score
Hi. I decided to register here so I could mingle with my fellow campers.

I used to have a big motor home that was larger than I prefer, and cost too much for fuel and repairs.

Now I am winging it in a Toyota minivan, which is just sufficient.

I am currently in the Quartzsite/Ehrenberg area. Any of you around here?
Welcome George to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started.

Most of our rules boil down to two simple over-riding principles: 1) What you post should provide good information (like your introductory post), and 2) Any response to someone else's post should make them feel glad they are part of this forum community.

We look forward to hearing more from you.

Hello George! In answer to your question I am 1500 miles from you. A mere couple days drive at 80 miles per hour. But I am always around here it seems (on this forum). Tell us about your rig and your travels, tell tell! There is something lurking in these woods so i must go.   - crofter
Whew, safe back inside now. -c
YARC camp is currently OPEN in the LaPosa South LTVA...……...You're welcome to visit and meet some fellow Nomads

We're located just beyond the Magic Circle

You can visit without paying for camping...……… fact...….NO ONE has paid anything this LTVA season YET...…….NO GOVERNMENT-PRINTED STICKERS ARE AVAILABLE !!!!!!!
Is this considered a public service announcement? LOL!!!
I have no idea where La Posa is. Anyway, I grew up traveling around in a motorhome (mostly Colorado).

I have family in Calfornia, Colorado, Indiana, Kentucky and Tennessee, which I use to visit before we all decided we didn't like each other too much.

Now I am out here on my own trying to establish a new life.
There's a group of 11 vehicles now...…….more to come...……. #QUARTZSITE !

CRVL'ers…….…Forum Members...…...Caravanners.....…..Once Strangers NOW Friends !

Campfire nightly...…………( Rule #1......Bring Firewood )
Please don’t come to YARC camp. It’s full and we will be on the rangers radar. Some of us like a nice small camp and don’t want it to turn into an rtr. That was my intention when I started YARC Camp.
PS. Bring firewood

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I may stop by to see you'all when I head to Parker. I am currently in Ehrenberg.
I would suggest you move closer to and blend in with the clothing optional group. It will make it easier for the rangers to avoid the whole area and keep the rest of the campers happy! LOL!!! Seriously maybe if you start getting to big spread out and have a campfire area in the evening far from anyone's camp or even during the day at another area or the city park and announce the next day's place.
I founded the camp along with a couple other YARCers and carried in a jillion rocks. I invited some other YARC people from the YARC forums and it was great. We started getting a bit too big last year with many people that have nothing to do with the YARC so when it’s advertised come one come all to camp it wasn’t my intentions I had of my camp.

Some thrive in giant groups. Most of us don’t. I like to visit the rtr but don’t want to live there full time.

Many have no septic systems and we have been very quiet and gotten around that. You go and pull 30 vans in there and someone is going to notice. I don’t want my whole camp shut down because we got too big.
One of the reasons the caravans use a reservation system is to keep the number of people below the legal limit. The long term use areas have their rules for a reason one being to limit the possibility of someone without a black tank disposing human waste in their dumpsters in my opinion. The BLM has not so far limited the number of individuals allowed on BLM land to my knowledge but have put limits on group gatherings and events. Usually if there are no formal announced or signed/flagged locations no permits are required. Weddings and such are required to get permits even small ones because they are by invitation or announced. There are so many people that camp on BLM land that are members of groups that it is not unusual for many of them to be there at the same time. By announcing on public media your location and inviting more than the legal number of people to gather at your camp which is identified by a flag or sign you are likely to be noticed by the BLM. In my opinion you would be much better off to have an organized legal gathering at a city park at certain times and keep your camping locations informal. You are not responsible for the people who camp next to you if you don't invite or advertize. Similar to the clothing optional area, everyone soon figures out where it is but doesn't make a big deal of it or trys to organize large events. Your UTV can fly a flag for safety reasons, but by rocking out a border around your border and having large groups gather not good in my opinion. By not getting the RTR organized or even an announced location the LTVA with several people associated with this event located there waiting it most likely will become a problem.
Cammalu said:
Many have no septic systems and we have been very quiet and gotten around that. You go and pull 30 vans in there and someone is going to notice. I don’t want my whole camp shut down because we got too big.

I imagine that many newcomer van-dwellers are not aware that only a few of the LTVAs even allow non-self-contained vehicles at all, and that those that do, such as[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif] [/font][font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]La Posa South, strictly speaking only allow them to camp within 500 feet of a toilet. OTOH, YARC camp is about a mile from the nearest toilet.[/font]

[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]When I visited YARC camp last winter, Doug mentioned they had some special dispensation from the LTVA-gods in that they were allowed as long as they had large sized porta-pottis. Note that porta-pottis "as a rule" are not recognized by the LTVAs as satisfying the self-containment rules. [/font]

It remains to be seen whether the LTVA monitors will be as accommodating this year.

[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]As my van is not self-contained, I did not stay, as I did not want to get YARC camp in trouble on my account. [/font]The alternative is that anyone not self-contained can drive back to the main area of La Posa South and camp there near the toilets provided. That is what I did.
Ssshh, not for general dissemination. There are people looking for me, and they are not very nice. So I have a number of aliases.
well you just disseminated it all across the internet. not very wise if you were trying to keep it a secret. highdesertranger
I promise not to come, but now I'm so curious you have to tell me what YARC stands for.