Leaky roof
Well-known member
This post, is not strictly about builds and so on, I just need a space to keep my build, it totality, in one place without spreading it round a whole bunch of boards.... My goal is to hopefully give back ("pay it forward" if you will) to this wonderful community / family, who gave me who was just a forum lurker, a whole heap of info, tips and ideas............... A whole bunch of "what I do" and "what I've done". Hopefully somebody will find something useful. So, again, a huge thank you to a heap of you fellas out there....
AWARENESS.......Let’s not get paranoid...... How I’m aware....
From a security perspective and from what I gather off Utube, solo living / boondocking / stealth camping /dispersed and so on your side of the big blue pond, is somewhat different to what we have here. So I don’t know how much of this post will be beneficial...
Here, we have to take into consideration very high levels of very violent crime, so here, it’s really good practice to be prepared.
But being prepared is not only related to security and self defence multipliers, it mostly relates to “having a plan”. I’ve always worked on the premise that most of these type of invasions are opportunistic, and the intruder would rather avoid confrontation. To this end, being aware of a potential intrusion, and making the intruder aware that you are aware, for me is the key.
So, when I’m static camping at a remote place, I deploy a waist-high trip line of fishing gut threaded through stakes that I put around my pitch, which is connected to a simple car hooter and a spring-loaded switch... I’ll do pictures of that, but my primary alarm is my soul mate Scruffy, who I posted about in part 1.
Believe me, there is nothing that moves within 50m or so that she does not know about... from small game to vehicles up to a kilometre away, she “huffs” ... If it’s close she erupts into a snarling world-wind of bared razor sharp snapping teeth... I trust my life with her..... A bit off topic, (but I’m one very proud daddy, so please indulge me) she is completely trained in three disciplines: - protection / agility / obedience and I’ll do pictures and vids of that at the end of the post... Even if only for the entertainment value...
But my point is.... Dogs do have a very important role in solo living, and are worth their weight in gold..... Both companionship and security.....
When anxiety set’s in, a great way to cope is to re-focus, give a treat a pat have a chat..... Really, really great way to settle the nerves, asides, It’s quite rewarding and lot’s of fun putting in the effort of a little training..
Nothing like having a mutt hanging from some fella’s Christmas tree decorations to create a long time tactical advantage now is there??...
But back to security...
Have a step by step response plan: - Just having a plan will go a long way in calming fears....Be assertive, take control. Always stay out of reach..
Make sure your plan will result in either compliance or immobilisation... Compliance may be nothing more than “go away”. Immobilisation may be cable tied to something.... Just not your vehicle, you will need that to get help. One thing for certain, If you are dithering, because you don’t have a plan, the intruder will use that to gain the upper hand....
Behaviour: - Little things count for a lot..
I don’t sleep in a sleeping bag, I sleep under it (like a blanket) If it’s a zipped closed bag, I can’t get out fast enough. I don’t sleep with my head at the door / opening, never leave anything around that can be used as a weapon. EG sharp knives for cooking, pack everything out of site.
Self defence multipliers: - Identify what and where are potential self defence multipliers
Trust me, I’d think twice before confronting a woman holding a spade at the ready! My spade that I use when I dig a cat – hole stays at my toilet, so that I can cover up when I’m done... I’ve specifically identified it as a potential self defence multiplier. Probably, anyone with mal-intent hasn’t.. Gives you the edge...
Ok so I've got the pepper spray / police batons and a number of other things as well, But they are spread around and I know where they are...
Ok, so probablythere are very different circumstances between where you and I are, Like the weather, It’s just part of my environment that i have to take into account.
My soul mate Scruffy doing her agility thing...
BTW Did I mention that I actually train? YIP I train people how to train, love and look after their dogs....

Scruffy doing her protection thing
Decoy agitation.......

Full confident bite.... The protection sleeve is right to the back of her mouth (no nipping / mouthing / holding with just the front teeth... A full hard hit! and she's in for the long haul, gonna hang in there even when hit with the pool noodle. .... absolutely confident... Amaszing for such a small dog
Imagine this hanging onto some fellas christmas tree decorations... He's just going to be in a whole mess of unbearable pain.....

My trip wire alarm... very basic
The hooter with the pull out tab

How I store and reel out the trip line

The stakes that hold the trip up off the ground so that small game can move through, I remove it during the day and put it out at dusk.

AWARENESS.......Let’s not get paranoid...... How I’m aware....
From a security perspective and from what I gather off Utube, solo living / boondocking / stealth camping /dispersed and so on your side of the big blue pond, is somewhat different to what we have here. So I don’t know how much of this post will be beneficial...
Here, we have to take into consideration very high levels of very violent crime, so here, it’s really good practice to be prepared.
But being prepared is not only related to security and self defence multipliers, it mostly relates to “having a plan”. I’ve always worked on the premise that most of these type of invasions are opportunistic, and the intruder would rather avoid confrontation. To this end, being aware of a potential intrusion, and making the intruder aware that you are aware, for me is the key.
So, when I’m static camping at a remote place, I deploy a waist-high trip line of fishing gut threaded through stakes that I put around my pitch, which is connected to a simple car hooter and a spring-loaded switch... I’ll do pictures of that, but my primary alarm is my soul mate Scruffy, who I posted about in part 1.
Believe me, there is nothing that moves within 50m or so that she does not know about... from small game to vehicles up to a kilometre away, she “huffs” ... If it’s close she erupts into a snarling world-wind of bared razor sharp snapping teeth... I trust my life with her..... A bit off topic, (but I’m one very proud daddy, so please indulge me) she is completely trained in three disciplines: - protection / agility / obedience and I’ll do pictures and vids of that at the end of the post... Even if only for the entertainment value...
But my point is.... Dogs do have a very important role in solo living, and are worth their weight in gold..... Both companionship and security.....
When anxiety set’s in, a great way to cope is to re-focus, give a treat a pat have a chat..... Really, really great way to settle the nerves, asides, It’s quite rewarding and lot’s of fun putting in the effort of a little training..
Nothing like having a mutt hanging from some fella’s Christmas tree decorations to create a long time tactical advantage now is there??...
But back to security...
Have a step by step response plan: - Just having a plan will go a long way in calming fears....Be assertive, take control. Always stay out of reach..
Make sure your plan will result in either compliance or immobilisation... Compliance may be nothing more than “go away”. Immobilisation may be cable tied to something.... Just not your vehicle, you will need that to get help. One thing for certain, If you are dithering, because you don’t have a plan, the intruder will use that to gain the upper hand....
Behaviour: - Little things count for a lot..
I don’t sleep in a sleeping bag, I sleep under it (like a blanket) If it’s a zipped closed bag, I can’t get out fast enough. I don’t sleep with my head at the door / opening, never leave anything around that can be used as a weapon. EG sharp knives for cooking, pack everything out of site.
Self defence multipliers: - Identify what and where are potential self defence multipliers
Trust me, I’d think twice before confronting a woman holding a spade at the ready! My spade that I use when I dig a cat – hole stays at my toilet, so that I can cover up when I’m done... I’ve specifically identified it as a potential self defence multiplier. Probably, anyone with mal-intent hasn’t.. Gives you the edge...
Ok so I've got the pepper spray / police batons and a number of other things as well, But they are spread around and I know where they are...
Ok, so probablythere are very different circumstances between where you and I are, Like the weather, It’s just part of my environment that i have to take into account.
My soul mate Scruffy doing her agility thing...
BTW Did I mention that I actually train? YIP I train people how to train, love and look after their dogs....

Scruffy doing her protection thing
Decoy agitation.......

Full confident bite.... The protection sleeve is right to the back of her mouth (no nipping / mouthing / holding with just the front teeth... A full hard hit! and she's in for the long haul, gonna hang in there even when hit with the pool noodle. .... absolutely confident... Amaszing for such a small dog
Imagine this hanging onto some fellas christmas tree decorations... He's just going to be in a whole mess of unbearable pain.....

My trip wire alarm... very basic
The hooter with the pull out tab

How I store and reel out the trip line

The stakes that hold the trip up off the ground so that small game can move through, I remove it during the day and put it out at dusk.

Scruffy agility jump barrier.jpeg129.2 KB
Scruffy agility podium and sit.jpeg267.8 KB
Scruffy protection bite a cropped.jpeg242.8 KB
Scruffy protection bite j cropped.jpg185.9 KB
bloem 2016 camp security wide awake mutt 08.jpg873.1 KB
bloem 2016 camp security trip wire alarm.jpg892.6 KB
bloem 2016 camp security trip wire alarm 04.jpg1.3 MB
bloem 2016 camp security trip wire alarm 08.jpg1.6 MB
scruffy agility balance beam walking the beam.jpg1.5 MB
Scruffy protection bite h cropped.jpg198.3 KB