Kelly Kettles

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May 11, 2012
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Hi Everyone!<br><br>I'm new to this group, so I hope I don't mess up my first post ;&gt<img src="/images/boards/smilies/wink.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">.<br><br>I'm going to start to live in my van ( a Grand Caravan) and I want to make a decent amount of my own food (don't need the calories or high cost of fast food). In my case, this requires that I be able to make hot water. I have read about this great device for heating water called a Kelly Kettle, but I have never used one and was wondering if it is safe to use inside a van. This heating device is aluminum and has a metal base, which makes me wonder if the base might get too hot or something.<br><br>Does anyone have any experience with these things and could perhaps provide some advice as to its suitability for my situation?<br><br>TIA,<br><br>Wintersmith<br>
Hi PlanetMoon,<br><br>Thanks for the response. Yes, I came across the video from the Kelly company after I posted, and kinda came to the same conclusion. Seemed like a nice cheap solution, but it is probably limited to use in the summer. <br>Would a Coleman stove work OK inside? I'm a bit worried about handling, storing, and using propane (which I assume it uses), but maybe I'm being a bit too cautious.<br><br>TC,<br>WS<br>
Hi Winter,<br><br>There's a really great Stove thread that is in the cooking area:<br><br><br><br>The Powers-that-BE made it into a sticky thread at the top, and it's several pages long giving a pretty thorough discussion of everyone's likes and dislikes about cooking methods.<br><br>I know what you mean about Kelly kettles.&nbsp; They are so very cool and also historic.&nbsp; But I'd never use one in a van.&nbsp; Also, I'd always be afraid they'd fall over!<br><br>Personally I prefer kerosene to propane because propane is explosive and kerosene is not.&nbsp; But I'll let you read the post!&nbsp; Good luck!!!&nbsp; <img src="" align="absmiddle" border="0"><br>

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