Just got fired.

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Good decision and plan too !
I still have my 20 oz Estwing but my elbows prefer I use it's little brother 13oz !
Ditto on the nail guns ,,,framers don't work without them ,,,, WAY faster.

I was more into kitchens and trim , gas nailers and screw guns !!!
BigT said:
I wish somebody would fire me.  Then I could do a little traveling and see some of this beautiful country.  

Truth is, I'm in an industry where I could quit my job, travel for a while, and be secure in the fact that I'd get hired again when I returned.
I'm just too chicken to try it.  :p  It's hard to walk away from a job as easy as mine that pays so well.  :-/

TMG51...  If it were me getting fired, and I could afford to (I could), I'd take some time off and have a little fun being free.  :)

Me too. I am also in an industry where my skills virtually guarantee me lifetime employment. And I really do like my job.. (OK... MOST of the time I like it.) Although strangely, nowadays I rarely get to use those skills that guarantee me employment here on the job...
TMG51 said:
Some of you may know that since December of 2014 I've had remote employment via a tech gig with a small consulting firm. Apparently, I don't anymore.

It's funny. For some time now I've been thinking about my employment. As advantageous as this position may be in facilitating travel with no need to physically be anywhere for work, I find more value in sweating in the sun for ten hours than I do in sitting in front of a computer for eight. I've said this several times to several people in the past weeks. I used to know someone who believed in "manifesting destiny" - e.g., if you want something and say it aloud, it happens. Although I don't believe in such things I have to reflect I said it and it's happened.

I haven't been given any professional reason for termination. Vermont is an at will state and I don't care. I find myself instead looking forward to the next thing. I used to work construction, and I know my old boss would hire me back tomorrow. I'm going to take a few days and think about what I might like to do. Ideally I would end up working for cash on my own terms and I have a few ideas there. I have friends in California now and I can go back there any time. Honestly, I'm not bothered. The more time I spend in this lifestyle the more I enjoy moving on to the next thing, and evidently employment is now among those considerations. Good. I may buy cheaper beer at times, but I have no fear and no regrets.

Everything else goes in the rear view mirror.

Maybe you could make a living writing. I love reading your stuff.
SSure said:
Maybe you could make a living writing. I love reading your stuff.

People tell me that a lot. I won't say never, but right now I'm enjoying sweating in the sun. Thanks for saying so!
Getting the boot was never good for my self esteem, but it was probably the best thing to keep an ego in check. losing a job always seemd like an adversity, but every time I always got a better job, so it was a blessing in disguise. Long story, but it is best to not have any loyalty to an employer. As soon as they think they no longer need you, you are gone. I maintain the same attitude to them.
Last time I quit a job
"what about your 2 week notice?"
"you mean like the one you'd give me if you wanted me gone? oh wait, that wouldn't happen, would it?"
DannyB1954 said:
Getting the boot was never good for my self esteem, but it was probably the best thing to keep an ego in check. losing a job always seemd like an adversity, but every time I always got a better job, so it was a blessing in disguise. Long story, but it is best to not have any loyalty to an employer. As soon as they think they no longer need you, you are gone. I maintain the same attitude to them.

Agreed.  It's very important that you remember this OP, or at least it is for me, because things can start spiraling out of control if you keep dwelling on little things like the beer you can't afford, how your life will change for the worse, etc, and you could face a deep slump.  What I've found to be true, and I acknowledge this might not make much sense, is that ultimately whatever happens in life is precisely what happens...  the universe is doing its thing and it will continue to do so regardless of your objections or approval.  Your mind will adapt to any situation given time... if you become poor, or even if you become blind, your brain will eventually stop the habit of comparing 'what could be' and will simply be at peace with how things are, just as they are.  

This of course doesn't imply a fatalism that we should all stop working because it's pointless; but the subjective stress levels we assign to petty things like employment definitely need to be adjusted.  It's not a big deal and there are tons of people out here who don't judge based on wealth and find joy in any situation, and would happily drink cheap beer and sit in some boring suburb for a while saving gas money :)
All this gloomy talk, don't trouble yourself! I have not bought cheaper beer yet. I've been quite busy and earning more money than with my previous job. I haven't been posting here because I haven't had time, but when I get a moment I'll update my van thread... With a couple novel innovations...
ArtW said:
Last time I quit a job
"what about your 2 week notice?"
"you mean like the one you'd give me if you wanted me gone? oh wait, that wouldn't happen, would it?"
 Okay, this made me laugh.  So true, as one who has been on the receiving end of unfair (and unexpected) termination of employment.
I will be posting to the intro forum shortly, but this topic hit so close to home, so to speak, that I'll chime in here.

I have found it helpful to remember that how we respond to a situation is far more important than the situation itself.  How we think and react makes the difference!  We can choose to see an event, like the unforeseen ending of one's employment situation, as an opportunity -- or choose to see ourselves as a victim who was treated unfairly.  Personally, I prefer the former.  And it is great to see that the overall tone of this thread is positive.  

This is indeed an opportunity to see what's ahead, close one chapter and focus on the next.
steamjam1 said:
Me too. I am also in an industry where my skills virtually guarantee me lifetime employment. And I really do like my job.. (OK... MOST of the time I like it.) Although strangely, nowadays I rarely get to use those skills that guarantee me employment here on the job...

The last sentence is the reason I walked away. If I could not do what I liked to do and do well, the money was not worth it to sit in cube like a milk cow. My manager did not know what to say when I said that  (did not verbalize the milk cow bit) at my previous annual review. She snorted.
Basic approach to life:

Either the glass is half full . . . or it's half empty.

You'll live longer; be happier; and constantly smile if your perspective is half full.

Just my opinion . . .
what if you just drop the full and empty and say I have half a glass of water. highdesertranger
In 5th grade my teacher poised the glass half full/empty routine to me and I said the glass is 100% full, partially with water and partially with air.
According to the latest advances in String theory, the glass might really be 100% full in one or more of the 17 universes.  Or maybe the other half is dark matter (I had that issue the other day after HuHot).
TMG51 said:
All this gloomy talk, don't trouble yourself! I have not bought cheaper beer yet. I've been quite busy and earning more money than with my previous job. I haven't been posting here because I haven't had time, but when I get a moment I'll update my van thread... With a couple novel innovations...


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highdesertranger said:
I love it.  what did teach say to that?  highdesertranger

He called me a "smart alec-y kid," but I believe that was partially in jest.

GotSmart so you're predicting a deck mod? Better than that :D