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New member
Feb 4, 2017
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Hello, all. I'm Matt, happily married to Andrea, who some of the luckier forum members might've met at the most recent RTR, where she was camping in our Prius.

I have some practical experience in solar and wind power (a small system that let us live off-grid for a year in the western Texas desert). I've also worked with, on and in a small class C named Clyde. If my technical skills can help you upgrade or repair your elderly RV, please message me!

I'm a medically retired IT guy, contemplating several courses for getting out of abject poverty. 

One of those ideas is to build a hot dog cart, using some of the skills that Clyde taught me. The commercial carts all have limits that I dislike- specifically, they all depend on buying a few more bags of ice every day. The wheel of RV refrigeration has already been invented, so my design is going to function much more like a tiny RV than like a utility cart with an ice box. Stay tuned.

I hope to be at next year's RTR. The stories I've heard so far make me wish I could have attended this year, though I remain dubious about the viability of my 6'2" self sleeping in a Prius. Ye canna change the laws of physics.
Welcome Matt to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you. highdesertranger
Hi Matt, I too am a retired IT guy, age related. Welcome to the forum, your post caught my eye in reference to the hot dog stand. I looked into them many years ago, was going to haunt the 'flea markets' in the Southwest. Decided it was too much work, also I watched a special on hot dogs once. They hi-lighted a casino in Las Vegas that served giant dogs. Went there ordered two, my Gawd they were huge! Boiled beyond recognition & taste, Could only choke down about 1/2 half of the first tossed the second. Still I think you can make a good chunk of change hawking them at places like the RTR.
grandpacamper said:
(snip) hot dog stand (snip) at places like the RTR.

Andrea told me that there was a hot dog dinner at the RTR. If (a big if, as there are many maybes between me and slinging hot dogs) I do wind up selling hot dogs, and I can get BLM certified, and Bob has no problem with my vending at an RTR, I may be there selling- but I hope to be there meeting folks whether or not hot doggery happens.

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