jury duty?

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Well-known member
Feb 29, 2012
Reaction score
new york allows people to volunteer.<div>other states might to. i don't know how often or whether your resident state has a stipend, and if it does it isn't much, but it might be a good way to get a little extra cash and pass some time between trips.</div>
Volunteering for jury duty?&nbsp; Wow, no wonder juries come up with such messed-up verdicts!&nbsp; My experience on a jury is that it barely pays gas money. <br>
My experience on a jury is that it barely pays gas money.
<br><br><br>If you have your own business there is NO pay for jury duty<br><br>Putz<br>
nothing works for everyone.<div><br></div><div>why wouldn't one volunteer if it works for them?</div><div>at the very least, they get to serve at their convenience and get their name off the rotation.</div>