Invisible shoes....

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Some of you may remember the sandals/huaraches that Ay and Jay made and wore at the RTR in Q this last winter....<br>I found a website to buy a kit from and just made them and cannot say enough about how cool and good these sandals are!!!!!!<br><br>The website gives you instructions on making them so you can use whatever materials you want and don't really have buy anything from them.<br><br>I bought a kit, and made them from the onsite directions and if I make more I will probably do it that way again as any source for the vibram sole material cost I could find cost almost as much as the kit cost....maybe a little less...they must buy very large quantities to make anything on them....<br><br>Anyway I like supporting small business when I can and these folks are pretty awesome....<br>The main thrust seems to be barefoot running but as a lightweight, easy to carry alternative to shoes...I will use them a lot.....<br><br><br><br>Health,<br>Bri<br>