Interesting toyota

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Well, that's an interesting set up. I wonder how they bent the plywood to get it to conform &amp; to make aerodynamic?<br /><br />I noticed you're in the Verde area. How are you liking it? Is it real hot this time of year?<br /><br />Also, what have you bought for food where you haven't been to Wally-World for six?<br />Nice blog btw...
Hello Xj! The plywood was very thin if I recall it looks thick in the pic because there was molding or somethig on the side, not sure if he had soaked the wood or what. He was to busy explaining the tubes on the grill of his truck that convert water into gas for better mpg.&nbsp;<br /><br />I was in the Verde Valley back in April way to warm for me down there right now. Love the area there I always stay out on the bluff off thousand trails road.&nbsp;<br /><br />I just bought the usual food paid a lot more for it up in those parts like I mentioned .<br /><br />Thanks!