In my own way? or life?

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Oct 25, 2016
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Hello everyone,

 Wolf here

I have been reading and studying how to live better for about 6 months now, I have been hunting the right van, trying to save money.

i believe I am getting in my own way, starting to feel like it isn't going to work for me.  I just want to express my concerns and anyone who wishes to answer, or give advice,  Please do so.

1. Finding the right van, is that even possible?

     a. { I know I want it to be a van  }, funds for said van are limited, I dont want to end up with junk. i have seen it happen to a few van dwellers on youtube actually.
     b. I have looked at a lot of vans but Im either too picky, 
     c. the title is not in the persons name thats selling it to me, 
     d. they say it runs great, only to see it smoking like a freight train,  

2. I am only 52, too young to retire and, trying to live the life everyone expects, too broke to make any big changes. I've worked a lot of different jobs trying to claw my way up the proverbial ladder I am currently a supervisor in a factory, which i have worked 10 yrs, of which I have saved very little. 

    a. Is work camping a real thing for older people with no retirement? 
    b. Is there anyone my age out there work camping? 
    c. Are there enough jobs to work year round?

3.  The biggest road block is My heart, I so want this nomadic lifestyle, but alas my wife does not and i am not sure ever will see the benefits of it.

   a. Can a person be shown how wonderful it would be?
   b. If a person has never accepted camping, would they ever see the nomadic life as possible? 

4.  Now just some random questions and concerns,

    a.  Banking - Paying bills
       1. What is the most common banking method used by most van dwellers? 
       2. how do you deposit money if your account is east and you are west?

    b. Insurance  { Medical }
       1. where do you get it?
       2.  how much does it cost?
       3.   Is it worth having? 
       4. I have high blood pressure, how would i get Rx's?

    c. Income taxes. 
       1. working so many different jobs in a year, how are all the w-2s forwarded to you?
       2. just any H.R. Block will do your taxes? in any state? 
       3. Is there any deductions for living this way? 

OK, Im going to stop here. In case no one has noticed, im an over thinker, analyzer, / scorpio. lol

 I look forward to hearing from anyone with some good information. 


  Wolf  :huh:
the best suggestion I have would be to come to the RTR. there are seminars to answer most of your questions and your wife will get to experience camping in a very accommodating atmosphere. unfortunately RTR starts in 10 days so kinda short notice. my second suggestion is to read up here most of your questions have already been asked with many different answers. highdesertranger
Wolf, for a non camping wife a van might be a bit of a hard pitch. It might require a compromise and something a little bigger like a small Class C

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highdesertranger said:
the best suggestion I have would be to come to the RTR.  there are seminars to answer most of your questions and your wife will get to experience camping in a very accommodating atmosphere.  unfortunately RTR starts in 10 days so kinda short notice.  my second suggestion is to read up here most of your questions have already been asked with many different answers.  highdesertranger 


Great advice

I wanted to bring her to the RTR this Jan, but, unfortunately i recently had gallbladder surgery and was just unable to travel.  Isnt there another in June, or around summertime?  Are the seminars free?  Are they crowded? 

sorry, im full of questions  lol

Cammalu said:
Wolf, for a non camping wife a van might be a bit of a hard pitch.  It might require a compromise and something a little bigger like a small Class C

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Thank you cammalu, 

I have thought about a class c, the funds i have set aside will not allow a nice enough c , i dont believe. 

I hate to be the downer here but I think you have to solve the wife problem. If she won't budge you have to decide which is more important to you.

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the seminars are free. RTR is also free. at the summer RTR's there are no seminars. however you will still learn a lot. highdesertranger
A class c doesn't have to cost anymore than a van. I paid $4200 for my '89 class c and the same for my '97 conversion van. Both took a lot of shopping and tire kicking. Sold the Moho to a friend. It's still on the road headed to Florida
I think living in a van would be sort of hard for a couple, even if she did like camping, the fact she doesn't makes it an even harder sell
3 solutions
1 Larger 'dwelling (class C, travel trailer and truck)
2 An arrangement where she stays S&B and lets you travel
3 if she will not budge, and you really want this lifestyle, emancipation
otherwise, your wife will hold you to S&B living
1. You want perfection and you want it cheap. I see a problem here -- do you?
2. If you're not a mechanic, take any prospective van to your mechanic and have him check it over before you buy.
3. Can you do any interior work yourself, to make it how you would like it?

If you've hit her with the idea of just jumping in a van, leaving everything behind and full-timing, BACK OFF! Has she ever been camping before? Did she like it? If not, why not? Can you fix the problems? Go on short trips and see how she takes it. Go to places that interest HER, not just yourself. Ask her what the problem issues are, don't assume.
I'll only address the wife question, as i'm in a similar situation. My wife and I have known each other since we were freshman in high school, started dating right after graduation, and have been married since 1986. The reason it's worked for us so far is we don't try to change who each other is. We approach most things from polar opposite directions, so compromise is a way of life. When it comes to traveling and a nomadic life, I could travel with a backpack and spend most of my time in the wilderness. My wife likes to travel, but would much rather fly someplace and stay in a hotel - doesn't have to be fancy but must be clean and safe. So usually once a year we travel together and stay in a hotel, B&B, or something similar. Once every 5 years we take a big trip like Vancouver Island, Alaska, etc. Usually once a summer I she'll come camping with me if I take our cargo trailer camper, and stay where there are restrooms. The rest of the year I travel occasionally, the way I like to - either boondocking with the trailer or backpacking into someplace remote. Sometimes this is just for a weekend, and sometimes it's for a week or two. I also travel with the trailer sometimes for out of town jobs as I'm a contractor.

This works for us, for now. As I get closer to retiring I'll travel for longer periods. With the trailer it's pretty cheap. Last year I went to RTR and also visited family in California. I was gone over 2 weeks and spent less than $200 not including fuel there and back from Colorado. It does require trust on from both parties, but we wouldn't be together if we didn't trust each other. Also, we're a couple who doesn't have to be together 100% of the time to be happy. We both need our space at times. I fully realize that not all couples are like this, but I hope my experience can be of help.
My girlfriend really through me for a loop this summer.  She used to like traveling and camping but hasn't enjoyed it this summer and it wasn't really even camping.  We were living in a 27' travel trailer next to the house, while the house remodel was underway.  Even had a working bathroom and shower in the house!  And power for the trailer 24/7 and it got to her after a few weeks. She retreated to her Mom's until the house is done.  Said she doesn't really picture wanting to travel anymore and wants more of a homebase situation.  We're in our mid 30's.  Guess her traveling days were more of her 20's lifestyle.  Prior to the house remodel, she was really into the van traveling/living idea.  That's now waaay out of the question.  We've known each other since we were 5. Grew up together a few streets over, but didn't start dating until just about 30 yrs old.  

So unfortunately I can't help you with any advice for your wife!

Banking, that's easy.  You can do all your banking online.  Most banks you can now deposit checks over your phone, I haven't been into my banks brick and mortar location in at least 4 years.  It's a small local Massachusetts bank too and i'll keep them no matter where I live as their customer service is unbelievable and they reimburse me for all ATM fees. 

Health insurance is tricky, as most state sponsored (obamacare) plans only cover emergency services out of state.  So unless you can afford your own plan through blue cross or similar that could be tough.  Or just plan on being in your home state when you need routine care.  

Great vehicles are out there for great deals, but they do take time and patience to find.  Sometimes a lot of 6 to 12 months if you're really hunting down a particular vehicle in particular price range.