I would have starved if it hadn't stopped raining

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Well-known member
May 9, 2017
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So last year, Florida had a drought. This year, it looks like we're going to be drowned. It rained almost all day, every day for about 8 days. I don't have a car, so I was stuck here waiting for a window long enough to get to the store. I was low on food when the rain started, so by yesterday, when I got to go shopping, I was down to one pepper from my own garden, a bag of black beans, 2 eggs, oatmeal, a stick of butter, powdered milk and green tea. No, seriously, that's all I had. If it hadn't stopped raining my plan was to make cornbread and eat that for a day or two with the black beans. BTDT before, so no problem, but glad I didn't have to again.

Someone suggested I get a golf umbrella. He says he walked to work every day for a year using a golf umbrella, so that's what I'm looking for. I have a regular small umbrella, but that would mean my groceries would get soaked. My other friend who also has no car uses one of those front body baby cocoons to carry a few groceries when it rains. I love that idea so much!

Not having a car sucks a lot, and I can't wait to get my van so I can be mobile again.
Not having a car really does suck! 

Have you considered a dry bag? You could use your little umbrella or even a cheap rain poncho and not have to worry about things getting wet.They aren't too expensive and can be bought online


For that matter, in the case of another long bout of rain, you might want to check if any local grocery stores will deliver or, if not, utilizing some other form of delivery service such as Amazon pantry. They might have too large of a minimum order though. 

I am glad it stopped raining so you could get some food. I used to work for a company that had lots of stores in Florida and my job included talking to our staff at those locations. I used to joke that they had rain every day at 4 o'clock in the summer in Florida. It sure seemed that way when I was exchanging the usual "how's the weather?" pleasantries. :)
probably a REAL bad idea to attach a golf umbrella to a your head,,think about,,,,,,wind gusts.,,,,,your just walking down the street in the rain with your new golf umbrella hat securely fastened to your head,,,,,proud as a peacock at your impressive ingenuity(and it really is what with all the extra bracing to alleviate compression of the spine and that annoying tendency your neck has of folding over backwards), and the next thing you know, Florida Light and Power is untangling you from some high tension lines after a brief flight through a wad of sand burrs while gaining altitude, almost enough to clear the 100 year thorn apple hedge(you made it over thanks to some highly inspired body contortions), all the while gaining the velocity to gain the altitude that tangled you in the wires in the first place, and after untangling you hand you a bill for $6,950,000.43 for the damages you caused shorting out high tension lines causing a cascading failure that ultimately causing a power outage at the local children's hospital that interrupts surgeons doing a heart, lung transplant on 6 month old baby abbygail (you remember, the brave little girl who has been in the news every night, because children WORLD WIDE have been picking up beer cans to sell for scrap to raise the $675,286.43 to pay for the operation),so be careful, the laws of unintended consequences can suck. if you have a fridge freezer what i would do if i was you is next time you get the chance get about 10lbs of rice put it in the freezer, it will keep forever and the good thing about rice is the more you buy the cheaper it is,,,black beans and rice is one of my favorite meals.
I'd order a large pizza, have it delivered, eat a little at a time, keeping several slices wrapped in foil in the fridge, then heated in the microwave or regular oven as needed...

You can always call a Uber driver, its not a huge cost to get a ride to the store and back...

And, yes, some stores will deliver, and many towns have errand services you can call, or for that matter, a public bus system...

There are always ways to get food.
Oh, Caretaker.... you're SUCH a spoilsport! I was thinking more along the lines of Mary Poppins... http://static.srcdn.com/wp-content/uploads/mary-poppins-returns-sequel-2018.jpg

Re: Rice -- When properly sealed and stored, polished white rice will store well for 25 to 30 years at room temp. After opening, use it within one to two years. Only brown rice really needs to be frozen for longer-term storage, due to the oils it still contains.
Yesterday I walked to the bank during a dry spell, went across the street to Goodwill, and got caught in a thunderstorm. It slowed to a drizzle, finally, went out to walk home, and my cheap umbrella broke. I also had on flip-flops, which are very slippery when wet, so I ended up walking home barefoot most of the way. Sorta fun splashing through the puddles, but the thunder rumbling in the background was scary.

Thanks for all the tips. Yes, there are buses and dry bags and rain gear, but there is also lightning. See below.

Posted by Dgorila1 - 23 minutes ago So really, you can't walk in the rain to buy some groceries? Are you going to melt?

Very rude, but I'll answer anyway, since there seem to be no shortage of rude people here. No, but I might get struck by lightning. Florida doesn't have much rain without thunder and lightning. It IS the lightning capital of the US after all. I've lost 3 desktop computers and the top of an oak tree to lightning strikes. Rain doesn't bother me at all, kinda like walking in the rain. I watched my dad get knocked back ten feet by lightning that struck our back stoop while he was standing on the porch watching the storm, so yeah, lightning scares the holy F out of me.
tx2sturgis said:
I'd order a large pizza, have it delivered, eat a little at a time, keeping several slices wrapped in foil in the fridge, then heated in the microwave or regular oven as needed...

You can always call a Uber driver, its not a huge cost to get a ride to the store and back...

And, yes, some stores will deliver, and many towns have errand services you can call, or for that matter, a public bus system...

There are always ways to get food.

Just saw this, so figured I'd answer it. You may not like my answer, but I didn't like yours, so whatever.

What on earth makes you think that people always have money sitting around for a pizza or an Uber? I swear, sometimes people are so out of touch with the financial reality of those of us living on a shoestring, that it amazes me. You need to count your blessings if you can always afford even little things like takeout pizzas and Ubers. I am not so blessed.
For the most part, everyone here is very decent and try to be as helpful as possible in making suggestions with the amount of information supplied by the person posting a "situation". Obviously, suggestions seem to be in order when someone talks about starving. Maybe you weren't serious, but until all members posting know you better, they have no way of knowing where you are coming from.

I would suggest working with social services if you haven't contacted them and maybe some charities in your area could help or offer suggestions.

The best approach is to simply thank everyone for their posts, use what you can from the info and discard what doesn't apply.
Broke, Poor, whatever term you like means VERY different things to different people.

I married, had kids and worked hard to,provide housing, clothing and food for the family. Were we broke? No, not at all but we were stretching every dollar I made! There were NOT any luxuries during that time.

My brother, married, never had kids and both had a job. Now they were NOT rich but they had no real needs.
One day we were together and my brother opened his wallet and exclaimed "I'm BROKE!!!"
I could see piles of green paper in there and said "what do you mean? You've got lots of money!" He replied that it was all 20's 10's and singles, he had no $100 bills.... thus, he was broke.
At that time I was using loose change in the ashtray to buy gas!

So, for you to get upset at others suggestions, realize they are really well intentioned but because of where they are financially they cannot fathom your personal situation. They are trying to relate about what they would do if living their personal version of "broke".

Sadly, your response makes you look like an angry "broke" lady..... which you probably are not......

AmieW said:
Just saw this, so figured I'd answer it. You may not like my answer, but I didn't like yours, so whatever.

What on earth makes you think that people always have money sitting around for a pizza or an Uber? I swear, sometimes people are so out of touch with the financial reality of those of us living on a shoestring, that it amazes me. You need to count your blessings if you can always afford even little things like takeout pizzas and Ubers. I am not so blessed.

Your original post said nothing about being broke...

I was suggesting solutions to the problem you posted, heavy rain that seemed to have you home-bound. 

My crystal ball has not been working lately. In fact its been on the fritz forever.

I am not 'out of touch' with your financial reality unless you mean I didnt know about it. 

Then yes, I guess I was...if you want answers pertaining to your financial predicament then please include that information. I generally assume someone with a smartphone or computer and internet access also has the money to feed themselves. 

Good luck to you.
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