I shoulda went farther south before I turned right.

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Sep 22, 2015
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Left Xmas evening from Southeast WI. Weathers unpredictable so I left early. Hunch was right, if I had left in the AM…would have been a rough start. 

*The plan was get to Des Moines and then straight South to Fort Worth, then West to El Paso.

Nice dry roads, only a couple of semis “cuz of Xmas”, drove 6 hours, took a four hour nap. Something told me to get goin’. Man I’m glad I did. It got a little dicey in Wichita…huge wind and rain.

**Where I screwed up! I made it through Oklahoma before the tornados and decided to call it a night right before Dallas. I only slept a few hours and I woke up hearing Bob saying get South as fast as you can.

Hit the road again. Everything was cool for a while. Then all hell broke loose. “F*ck gas mileage, 
I’m glad my van weighs ten thousand pounds because I was blasting through 12 inches of standing water under the overpasses in Dallas/Fort Worth. Man they go a lot of casinos.

The roads were pretty empty except for emergency vehicles flying up and down the frontage roads…and I must have seen a dozen small economy cars in ditches,  some upside down and lots of semis jacked knifed. 

If I wouldn’t have stopped that break before Fort Worth I would have made it before the weather in West Texas. Ice, snow and worse of all wrestling the high winds for hours. But I’m grateful I beat the real rough weather. 

I stopped just passed Odessa. My plan was to grab a shower at the Planet Fitness there but it was closed because of the roads. So I kept going. Bad decision? I don’t know. Yes it was a bad decision. 

I’ve been brushing my teeth three times a day. I guess to over compensate for the last 48 showerless hours. Sorry lost my train of thought.

The roads got real bad “like driving on frozen ping pong balls bad”, like I was only one of three cars on the whole hywy…but I was the only one beating the sh*t out of my house. The house I so carefully and lovingly built over the last two years. The house that contains 98% of my worldly possessions ( I have a few musical instruments stored at my Mom’s ) So I pulled off. 

I think It was called Monhana. I didn’t want to park in the sea of over tired, nervous wreck semi drivers but my extended van is to big for most spaces. So I parked on the side of the building strategically blocked by the wind and anyone hopefully not sliding into me. Before I slept I went out to check on the van. Ice had formed a sheet over the entire body. I had to take a hammer and break the ice away from the wheels and carefully chip away the ice on the headlights and more importantly the taillights and blinkers.

I ate a footlong meatball Subway and went to bed at 8pm. Ignoring the brand new hotel across the street and the hot showers and the sports bar full of cold beer and big screen TV’s full of football and ESPN.

I sprung up from bed at 4:30am from a dream of someone knocking on my rear door yelling you can’t park here. I know it was just a dream but it felt and sounded  real.

I usually make tea before I do anything else in the morning but for some reason in that frozen parking lot I remembered what Bob said. Go south young man!

 So I jumped in the drivers seat, fired it up and went South. I took 118 straight fifty miles to 
I 10. Nobody was on it. I mean not one person. Am I a genius or an idiot? 

The first thirty miles were ice…then it became dry. Go South he said! Dry roads…and 7 crystal clear radio stations all New Country. I don’t hate country. I just hate Kenny Chesney type corporate country. I’m more of a Townes Van Zant and John Prine type.

I got to I10, started heading West and once the roads started getting icy again I pulled off.

It’s Monday morning the 28th…Gonna wait til noon for the sun to hopefully clean things up a bit. 

Two hundred miles ‘til El Paso. I read online someone has a snowplow in El Paso. 

We’ll see.
Sounds miserable. I'm heading west along the Gulf Coast, and other than a few cloudbursts there was no foul weather. Only ridiculously warm, still weather and hordes of mosquitoes for Christmas.
In 2013 I left MA, a little late (mid November). Went further south before turning westward, due to inclement weather. Those freaking snow and ice storms chased me, caught me and/or got ahead of me from TN through NM. Places that hadn't seen snow or ice in as long as people could remember were immobilized. It didn't matter how far south I went. Kind of like the weather they are having now.

I'll never leave that late, again. I shoot for mid October but it's usually the tail end of October before I escape.

Be careful out there!
Yes, be careful out there.

We left on New Years eve to go to the 2015 RTR.  Got caught up in the big West Texas freeze.  We went through Austin on 290 and just before it merged with I-10 we went across a bridge and did the ass-wipe thing.  Glad the Geo was behind to keep us from going sideways.  We did not have an outside thermometer then (we do now!).  After that, every bridge we came to, I threw it in neutral and coasted across until we made it to Ozona, TX.  We spent the night in the gravel parking lot of a Methodist church.  It was noon before the roads began to melt.  Got going again and about sundown there was black ice on all the roadway, not just the bridges.  We were between two semi's and I had to keep hitting the brakes because I was idling too fast in low gear :p   We finally came up out of the low area just before where I-10 and I-20 merge.  There were a LOT of 18 wheeler's turned over and in the ditch on the stretch behind us as well as 4 wheeler's too.  We made it into Anthony, NM Welcome Center to spend the rest of the night.  I wanted to get past El Paso before stopping.  We started out again the next morning and by about 10 AM, it started snowing :huh:   Thought we had already got past the bad stuff.  We had to stop in Phoenix and get new windshield wipers.  The ice buildup on the windshield from the night before shredded them :( The weather in Quartzsite was outstanding after going through that stuff.

Watch out for the ice and stay safe.
More than a few of my trips from the NE to the SW were like that too.
Guess it's not as "unusual" as they keep telling us ! :dodgy:

The "warm" weather here in the northeast corner is about ready to "normalize". Snow and freezing rain for tomorrow and nothing above freezing in sight. :rolleyes:
Uneventful update.

I got stuck on a mountain for an hour or so, traffic stopped about 150 miles from El Paso. 

Then dry, sunny and beautiful. I made it to El Paso and celebrated with a $4 tourist trap 
nut cone. It's all down hill after New Mexico. Hopefully and literally.
Dang... maybe I should fear leaving out here from western Oklahoma.... Ice and snow here, and more snow to follow. Was allowing it to clear out before I hit the road. I hope to leave out on the 3rd. (you hear that weather?!! shape up dangit!!)
Townes Van zandt was singing 'Turnstyled, junkpiled' when reading your original post and you mentioned him.

January 2007 I drove through an ice storm crossing the divide, eastward on I-10 onto Florida.
January 2008 I was back in Baja.
Leaving Monday and heading south on I. 5 will turn left before the LA madness 43 in San Fran and 33 in Quartzite. sheesh. see you all.
SternWake said:
Townes Van zandt was singing 'Turnstyled, junkpiled' when reading your original post and you mentioned him.

January 2007 I drove through an ice storm crossing the divide, eastward on I-10 onto Florida.
January 2008 I was back in Baja.

I always spell his name wrong...
I was wondering where all that cold weather went. It's been unseasonably warm in northeastern Ohio. I haven't even seen snow yet which is unheard of. We're finally breaking 32F for overnight lows next week though. Stay safe.
Last update:

Spent the night at a fancy truckstop 30 miles before Tuscon. 

Went to a Blue Beacon Truck wash ( Hi-Top Van w/solar panels ) and washed the 
2500 miles of dirt off. Had them do the engine also...probably the first time ever for that.

I asked a mobile truck mechanic what the next play was...either head towards Phoenix
or South to Yuma and North to Ehrenberg. He said it's a lot faster and easier drive 
to Yuma and only 8 miles more. Not sure about the 8 mile thing but it was an easy drive 
and not much semi traffic.

Gonna spend the night in Yuma, Hit Planet Fitness and shop for a few things then tomorrow 
a short 90 miles to Erenberg.

P.S. My Mom said they got 9" inches of you know what last night in WI.

*Here's my pretty close Milwaukee to Ehrenberg exp. total ( I saved reciepts just to see what kind of mileage I got. Ford E250 extended w/the 5.8. 

I tried to keep the cruise on as much as possible...set at a relaxing 68 mph. If you've read this far you know most of my trip was not relaxing until I got to AZ. 

"This van is heavy and the sweet spot seemed to be 68 mph...I drove at night mostly to avoid 
heavy traffic. 

I spent $350 on gas. I paid an avg. of $2 per gal. Most of the time it was $1.80 and a few times I filled it half way when it was $2.23.

The math ( feel free to correct me ) I'm sort of tired.

$350 / $2 = 175 gallons.   2500 miles / 175 gallons = 14.25 mpg. 

Lets call it 14 mpg. 

I estimated about 2250 miles but had to call a few audibles do to my battle with mother nature.

**It sure was a beautiful drive today in AZ. Thanks.
If you take I-8 to bypass Flagstaff over to 85 North to I-10 West, it is only 8 miles further.  Last Jan. going to the RTR we went through Flagstaff.  I looked at the map and said we would take 85 South down to I-8 East on our way back.  It IS a lot easier drive.

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