I Open windows for cool Breeze, I get mosquitoes n allergies.

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May 11, 2012
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Not sure what to do about this. i guess i have to stick to using a fan or two and stay inside the van more. Are there any areas in the country where you find fewer mosquitoes?
Mosquitoes generally like moist areas. But in dry areas there are other pesky insects and flies. I use a Thermacell Mosquito Repellent when I'm home in the SJ swamps. Keeps the buggers 10 feet away.
i think these mosquitoes are turning into my kryptonite. i am using repellent spray, but they keep getting thru. I bought the Thermacell, but i have to get out of the minivan occasionally so i dont think it will work. With the spray repellent OFF and peppermint spray, Instead of 6 or 7 bites on each arm I get 1 large quarter sized bite. on each arm. But one a day of these is too much!
I heard it's better on the west coast. i may have to save van life for when i travel to Arizona in the cool part of the year.
When I am in mosquito country, I use a 3-5% permethrin solution and spray down the whole inside of the van along with the inside of the screen tent if it's up. Seems to help.
Mosquitos need water to breed in.
They don't breed in salt water, they only breed in fresh water.
They don't like strong breezy weather.
That should give you a clue of where to go and where not to go.

Where to go....salt water beaches but camp in open space away from the woods.
That is also ideal for someone who suffers from allergies especially with a breeze coming in from over the water towards the land.
That way the pollen will be heading away from you and the mosquitoes will too.

Where not to go, damp forest and woodlands near creeks and lakes.
That brings mosquitoes and a lot of pollen too.
southern california mosquitoes are rare, I havent seen one in years in san diego. The further north you go past los angeles you start to see them but nothing too bad.
Eat lots of garlic, the little vampires don't like that ! Seriously, I have less problems than most people with bugs, and it may be from what I eat....worth researching !
Thanks, guys!
@Wabbit, is that permethrin safe for you to breathe in all day?
@maki2, I am going to try that at the Cocoa Beach Flying J's one of these nights, thanks!
@jonyjoe303 I hear from friends who have moved to Los Angeles, they can leave their window open all day and not get 1 mosquito, i am amazed!
@ckelly78z, well I do love garlic and onions, so I will try that on all my food.
In the meantime, I am going to Target for some insecticide that is safe for Kids and Pets called Ecosmart and spray down the whole van. We'll see if that works. again thanks for all the help!
before you spray the "whole van", I would test a small inconspicuous place to make sure that stuff is compatible with your paint. highdesertranger
Hi LadySawFan, permethrin is an insecticide. There's a link below that has some "facts" on it. I used this up in Iowa alot. The recommended concentration is .5%. I use a higher concentration, but I'm an idiot. If you have a cat, please read up on dangers to kitties.

It is supposedly "safe" for humans\animals once it dries. I spray down the interior of my van and then leave it for 30 minutes or so to dry. You have to cover up cooking surfaces\dishes before spraying. When I return there is still an odor, but not bad.

Your not supposed to breathe it in or touch it when first sprayed. After it dries, then it's supposed to be safe. Is it? I have no idea, says it's safe after it dries and that answer fit what I wanted to hear, so I just accept that as a good enough for me.

There's a few DIY Permethrin sites out there and on youtube for a "how to" make your own spray cheaper than what it sells for in a spray can.

"Fact Sheet"
There are mosquitoes that breed in salt water marshes. Veracious. They carry eastern encephalitis. Very bad for horses, and not good for people.
I just ordered a set of the skeeterbeater's for the front windows and an extra set of ceramic magnets.

We'll see.
ckelly78z said:
Eat lots of garlic, the little vampires don't like that ! Seriously, I have less problems than most people with bugs, and it may be from what I eat....worth researching !

I'm one of those guys who will be first, most, and sometimes the only one bitten in a crowd, and for most of my life I have eaten lots of garlic. For years I ate a raw clove every day, too.  Never did a lick of good.

But for people bugs aren't so super-attracted to in the first place, maybe that would work better.  It's just a rumor that, for me, turned out to be a dud.
Usually the arms are uncovered.
So. Let ‘em land. Observe them.
Slowly close your fist. When they look nice and fat, quickly clench the fist .
Watch them blow up.
Screens and a fan work best for me sitting inside my camper. Sitting outside when the skeeters are bad I often sit in front of a box fan which blows them away before they can get to me. Hate chemicals on my skin.
not trying to be snark here, but one of the reasons i went "mobile" is that i am not stuck putting up with conditions i dont like. if the skeeters are getting to me, and that bothers me, then i start the engine and go somewhere else. there are so many amazing places just in the country alone (usa) i dont waste my time staying in an area that does not make me happy

just sayin'...
The screens I ordered came today. That was fast.
Raining outside.
They seems decent quality. Better than what I could muster.
Sometimes it pays to pay.
Seminole Wind said:
not trying to be snark here, but one of the reasons i went "mobile" is that i am not stuck putting up with conditions i dont like. if the skeeters are getting to me, and that bothers me, then i start the engine and go somewhere else. there are so many amazing places just in the country alone (usa) i dont waste my time staying in an area that does not make me happy

just sayin'...

Pretty fair, IMO.  Sometimes people cannot move for reasons of jobs, family, whatever.  But sometimes they just seem stubborn and stuck in place from habit more than anything else.

Especially if you are truly mobile, it seems like the natural thing to find out where you are most comfortable -- at least season by season -- and be there instead of suffering in some place you dislike.
ladysawfan said:
Not sure what to do about this . . .

I grew up in a mosquito infested paradise (Norther Minnesota).  Best natural repellant is find a windy place.  Mosquitos cannot fly in a 7+ mph breeze; other bugs have similar problems.  They also are less tolerant of sunshine.

Permathrin is a contact repellant (affects the nervous system) , so spraying inside surfaces will keep them off inside surfaces.  Works well on clothing, should limit contact with skin (~1% absorption), not healthy to breathe, never get it on mouth or eyes (rapid absorption).  I use it on clothing as a tick repellant.

Thermacell works for small areas with little air movement (like under your chair if sitting outside, inside your van).  
Citronella torches work will in still air if you have enough of them to surround your area.  
Any source of a large amount of CO2 will attract mosquitos away from you; a campfire, a propane heater, etc.

I can't be any help for allergies.