how to live on $600 per month

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I plan to live on 400 a month soon<br><br>Gym Membership - $20<br>4g Internet - $40<br>Food - $150<br>Insurance - $90<br>Laundromat - $20<br>Gas - $30<br>Misc - $50<br><br>I work part time and make $900 a month working 30 hours a week.
wow, sounds awesome...<br><br>my expense list is more like<br>electricity $325 every 2 months<br>propane $235 every month<br>gas $100 per month<br>insurance 118 per month<br>taxes $1800 per year<br>food $300 per month<br><br>yeah, i have to think of something to do for money
ickii - thats a monks lifestyle. &nbsp;good move but tough on the soul.&nbsp;<br><br>here are the free things to add<br><br>free library - most places<br>free parks and open space - look for them<br>free public events - check your town calendar.&nbsp;<br>free transportation - get on the bicycle.<br>free church - maybe find a place that does not pass collection plate too often
Your monthly expenses come to $1070. How long have you been living on $600/month?<br><br>If you pay $1800/year in property taxes,you must have a good-sized piece of land. Maybe you could sell half of it.<br><br>Since you are married are there any spousal support options?
this is the first month that i'm out of money from the inheritance, i'm going to try and get a job... ugh... yes, my husband helps me, of course, just so i don't starve<br><br>but the taxes are land taxes plus all the things each of us owe for the running of the RV park<br><br>the only bill i have been paying is the propane, and the taxes and electricity are piling up right now...<br><br>anyway, yeah, that's why i wrote the plea for help lol<br><br>and what's this about a troll? lol did something get deleted?
After reading all of your posts from Day 1, I believe that nobody here will be able to help you unless you actually act on their suggestions. Will you?

Edited to add: Can/will you save yourself from yourself? Or perhaps you are a troll?

am i a troll? isn't a troll somebody who's mean to people? that makes YOU more of a troll than me, coz that was a mean post<br><br>ok, you can all stop answering me coz OF COURSE i asked for advice for no reason pfffft<br><br>i'll talk to willy by email&nbsp;
Actually the withdrawn troll comment was meant for another poster. But really this thread should come under a "personal drama" heading as your situation has mosty to do with difficulties in navigating the Canadian social service system rather than living/traveling in an RV.<br><br>If that system is as confusing as what's available in the US, then you will need someone local to help you.<br><br>Good luck...
&nbsp;I sent you another email.. hopefully, it went through. Yahoo mail has been acting kinda funny with me. Do you own a lot at an RV park?

Please accept my sincerest apology. Truly, my intent was not to hurt you in any way or to be mean. It is difficult via this medium to convey one's meaning in few words. I am absolutely sorry that I didn't express myself more succinctly. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me. I will try harder to be more cautious in the future.

I have been a lurker here for over a year. There are people here who will go out of their ways to help others. There are also people who ask for help. That is how it should be. People helping people. What others are suggesting to you are ideas that, to them, may be obvious but may be difficult for you to implement, in more ways than one. Selling your lot in the RV Resort, an action that you have already considered (from what I read in previous posts), may not be something you are ready to do. Camping in such a large trailer in a boondocking situation may mean selling your two large trailers (if I read that part right? Two large trailers won't fit on your lot?) and living in something much smaller that is easier to handle and heat, doesn't sound like what you want.

When one's back is against that wall, the decisions that may need to be made are tough ones. Your dream of an Airstream, decorated in shabby chic, parked in an expensive RV Resort, all on $600 a month, is a dream for now. Nothing wrong with that! But you may have to back out of what you have done so far and regroup. Many people in this type of situation are so tired from fighting life's battles, from realizing that decisions they made in the past may not, in today's glaring light, have been the best, that they just can't do it anymore. Or at least it feels that way, right?

Ergo, my question: Will you? And will you be able to make the hard decisions that mean backing away from your dream for now, or scaling your dream down to a more manageable for now level?

I do hope this doesn't sound mean or harsh. Many of us have been in similar spots as you now find yourself
and know how tough it can be. Life is harsh and sometimes mean. And I know that sometimes, it's just too much. I mean these words as food for thought for you. To encourage you to take a step back, breathe, and rethink your choices. Can you do that?

Whatever you decide, you are in my thoughts and I send positive wishes in your direction. And again, please forgive me for thoughtlessly hurting your feelings.

&gt;well power and parking aren't expenses I plan to pay for by the month as I'm sure you've seen. &lt;img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"&gt;&lt;br&gt;I did check out the EV charging rates though, $0.49 a kwh for those shady days.
oh no problem, i just thought trolls were mean people lol i'm not mean... but i don't own TWO RVs... not sure where that idea came from... and i can't sell the land because of the economy, there's a TON of lots for sale in my park, going on years now....<br><br>i think the best idea i have so far is willy saying i can cut my heating bill in half with insulation, and YES i'm going to take that advice<br><br>willy is also giving me ideas about my personal drama, so to speak<br><br>i'm also considering getting rid of the car, if there's any way i can do that<br><br>and i'm going to work on my resume tonight, for a certain job<br><br>thanks for all your help you guys, and Willy, i did get your email, and responded to it <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">
Ahh...a perfect example of misunderstanding:

"... but i spoke to my park today and they think my lot isn't big enuff for the 2 large trailers..." From a previous post.

I see now you were referring to the two RVs under consideration for purchase.

ok, so i'm thinking of getting rid of this land, i can't afford it, possibly getting rid of the RV too and building a tiny house... i have found a farmer where i can live on her land for not much, how much remains to be seen but with utilities included could be ok...<br><br>Willy and i have been talking and yes i'm listening, and no i'm not a troll haha<br><br><br>
hi lonfu.... i think i will probably be moving the RV onto the farm and putting the land up for sale while i live elsewhere<br><br>tho the land would sell easier with the RV on it<br><br>i'm not real solid, just have tentative plans... i love tiny houses and consider them even more mobile because you can build an off the grid one and park anywhere<br><br>if i bought a motor home, i wouldn't be able to afford repairs anyway<br><br>plus i don't want to travel, i just want to live cheaply but be able to escape if i have to <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"><br><br>thanks for the well wishes <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">
A tiny "house" that's mobile?&nbsp; It's more expensive to move a house than it is an RV of any size. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;
Ah, check out tumbleweed tiny houses. Some tiny houses are built to be mobile!
Have you thought about renting some of your land to other RVers?&nbsp; If you live on a good sized place, it may be something to consider.
I don't know about Canada, but here in the United States it's possible, and here are the numbers.

If one Initially has an inheritance of $8000 this is how to be set for life:
Buy a house where you can run a woodstove, don't pay property taxes, and where it rains enough to not have to pay a water bill.

My monthly bills: $10 unlimited calls and text on cell phone. (If you need to know what carrier contact me)
Car insurance $20 a month.
Put 1500 on a solar system, built a homemade wind generator following detailed instructions on youtube and have a bicycle generator.

My lights are all led. Instead of a refrigerator I have a solar Sundanzer freezer.
I'm able to use my laptop, and garden.
 In the summer I cook on a rocket stove outside and use a mud oven to bake in.

Walmart is 1.2 miles away and nearer than that is a grocery store that had chicken on sale in May of 2015 for thirty nine cents a pound.

Yes all day long I'm moving solar panels and recharging my batteries to power my 3 bedroom brick house, but I'm not desperate and have money to save.

Contact me if you want more info.