How to host a gathering

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May 26, 2019
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Osseo Mi.
I am in Michigan near Ohio.. I have some land and have thought of hosting a gathering.. I guess I need to think about what is required to have a successful gathering. I do have one porta potty.. no electric, and no water... I do have a well, but have not gotten it working yet.. Anyway, I welcome thoughts and advice..
A gathering can take any form that you wish. Make it clear exactly what you will be providing (which can be nothing more than a piece of land to park on), any rules that you need people to follow, the dates the gathering will take place, etc. You can limit the number of guests if you don't have a lot of room.

A town close by for supplies, interesting activities nearby, planned potlucks, excursions, seminars, movie or talent night are things to consider.

Post under the Gatherings heading and indicate how you would like to be contacted.
can I blare my 110 decibel stereo all night long?
can I run my open frame construction generator 24/7?
can my dog run free?
do I have to pick up my dog poop?
and so on, and so on. anything you can imagine that you don't want done will happen and then some.

You start by saying I am here (fill in the blank)

If you would like to join me please do on these dates (fill in the blank)

This is what I can offer (fill in the blank)

These are the restrictions (fill in the blank)

Sit back and wait because if you post it, they will come.
Thank you for the eye openers. I have posted on Boonedockers in the past, and did not get much response from it. Considering everything mentioned, I feel I should have been clearer. I can see I need to take some time and go over things to be helpful and set things up so they can go as well as I hope they will. I will reflect on the information provided and work to compose a good informative post. I am kind of an old hippy, and would like to see if a communal type of community can grow. So much depends on mutual respect of others, and that is hard to teach. My ideal situation is where it could be an informal campground where we can network and chill out a bit. I do need help with my house there, as I am trying to also establish a organic vegetable garden/farm. I hope to have the pump well working soon.
you are counting on the 'right type' to come :) Hard to find like minded people to band together and become a community. Best you can do is very very clearly state what amenities etc. the others mentioned and what you will not tolerate. Just be clear you are inviting 'who knows what' into your life now. Best of luck to you tho. :)
I opened this thread to see "how to host a gathering" but now see the OP should have titled it "how do I host a gathering."

It would be nice to think of an appropriate title before posting.
Autumn I host people coming thru on my land. They are all from another forum I’m on - well some this forum- and it’s been fun. I have a real nice camping space at my pond but no hookups or anything. Can let dogs run and I don’t care if they poop
Cammalu said:
Autumn I host people coming thru on my land. They are all from another forum I’m on - well some this forum- and it’s been fun. I have a real nice camping space at my pond but no hookups or anything. Can let dogs run and I don’t care if they poop

I would like to know more.. thank you for your thoughts.. May I know where your place is?
Autumn I’m outside a little town in Kentucky called Beaver Dam. I’ve had several come through this year and stay a few days each time.

We stay pretty busy here so I don’t get to spend as much time as I like with visitors but I do squeeze in some time.

I generally put them here:

Cammalu said:
Autumn I’m outside a little town in Kentucky called Beaver Dam. I’ve had several come through this year and stay a few days each time.

We stay pretty busy here so I don’t get to spend as much time as I like with visitors but I do squeeze in some time.

I generally put them here:

Wow, very nice.. Thank you.. I have not spent time in Kentucky before. I am between vans right now as mine finally bit the dust. It takes time to find a good fit with a van. The pond really looks peaceful and inviting. So nice to share that with others. Be Well..
I really want to thank you all who have schooled me on hosting a gathering and posting in the appropriate forum area. I am not much of a blogger, but this is an interesting site.
Ok, well guess I need help figuring out how and where to list an invite to travelers passing through or who want to camp here for a while.. here are my details..

Currently only van or less can make it up my driveway due to the incline and how wide between trees.
Dogs are fine as long as they are not hostile to people and other animals. Owners need to pick up the poo on the mowed part. The tall grass has some ticks, but we can cut some paths with the tractor.
I am building a fire pit to have campfires.. After 10pm needs to be sorta quiet, not loud radios. But campfire conversation is cool. My neighbors are not real close, but sound really travels far as their is no ambient noise to blend in with.
I have a portajon. I have a well and am just getting it going. I need help building a rustic shower. I am off the grid.
Consideration of others is very important. No littering.
There is a Dollar general 5 miles away, fuel is 2 miles away. Groceries, auto parts, and hardware are 12 miles away. Employment opportunities are 15 miles away.
I think about 5 vans, or cars are about all I have enough room for now. I have more land to clear and can fit more then.. I do not think a tiny house can currently make it up my driveway, but I am working on it. I have 14 acres and am not farming it yet..

Did I cover everything?
Looks good to me. I suggest starting another thread in the Gatherings section with a title like "Hosting Travelers Passing Through (town nearest you)" or "Hosting a GTG in Michigan From (date to date)".

There aren't a lot of members in the east so don't get discouraged if you don't recieve much feedback.

One of the forum members has hosted gatherings on her property in Arizona over the last couple of years. Here are a few links to give you an idea of what it's like to be a host:
Autumnt, I am interested in your gathering plans because I expect to be in Ohio during the summer of 2020... in case something were to be happening at that time.
autumnt said:
I am in Michigan near Ohio.. I have some land and have thought of hosting a gathering.. I guess I need to think about what is required to have a successful gathering. I do have one porta potty.. no electric, and no water... I do have a well, but have not gotten it working yet.. Anyway, I welcome thoughts and advice..

Down in the TN-Al area a guy (Cuzzen Dyck) hosts a gtg every spring (Raccoon Creek by Stevenson AL) & fall (Tumbling Creek by Copperhill TN).
These are held on some sort of public land and nothing is provided. No water, no toilets, just what ever you have brought. 
It's basically a campout for vandwellers, there is usually a camp fire and people come stay for awhile then move on. Nothing formal, nothing scheduled, just friendly. 
It works well.
For those who are already camped out and have a WIFI node etc,  couldn't they use something like Google Hangouts
for a group chat.  Sitting a few feet away from their Laptop w/webcam or Cell  with their rig behind them a few more feet would be a nice simulation without having to relearn the lessons of Woodstock again.  
