How to deal with gas station panhandling

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Well-known member
Jun 26, 2013
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I was passing through Carson City today when I stopped for gas, actually I was running on fumes. A young couple parked next to me asked for gas money. I said sure but let me see your gas guage. He said he didn't think it worked and drove away. Last year a father sent his two young son's over to ask me for money. After I gave him $20 I asked to see his guage and it was 3/4 full. I'm all for helping people but not interested in being taken advantage of. How do you all handle it?
I just turn them down. Period. And I have no problem doing so!

I learned to say no when my kids were little.... :D

If they are being troublesome the station manager would very likely want to know about it. It isn't good for business to have people panhandling inside the station property like that!
Couldnt resist adding my response to the "in need of gas" pitch for a 1st post:

I  1st explain how regretful I am that I am tapped, myself, but the good news is that the D.O.T. will show up with a can of gas to help stranded motorists. All it requires is an I.D., and they will leave you with a couple gallons of fuel to help get you on your way. No need to pay on the spot, they will send you a bill for the actual cost of the can & gasoline. "I have the number on my phone, & would be more than happy to contact them & get them here to help you get on your way..." is what I tell them.

Usually by the time the words "on your way" are leaving my mouth, they have their vehicle in gear & are leaving without saying goodbye.
On the 1 occasion that the person asking said "ok, yes, I would really appreciate that", I gave him 20$ because I honestly have no clue if what I tell them is even close to being true :dodgy:
I trust my intuition. My BS sensor is pretty sensitive, got my share of street smarts, but I'm sure I've been duped before. I'm ok with it. I'm more prone to offer to buy 'em a sandwich than give cash unless it's a dollar or so.

I've had some very positive experiences as well.
I have been hit up for money at the gas pump, inside the grocery store, inside Ross Dress For Less, walking up to a church building, parking lots, you name it.

Giving money to panhandlers makes one an enabler for their lifestyle of choice (for many of them).

There are charities and food banks where truly needy people can go for assistance.

Do not give money to people who approach you.  It will most likely go towards purchasing drugs and/or alcohol. 

On hot summer days, I keep bottles of water in the car to give to them, especially if they have dogs.

That's all they get from me.
I take a break at work walk outside roll a cigarette and next thing you know a guy wants a cigarette
I show my American spirit Organic tobacco, telling them i roll my own, he says cool but doesn't know how to roll one. Seriously dude what kinda homeless person that smokes doesn't know how to roll one? Just to see how persistent this guy is I roll one asking if he would like to lick the paper,"no that's OK". I hand him the finished product. He then asks me for a light. Come on man, is this just a new wave of broke millennial's ? I know living in San Francisco is not cheap, I should start a class on dealing with living on the streets. Or quit smoking.
I politely say no that I will not hand out cash to anyone, at any time. Like MaTaLa I have a BS meter that works kinda well, I also have had some positive experiences.

In front of discount grocery someone said they needed some bucks to buy food and could I 'donate to them' to shop. I said what ya like....they responded I need some canned veggies to hold me over and found what they prefer. I said cool and when I came out I gave them a bag loaded with some veg cans. They were appreciative and I was glad to help......the 'need money for gas' is just a con mostly and one I would love to try on someone HAHA but I wouldn't LOL you know, just to see :)
If I give someone something I try to do it w/o expectations of what they're going to do with it. If they need a beer to get by for the day and use my money for it, I'm ok with it. I haven't walked in their shoes

"But for the grace of God/Creator/Universe, go I."
I've seen people with signs at the edge of gas stations but I haven't been approached in years. Maybe it's because my natural resting face tends to look hostile.
Hah, I once had the opposite experience. I was sitting under a tree next to a gas station with my backpack, reading an ebook, when a church van pulled up and tried to give me $20 for food. I told them I appreciated the thought, but give it to somebody who really needs it, since I don't.

Guess maybe I should shave more often.
If someone bummed a smoke and then a light the classic response was
"do you want me to smoke it for you too"
I like to be able to give, but not cash as I don't want my money to be spent on drugs. I will have a supply of $5 gift cards for various businesses like gas stations, fast food, Walmart, etc. One per person. I also like the idea of offering cold bottled water.
travelaround said:
I like to be able to give, but not cash as I don't want my money to be spent on drugs. I will have a supply of $5 gift cards
Believe me druggies turn those into cash quick enough
I know this is a rather controversial topic, but will throw in my two cents, just for yucks.

Sometimes there are true emergencies, when I would without hesitation buy a meal or a tank of fuel.

There are homeless shelters, soup kitchens, and food pantries that will provide meals to those who are truly hungry, and also provide services to those needing to get financially on their feet.

Panhandling, asking for cash, is a choice.

I am not without compassion, and I give in other ways, but I never directly hand over cash.
We had a young man that used to sit by the side of the road in our little town with a sign that read, "need money for beer". It infuriated some folks. I always laughed when I saw him. I wonder how it worked out for him, I'm betting that he got plenty of beer money.
travelaround said:
Then if everyone is a suspected druggie, what do you do about truly needy people?
I did not say I suspect everyone.

Nor do I "need" to do anything.

But if do feel like it, I might actually buy them the things they need. Or give them some work, or a place to crash, or whatever fits between us, at the time.

I have lived in places where almost **everyone** around me was in desperate need. Takes the hubris right out of you, you can only do so much.
First, I do not allow anyone to get within 10 feet of me. If someone is coming towards me, I wrap my fingers around the pepper spray in my pocket and say loudly, "stop there and state your business." I don't care what anyone thinks. I'm not going to be a victim if I can help it. Second, if a person is legitimately in need, every county has a social services department where they can apply for assistance. Those who panhandle are nothing but scam artists, substance abusers or people who don't desire to live within the normal parameters of civil society. Third, I already contribute to the less fortunate through paying taxes, volunteering, and charitable giving to valid organizations. The End.
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