How much data?

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RVTravel said:
Holy smokes those are some huge data usage numbers.

Thats nothing on my home comnection we used 10 terabytes last month
tonyandkaren said:
We use 5-6 gigs a month so that means we often go over our 5 gig limit which costs us an extra $10.00. Our plan is $50.00 a month and I have contemplated going to the next level which would give us 10 more gig for an additional $45.00 but since we never use that much it's more economic to just pay the extra $10.00 or even $20.00 when we go over.  I have no doubt that if we had 15 gig we would use it all. :-D

We don't listen to music, watch movies or youtube videos unless they're very short. Mostly our data gets used up writing blog posts, researching places to go, reading blogs and general browsing. We could get by with much less if we just used it for reading forums and emails.
Tony (Karen?) 

Which company are you with?  5 GB for $50 seems like a good deal!  Is that voice and text as well?
towhee said:
Tony (Karen?) 

Which company are you with?  5 GB for $50 seems like a good deal!  Is that voice and text as well?

 Karen. Tony talks a lot in person but I can't get him to do it online. :-D

 We have a really old plan with AT&T so I don't know if it's available any more. Every time I look at the website I just get confused.

 Our plan includes a data card hot spot and an old flip phone. The data is $50.00 a month and the phone is $40.00. By the time all the taxes and fees are added on it's about $102.00 total. They just gave us unlimited talk and text for our phone - not sure why but probably to tempt us to upgrade the phone because it's pretty useless for texting.

 So all of this information is probably not very helpful if you are using a smart phone for everything. I think you would have to go to a store and talk to a representative to get an accurate monthly charge.
tonyandkaren said:
 Karen. Tony talks a lot in person but I can't get him to do it online. :-D

 We have a really old plan with AT&T so I don't know if it's available any more. Every time I look at the website I just get confused.

 Our plan includes a data card hot spot and an old flip phone. The data is $50.00 a month and the phone is $40.00. By the time all the taxes and fees are added on it's about $102.00 total. They just gave us unlimited talk and text for our phone - not sure why but probably to tempt us to upgrade the phone because it's pretty useless for texting.

 So all of this information is probably not very helpful if you are using a smart phone for everything. I think you would have to go to a store and talk to a representative to get an accurate monthly charge.

Thanks Karen! And hi Tony!

So the data part of your plan is $10 per GB. That is not far off from my plan. I can buy extra data, 3 GB for $20. 

I think you are right that reading the website will just make your head spin. Talk about confusing. Going in person to a store and talking to a knowledgeable person seems like the best way to really understand what you are getting. And plans do change all the time it seems so what someone else has might not be available anymore. 

Reading about other folks usage seems quite helpful to me. I think I will end up somewhere in the 2 to 5 GB per month. 

And I will just keep being jealous of those folks with unlimited plans ??

Straight Talk plan. $50 per month. 5gb data on iPhone. Using Verizon towers. Works great everywhere so far.