How many people?

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I like to see others in the same area. This lets me know it's OK to stay in the area and that in an emergency, there could be help or witnesses. I also have it on good reliable sources that big feet creatures don't like groups of people. :)
Yeah, I'd worry less about bigfeets with other people around. ;)
JasonMcD said:
I would say 5-8 people that i am familiar with and comfortable being around and that i actually like, would be at most all i would need. If i were traveling in a caravan, i would say no more than 3 vehicles, 4 at most. Having others around would be a nice safety net, especially if you plan on staying at a place for a little while. It would allow several people to stay at 'camp' while others might want to run into town and pick up supplies or something.
I would definitely second this
One of the things I have seen happen with large groups over time is that they tend to devolve into cliques, with all that entails.

Not so much smaller groups, in my experience.
Bigfoot would be welcome in my camp. And as far as what I prefer. I either camp with family or alone. As far as weapons go I've carried a knife since birth basically. It was quite a change for me when i had to EARN carrying a knife as a scout. Also i have been in situations where it really WAS better to have a gun and not need it than to need a gun and not have it. Usually your spidey sense will tingle when you're in those areas anyway. So keep it movin.
I am not anti-social but I still got the camper to get away from people. I am not interested in a highly attended campground. If someone stops to say hi. I'm cool with that but I don't want it to be a long term visit.

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