How long of a life is long enough?

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You know what really pisses me off?  I grew up reading science fiction, and I'm convinced we're only one or two generations away from life extension technology that will let us live to be 150 or 200.  It really pisses me off that I'm going to miss that.
Optimistic Paranoid said:
  I grew up reading science fiction, and I'm convinced we're only one or two generations away from life extension technology that will let us live to be 150 or 200.  It really pisses me off that I'm going to miss that.
But would you be able to afford it? I don't think I would, nor would they let me. 
PS, Like the old saying; Better to be Pissed Off, than On. :p
gsfish said:
The one thing that might piss you off more is when this technology exists and only the 1% can afford it.

Hell, for another fifty years of youthful vigor, I'll rob as many liquor stores as I have to!
I always thought I would live long enough to be a burden for my children, but now I just want to spend everything and die in peace.
Optimistic Paranoid said:
Hell, for another fifty years of youthful vigor, I'll rob as many liquor stores as I have to!

So, if we put a group together, they can call us The Over The Hill Gang? :p
I'm not in terrible health, not good but not terrible but I do have to live in constant pain from physical disabilities that won't kill me. I have hope that sustains me most days and I just keep plugging on and hope something else won't happen. I think I've broken about 16 or so bones in my life and that hurts! I just bought a small Class C and I'm not going to stay home!!! I can just pump my own gas and that's about it. Somehow I'll make do because I'm going!!!! Not too long now either - just fixing a few things up and making changes to the rv before I go! Hope I find a solution to the pain but I'm not going to kill myself over it.

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Cammalu said:
  Hope I find a solution to the pain but I'm not going to kill myself over it.

Sometimes marijuana is a miracle worker, and sometimes not so much. Worth giving it a try if you haven't already. When you are on wheels, head for a state that will let you.
Thanks Bob but unfortunately I'm not only allergic with itchiness and sneezing but it made me paranoid, sleepy and hungry. I tried it many times in my teens but it was always the same. I have a sis who it really helped thru chemo though.

There is an end or at least an alleviation to some of my pain in the works. I need both knees replaced but am unable to do this at this time because I have a slow healing femur break (well four or five breaks in the femur). They will possibly have to remove all the hardware from the femur once it's all the way healed before I can even have the knees replaced. I was having a hysterectomy and, during surgery, was dumped off the operating table and had my femur broken to pieces. I'm still leaving before I have any more surgeries. I think I'm about four surgeries behind but I'm sick of waiting so screw it! [emoji15][emoji2]

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Queen said:
I've heard many of us here say when we're ready to be done, we'll be done.  That seems at odds with much of the rest of the country.

What brought this up is my brother best friend, we've all been friends since high school, and we've had some great times, we are 56 and 57 respectively.  This friend has Type One diabetes, his health is truly abysmal, loss of vision, multiple skin cancers, kidney transplant, heart issues, and the kidney transplant is now failing.  He is desperately searching for a new kidney donor (living not cadaver).  This amazes me.  First that doctors would think this is a good idea, but also why he is so set on going on.  His life is misery personified (his own claim), so why continue it, it baffles me.  I guess not everyone is okay with the idea of dying, I know my mom was terrified of it, she couldn't understand why I wasn't.

So, my confusion aside: Long enough for me it's as long as I have the capacity and desire for love and happiness.  Many things can grind that away, but it's my personal benchmark.

I envy your bravery with dying. I am not so brave. It is a very sad thing for me right now. My Mom just died last fall and I am devastated. Dying is just too raw for me right now. Maybe the will to live is all that man has? Peace.
WeNeedaChange said:
I envy your bravery with dying. I am not so brave. It is a very sad thing for me right now. My Mom just died last fall and I am devastated. Dying is just too raw for me right now. Maybe the will to live is all that man has? Peace.

I'm sorry about your mom, it is a sea change in our lives when our mothers go.

I'm not brave, just reached a place where I understand the inevitability and I'm okay with it.  I'd rather it wasn't today, but I have little say in the matter, so I'm good whenever it shows up.
Optimistic Paranoid said:
You know what really pisses me off?  I grew up reading science fiction, and I'm convinced we're only one or two generations away from life extension technology that will let us live to be 150 or 200.  It really pisses me off that I'm going to miss that.
I was watching a TV doctor and he said. People in their 90's don't worry about living another 30 years. Most are ready to go. I think they would need to find the fountain of youth to make it a worthwhile deal. 

Besides, insurance companies won't approve spending money on you. After complaining for 2 years about feeling badly especially after meals, I bought my own glucose tester and found out my blood sugar was way high. If I fast all tests seem normal. I asked my Doctor why an A1C test, (shows average sugar levels over the last 6 months),   was not done on me during the last 2 years. He said insurance companies don't like to pay for it.
I have met death... almost a few times...many times I guess....  while there was no "bright light" to go to... one of the experiences was quite deep spiritually and I immediately felt the all encompassing overwhelming love energy of God.   Nothing else entered my mind once I saw the nurse lay my body flat on the bed.... I was in Love.

Alas I did not die any of those times ( I can prove this!) :D

I have a personal relationship with God, and after that one "close encounter" I never thought twice about the act of dying again.  Previously I didn't fear death because I "believed in" God and my illnesses had been so long, hard and painful I was more than ready to go.   There were times in between where I also succumbed to the depression of chronic illness and was more than ready to end this life to get on with the better one after.

I've read where it says it is appointed unto man once to die....  and that given life we can expect to get 3 score and 10 years at least.

I personally "know" within my very being that to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord....  and I wish all could know this Peace so they didn't have to fear death.    There is no "pause" between this world and the next, btw...  it's a blink of an eye, a moment here and then the moment there....  easier than an MRI!

Both of my parents are now passed.  It's still tough to be an orphan here.

:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
You are born, you suffer, you die. It is true in all of the animal kingdom. Why fight the natural order?
I will be like my dad, his dad, and most of the older people I work with... Death had better catch me in my sleep, or get me from behind with me being all unawares. That way, I ain't gotta chance to fight it.
I want to die in my sleep like my uncle, the bus driver.  Not screaming in panic like his passengers.  ;)
My Mom passed away in May. I watched her health degrading for a year, and her final month was in the hospital. I will NOT go that way, IF I can help it. Dad went four years back, spending nearly three months in the hospital.
It's rough, watching your parents go like that. Gotta be a better way.
LeeRevell said:
My Mom passed away in May.  I watched her health degrading for a year, and her final month was in the hospital.  I will NOT go that way, IF I can help it.  Dad went four years back, spending nearly three months in the hospital.
It's rough, watching your parents go like that.  Gotta be a better way.

I remember when I was in my 20's, watching my grandfather; my wild man, good times, mountain man of a grampa, fade away in a hospital out in Phoenix.  All I wanted to do was load him up in the car and drive into the mountains, we could sit under a tree and he could see that beauty for his last time here... instead of some beige crappy hospital wall.  It seems so wrong, that modern medicine has managed to eek out more existence for us, but not life.
I believe, but just not what Believers believe. ;-)

The restrictions of this forum make my response nearly impossible. I admire those who have been able to color within or right up against the lines here.

One of the most relevant comments I ever heard on this topic was that the only rational explanation for belief in any kind of afterlife is man's fundamental inability to comprehend that he is finite.

Vagabound said:
I believe, but just not what Believers believe. ;-)

The restrictions of this forum make my response nearly impossible. I admire those who have been able to color within or right up against the lines here.

One of the most relevant comments I ever heard on this topic was that the only rational explanation for belief in any kind of afterlife is man's fundamental inability to comprehend that he is finite.


Same for me, at least to the degree that I presume to understand what you allude to :)

The comment you referred to sounds like something I've heard Alan Watts say. Frankly, I think he's closer than most would, or even could, imagine.
Vagabound said:
One of the most relevant comments I ever heard on this topic was that the only rational explanation for belief in any kind of afterlife is man's fundamental inability to comprehend that he is finite.


 Man, is not finite, nothing is finite, everything on the planet and beyond is constantly changing structure, existing in a different form, constantly reinventing itself, that could be as simple as worm feed,  then fertilizer, etc and/or something else, everything is symbiotic. Our molecular structures changes after we die, What that metamorphosis is exactly or if we are somehow conscious of this no one can possibly know as long as we are in our current limited structure. That is where religions short change themselves.

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