How do you deal with stress?

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Dr. Ruth Westheimer had some pretty good ideas on relieving stress... Just saying! :cool:
Lot's of good advice and options and article link above. You've chosen this path because you find value, fill your time with things that bring you joy (when you can). So many choices; medition (many forms), walking, excercise, hobbies, laughter,crack a beer-or not, pour some wine-or not, and remember not to be too hard on yourself,there's only so much you can do in a day, and everything has a way of working itself out (even with out your worry and stress)! where's a will, there's a way, and when will's not enough or working..let go. :)
vanman2300 said:
Dr. Ruth Westheimer had some pretty good ideas on relieving stress... Just saying! :cool:
Worth Say'n..Yeah! She know's where it's at!..A litle music, dancing and two to Tango, Rumba, Somba or Cha-Cha! Ole'? LOL! :p
vanman2300 said:
Dr. Ruth Westheimer had some pretty good ideas on relieving stress... Just saying! :cool:
Whiskey-Alpha-foxtrot-Delta-Niner... I have aquired target..permision to 3-2-1 ..Lol :)
Sometimes all you need is to go outside your shelter (it feels extremely good when you're camping in a field for example) and shout. Very loud - to let your inner animal free. But you must be careful. Once I've almost scared my husband to death and now I'm always checking if there are any strangers near me. Also I'm not swearing, just complaining loudly (but with passion) :D
eDJ_ said:
I find a great stress reliever is in the hour before going to bed,

make a list of about 10 things I'd like to do or achieve the next day.  They don't have to
be big major things,  they could be places I'd like to see,  check the air pressure in the tires,
perhaps some place I'd like to try the food for lunch.  Just some things to serve as hand holds
on the next day to feel I have some purpose.  Then once that's done I can be at my leisure to
enjoy hobbies,  entertainment, and quality time alone.

Then just before turning in,  I'd pour a glass with about 2 or 3 ounces of red wine. (the redder the better)
and then turn in.  This helps to assure sound sleep and rest and waking up with a clear head.  You only need try this to see if it works for you.  Red wine is rich in "flavonoids" (anti oxidants) and is a good digestive aid. 

Thus, a good nights sleep, waking up with a clear head and sense of direction tends to de-stress my life. 
Another thing I try to do is eat a hand full of Tree Nuts.  Almonds, Hazel Nuts, Pecan's, Walnuts, Brazil Nuts,  Cashews, and Pistachios are some of the best.

But good nutrition and rest can be great stress relievers for our bodies.  Then we have to work on our "mental health" by learning to deal with things which would lead to stressing us out....thus making ourselves less vulnerable to them.   In a lot of ways it's what we would allow our minds to be fed and what would be
good for it.
 These are really great suggestions thank you for posting them, I found these really helpful
Dingfelder said:
If an activity, however wonderful, allows me to keep up an inner dialogue on what's bothering me, then that's just what I'll do.  Worse, I tend to multiply stress by obsessing on it and can go into a spiral of anxiety or depression.  I can't simply think or conclude or somehow understand my way out of stress.

I've found that the best and in my case pretty much the only thing to do is to distract myself with something that gives me no time to think about myself or anything in the world besides what I'm doing.  Something trivial but very intense.  For me, puzzle games on my tablet or computer work very well, especially if they are timed so I really have to concentrate.  As little as 10 or 15 minutes of being completely distracted from myself can give me enough of a breather to come back to life on an even keel, realizing on a necessary visceral level that there is something else that can fill my head but negativity and worry ... because I just proved it for 10 or 15 minutes straight.  Being distracted breaks the cycle.

My brain is a machine that sometimes needs to be reset, like a locomotive in a child's train set that can jump the rails.  It's not that the locomotive is bad; it just can't fix itself because the only thing it knows how to do is spin its wheels.  All it needs is a gentle hand to put it back on its tracks.

This is what I wish people who say “just think about what you are grateful for and do some positive affirmations, think positive more” and about 100 other helpful dogmatic sayings, would understand... they think that because they do it to change their minset that I can and should 

... but what if my brain doesn’t work like theirs? I just sit thru those helpful suggestions now and thank them, no point in trying to help them understand it doesn’t work for everyone. 

Ive been trying all that stuff for years and I just wind up wondering what’s wrong with me that i cant do it or it doesn’t work and so I feel worse because I’m failing at ‘feeling better’ ... 

Intense distractions, Small accomplishments, lists, specific (& sometimes difficult) tasks, these are the tools that help me. 

Also strenuous excercize out in nature or very difficult yoga 

And this thread. This thread has helped :)
For 66 years, denial has been a useful stress relieving tool for me. "Problems? What problems?" :D
Eat some magnesium rich foods such as peanut butter on whole grain bread, a tuna sandwich, a handful of cashews, dark chocolate, avocado.

In a couple of hours you will feel less stressed.

But also be sure to start taking some chromium supplement. It is truly a miracle mineral that is the most effective natural anti-depressant on the planet with no prescription needed. You can get it at any drug store. It is recommended by the American diabetes foundation because it helps regulate your blood sugar. It is a precursor for serotonin production. It cost very little, so take some every day. It won't change your personality, it will just make you feel the way you think normal people ought to feel. Wouldn't you love to wake up in an OK mood, be able to get out of bed and get stuff done instead of feeling blue, mopey and stressed out and in a manic mode? Take it and you can wake up in that nice, easy going mood for enjoying the day. No more up and down mood swings all day long.

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