There ya are! Darned if ya ain't. You know what they say? Everyone has to be somewhere.I found myself feeling less alone when I was alone then with a toxic person! I have kids... I’m never alone!
I’m about to retire... no need to be stuck in one place to long.
I'm dragging stuff from one large trailer to the smaller one right now. No hurry but I keep thinking that I've forgotten something. Will it fit or do I really need this? Of course the answer is NO. But maybe.
Being alone is not so bad so long as you have memories of good times and I have lots of those. Some are only mine, never shared.
From what I hear, read and see, my times have been more great and good than others.
You see, I've had a "home place" from very early on, The place my kids still call home.
That will remain until they no longer want it or have made their own "home place".
From my experience thus far, Toxic people run in pairs or groups. Judgmental is one badge they wear. Mouth turned down, squint eyed, only one way, my way! In the end it's like two cats squalling and batting back and forth, both are injured with each encounter. No one "wins". Move on sooner rather than later.
In my case and should be yours, Leave it ALL behind, try again to find a sunrise that is beautiful, Not the beginning of another hot/cold day. Don't expect another person to make your day pleasing, won't happen, can't happen. That is yours to choose. Like a flat tire, not "oh crap" it's "now, I have something to do" that is worth while.
Ever heard the old saying "time heals all wounds" Fact is even if that is true, there will be scars. Do your best not to make a display of those scars with a turned down mouth and squinty eyes. Suspicious of everything and everyone. In so doing, you will attract others with turned down mouths and squinty eyes. Not a good plan of action.
A set of wheels will not take you away from yourself.