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Feb 2, 2021
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Hey there! I'm new to the site, but I'm not new to motor life. I have some money saved and a 1999 Suburu Legacy with 74,000 miles to trade for a small motor home so that I won't kill anyone while driving it and is mechanically sound. My lease expires in a month and I have to be out in 28 days. Can anybody help?


What state are you at, and did you check RVTrader.com and the local Craiglist and RV dealers? Be ready to trade your car for a van if you don't get lucky in finding an  RV, and have a basic build.
Best of luck.
Welcome to the forum! 

Lots of dwellers use a subaru as the base vehicle for their build. Search subaru camping bob wells on youtube and you will come up with lots of subaru tours. Links to subaru tours on youtube and essentials list.

The issue you are facing is a lack of affordable motorhomes in good condtrion in this Covid 19 era. . It might be a real challenge to find one with the funds you will realize from the sale of the Subaru. I would start that hunt by talking it up with everyone you personally know asking them to spread the word. Also mention being open to a trade.
DaCarLady, Welcome to the forum and I hope you make the best of a bad situation you’ll find help in the form of answered questions and technical assistance here if you need it.
God Bless Us Every One! Thanks so much for all the information everyone! I'm sure I'll find my way out of here before too long. The problem seems mostly to be people who know way more about spiritual fucking overs than I do. But I'm gettin the hell outta here! I have a 0 reputation

oh...and lets not forget the hackers...theyre all over my computer
I'm really dealing with a lot of different factors here, including a bad EX boyfriend, his EX wife and her family, their friends, his brother the cop, racists, and I'm trying to get the system to allow video testimony for sexually assaulted children rather than making them face their attacker in court. So...you can imagine the enemies I'm making.

DaCarLady said:
I'm really dealing with a lot of different factors here, including a bad EX boyfriend, his EX wife and her family, their friends, his brother the cop, racists, and I'm trying to get the system to allow video testimony for sexually assaulted children rather than making them face their attacker in court. So...you can imagine the enemies I'm making.

I tried to get the phone number for the NAACP on my HARDWIRED internet connection on my laptop because I complained to the police about hackers in the neighborhood jacking my wireless mouse. They treated me like shit because I got an 18 month rent grant to stay here. BUT when I got on the NAACP website after talking to my caseworker about help filing a case, I couldn't get through to any links on their site. The blue circle just kept circling.

OH and I got TWO crazy jealous Indian women fighting with each other and WAY TOO WORRIED about me over a guy who's been my FREIND with no benefits for 15 years...I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT THE HELL BAD MEDICINE IS!!!

Check out my Instagram page @up_the_evolution
Thanks for all the advice and prayers! I'm getting there. I bought a bad ass 4X4 truck. Someone offered me a free camper, but I can't remember where the flamingo hell the conversation really is!


P.S. My reputation is still 0
Vehicles built for commercial use are so much better built. The RV is built for occasional weekend use as apposed to heavy daily use.
I went with a 26 ft shuttle bus and did the conversion myself. Total cost $8,000
Good Luck
God Bless
Check out bus conversions on skoolie.net. They also have great build threads.